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Mulan is one on the best??Disney??female heroines not only did she save the whole of China but she looked kick ass in armour.木兰是迪士尼最厉害的女英雄之一,不仅拯救了中国,穿起军装来还特别酷!Well now, it seems Disney agrees and has decided to give the princess a remake, following The Jungle Books success as well as Maleficent and Cinderella.最近,翻拍过《小泰山》《沉睡魔咒》和《灰姑娘》的迪士尼似乎决定翻拍木兰公主的故事了。Theres scant information available at the moment, but the company has revealed the release date and there has already been controversy around the casting details.有关翻拍的消息不是很多,但是迪士尼已经公布了上映日期,选角方面争议不断。So lets down to business sorry, we couldnt help ourselves and take a look at whats to come.下面就回归正题来看看都有什么消息吧。What is the release date?什么时候上映?The Walt Disney Studios confirmed the live action remake would open in theatres November 2, 2018 20 years after its first release...but now thats changed.华特迪士尼动画工作室此前表示翻拍将于2018年11月2日上映,距离动画片播出正好20周年。但是后来又做了调整。During Disney D23 Epxo Disney released details about a handful of movies, but when it came to Mulan the most noteworthy information was the change in release date. The movie is now slated for 2019, in either November or December.迪士尼D23展会放出了众多电影细节,有关《花木兰》最重要的消息就是上映日期推迟到了2019年11月或12月。No casting announcements were made, which may shed some light on why the date was pushed back.此前演员表尚未公布,这可能是上映日期延后的原因之一吧。Who will direct?导演是谁?Niki Caro will helm the film, while ‘Crouching Tiger’ producer Bill Kong is joining as executive producer, according to??Hollywood Reporter??.据好莱坞报道,妮基·卡罗Niki Caro担任导演,将为电影保驾护航,《卧虎藏龙》(Crouching Tiger)制作人江志强将担任执行制作人。Will there be music?有主题曲吗?Potentially no, but its not settled yet.可能没有,一切都还没有确定。In an interview with??Moviefone??, Caro talked about her approach to remaking the film.卡罗接受媒体Moviefone采访时谈到了翻拍《花木兰》的方式。“From what I understand, no songs right now, much to the horror of my children” she said.“根据我的理解是不需要音乐的,不过我的孩子都是这样讲的。”The artist to take on the title track is yet to be announced. Christina Aguilera sang Reflection for the 1998 animated film.制作主题曲的人选尚未公布,1998年动画片《花木兰》的主题曲是《Reflection》,由克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera)演唱。Who will star as Mulan?谁会扮演花木兰?We finally have our Mulan!我们的木兰人选终于出炉了!Chinese actor Liu Yifei, also known as Crystal Liu, has been cast for the lead role.中国演员刘亦菲将成为女主角。The Mulan casting appeal asked for someone with "credible martial arts skills" and the ability to speak English.《花木兰》选角要求是“要会高超武术”、会讲英语。Liu has lived in New York previously and acted in The Forbidden Kingdom, Outcast and The Chinese Window.刘亦菲曾在纽约居住,出演过《功夫之王》《白幽灵传奇之绝命逃亡》和《The Chinese Window》。Who will star as Li Shang?谁会扮演李翔?There is no Li Shang! A casting call notice lists another lead character Chen Honghui.没有李翔这个角色!选角招聘中写了另外一个主角——陈红辉。Will the cast be Chinese?演员全部是中国人吗?The original movie was based on the Chinese legend, and kept the characters in tune with the legend.原版电影根据中国故事拍摄,所有角色也与故事中一致。There was uproar at the idea of changing this, Disney was forced to confirm it was not "whitewashing" the film and said it the main role and all primary roles will be Chinese.改变角色也引发过争议,迪士尼保证过不会“白人化”这部电影,主要角色和大部分角色会是中国人。There were also rumours??Jennifer Lawrence??was in line to play the title role, with??Zac Efron??as Li Shang these have been denied.有传言说詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)也在主角人选中,扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)是李翔的候选人——但是这些传闻都被否认了。What can we expect?最值得期待的是?Niki Caro in an interview said it would be "a big, girly martial arts epic. It will be extremely muscular and thrilling and entertaining and moving.”妮基·卡罗在采访中说,这部电影会成为“一部伟大的女性武打史诗片,会非常有力量、激动人心,同时也不乏搞笑和感动在其中。”Who is behind the remake?《花木兰》幕后都有谁?Writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver Jurassic World were brought on to rewrite the spec script from 2015 theyre also working on the Avatar sequel.里克·杰法(??Rick Jaffa)和阿曼达·斯尔沃(Amanda Silver)从2015年起就开始担任剧本编剧了,两人还同时在创作《阿凡达》续集。Theres so many remakes, but Mulan stood out. Disney saw the writers spec, by Lauren Hynek and Elizabeth Martin. The idea is to take the legendary Chinese ballad and the 1998 animated film.在众多翻拍电影中,《花木兰》尤为醒目,迪士尼看中了伊丽莎白 马丁Elizabeth Martin和劳伦 亨尼克Lauren Hynek的剧本,想要翻拍这个中国传奇故事和1998年的动画版。Jason Reed is set to produce with Chris Bender and Jake Weiner.杰克·里德(Jason Reed )、克里斯 本德Chris Bender和杰克·维纳Jake Weiner共同担任制作人。



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