
安徒生童话:The Child in the Grave 墓里的孩子



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"oh, stay, stay!" she begged. "only for a moment longer! let me look at you once more, kiss you again, hold you fast in my arms!"

and she kissed him, holding him tightly. suddenly she heard her name called from far overhead, called in a sad, imploring tone! what could it mean?

"dont you hear?" said the child. "it is father calling you!"

and a few seconds later she heard deep sighs, which sounded as if they came from weeping children. "they are my sisters!" said the child. "oh, mother, surely you have not forgotten them!"

and now she remembered the beloved ones she had left in her home, and a great fear swept over her. she looked around her and saw the different forms that were continually gliding past, to disappear behind the black curtain. she imagined she recognized some of them; could her husband or her little girls be among them? no, their cries, their sighs, had come from far above her; she had nearly forgotten them for the dead.

"mother," said the child, "the bells of paradise are ringing! the sun is rising!"

then an overpowering light streamed out on her and the child was gone, and she herself was carried upward. then all was cold around her, and when she lifted her head she found herself lying on her childs grave in the churchyard. but in her dream the lord had become a rest for her foot, a light for her understanding. she sank to her knees and prayed, "o my lord forgive me that i wished to keep an immortal spirit from its flight into eternity and could forget my duties toward the living ones you have given me here!"

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安徒生童话:The Child in the Grave 墓里的孩子

安徒生童话:The Child in the Grave 墓里的孩子

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