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当太阳从地平线上升起时,非洲大草原苏醒了,万兽群集,荣耀欢呼,共同庆贺狮王木法沙和王后沙拉碧(Sarabi)的小王子辛巴(Simba)的诞生。When the sun rises from the horizon, the African savannah woke up, herd set, glory cheers, celebrate the lion Wang Mu method of sand and queen garden Sarabi of the birth of the little prince Simba .充满智慧的老山魈(一说狒狒)——巫师拉飞奇(Rafiki)为小辛巴兴起行了洗礼,他捧起一把细沙撒在小辛巴头上。但狮王木法沙(Mufasa)的弟弟刀疤对辛巴的出生却仇恨不已,他认为如果不是辛巴,自己将会继承王位,因此在他心中埋下了罪恶的种子。Wise old mandrill say baboons wizard Rafiki for the rise of little simba baptism, he took a spill sand on a little simbas head. But the sand Wang Mu method Mufasa brother scar on simba was born but hatred, he thinks that if not simba, oneself will inherit the throne, so in his mind buried the seeds of evil.时光飞逝,辛巴已经长成健康、聪明的小狮子了,可刀疤(Scar)却一刻也没有放弃对他的嫉恨。一次,在刀疤的引诱下,辛巴和好朋友娜娜去国界外的大象墓地探险,3只受刀疤指使的鬣狗(土狼)突然出现并围攻辛巴和娜娜。在这危急的时刻,木法沙及时赶到,赶走了土狼。返回途中,躲在暗处的刀疤为自己设下的圈套没有得逞而愤恨不已。Time flies, simba has grown up healthy and clever little lion, can Scar but a moment didnt give up on his jealousy. Once, under the lure of scar, simba and good friend nana to outside the borders of the elephant graveyard adventure, three by the scar of coyotes pop up and laid siege to simba and nala. In this moment of crisis, mufasa arrive in time, get rid of the hyenas. On his way home, hide in the shadows of scar set a trap for himself was failed and furious.刀疤对辛巴被救十分恼怒,他阴险地决定与土狼们勾结杀了木法沙和辛巴,并且向土狼们许诺等除掉木法沙和辛巴当上国王后,就让他们顺理成章地进入荣耀石(狮子王国)。Scar on simba was very angry, he decided to collusion with the hyenas insidious and killed mufasa simba, and hyenas to their promised to get rid of such as mufasa simba after the king, and let them naturally, into the the lion kingdom .几天以后,刀疤又引诱辛巴到了一个山谷,然后指使土狼们追击角马,让角马受惊使得角马群朝辛巴狂奔过来,木法沙又及时赶到,辛巴虽然得救,但木法沙却遭到了刀疤的暗算,被刀疤推下了山崖,洪水般的角马群冲过去了,辛巴在死寂的山谷里发现了一动不动的父亲,他心里充满悲痛和内疚,认为是自己害死了父亲。别有用心的刀疤极力怂恿辛巴逃走,同时又命令土狼们杀了他。但是,人算不如天算,辛巴在荆棘丛的掩护下逃过一劫,无奈,土狼们只好向着辛巴逃远的背影尖叫道:“如果你敢回来,我们就杀了你!”A few days later, scar and lure simba into a valley, and then letting the hyenas are pursuing wildebeest, let the wildebeest frightened the wildebeest group toward simba run to come over, mufasa and arrive in time, simba although be saved, but mufasa is countered by scar, scar is pushed down the cliff, a flood of wildebeest group rushed past, simba found motionless in the dead of the valleys father, he was filled with grief and guilt, believed to be killed his father. Ulterior motives of scar strongly encouraged simba fled, command hyenas killed him again at the same time. But, people calculate, simba escaped under the cover of the brambles, helpless, the coyote had to toward simba fled far back screamed: "if you dare to come back, we will kill you!" 木法沙死了,辛巴也就此失踪了,刀疤顺理成章地当上了国王,并将土狼们引进了荣耀石。Mufasa is dead, simba has disappeared, scar naturally, as a king, and the glory of the hyenas are introduced.辛巴一路没命地奔逃,直到筋疲力尽,昏倒在地上。两位好心的朋友——机智聪明的猫鼬丁满(Timon)和心地善良的疣猪彭彭(Pumbaa)救了他。Simba running for their lives all the way, until exhausted, faint in the ground. Two good friends, smart cat skunk Timon and kindness of warthog Pumbaa, Pumbaa saved him.丁满和彭彭教导辛巴要无忧无虑,不想过去,不想未来,也没有责任,只要为今天而活就可以了。日子一天天过去了,辛巴成长为一头英俊的雄狮,但过去那段时光却始终挥之不去。Timon and pumbaa teach simba to carefree, dont want to in the past, dont want to in the future, there is no responsibility, just live for today. The days passed, simba grow into a handsome head of a lion, but always lingering in the past time. 一次偶然之间,辛巴和儿时的伙伴娜娜相遇了。娜娜告诉辛巴,自从刀疤当上国王后,大家就处在水深火热之中,她希望辛巴回去拯救那里的难民,可却遭到了辛巴的拒绝。A chance, between simba and the childhood friends met nana. Nala tells simba, since the scar after the king, all is in hot water, she hopes to simba return to save the refugees there, but was refused to simba. 这时,巫师拉飞奇也找到了辛巴,在他的循循善诱和父亲神灵的教导下,辛巴决定回狮子王国拯救子民。At this point, the witches fly has also found simba, in his interview and under the teaching of the father spirit, simba decided to back the lion kingdom to save people. 回到狮子王国后,辛巴愤怒地向刀疤宣战:“这里已经不再属于你了!我回来啦,你选择吧,要么退位,要么就战斗!” 但狡猾的刀疤并不想就此认输,为了推延时间,他不断以辛巴害死父亲为借口诬陷辛巴,土狼也顺势将辛巴逼到了国王崖边,一个失足,辛巴从岩石上滑了下去。Back to the lion kingdom, simba angrily declared war on scar: "here is no longer belong to you! I am back, its your choice, or, or to fight!" But the cunning of scar and dont want to throw in the towel, in order to delay the time, he constantly in framed as an excuse to simba simba killed father, hyenas will also conveniently simba king pushed to the edge, a misstep, simba slipped down from the rocks.以为辛巴必死无疑的刀疤告诉了他杀了木法沙的事实。愤怒之中,辛巴化悲痛为力量,他奋力跃起,将刀疤打倒在地,并将这个卑鄙的叔叔推下了国王崖,刀疤成了土狼们的一顿美餐。这时,大雨倾盆而下,好像在滋润干涸已久的土地。随后,辛巴在拉飞奇的授意下走上国王崖,用怒吼声宣告他的继位,在母亲和朋友们的欢呼与祝福声中,正式宣布执掌政权,成为荣耀国新的国王。Thought simba die scar tells the fact that he killed mufasa. Rage, simba turn grief into strength, he sprinted will scar down, and the mean uncle king pushed down the cliff, scar became hyenas have a good meal. At this time, the rain pouring down, as if by moisturize dry land for a long time. Then, simba in flys behest took to the king cliff, with a shout he declared the succession, the cheers and of the mother and friends, officially announced the power, becomes the new king of glory.





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