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You may think you know the story of Rapunzel, but did you know that shes partly based on martyr Saint Barbara? Or that the Beast of "Beauty and the Beast" actually existed?


These six beloved fairy tales and nursery rhymes all have something in common: Their roots come from real people, places, and objects.


1The story of "Beauty and the Beast" was probably based on the tragic life of Petrus Gonsalvus.


According to Refinery 29, in 1537 there was a young boy named Petrus Gonsalvus who was regularly called a beast. Reportedly, this was most likely because he had a case of hypertrichosis, a condition that causes a person to grow hair all over their body, often referred to as "werewolf syndrome."

根据Refinery 29提供的内容,在1537年,有一个叫彼得勒斯·冈萨乌斯的小男孩经常被称作野兽。据报道,这很可能是因为他患有一例多毛症,这种病症会导致一个人的整个身体上都长出头发,这种症状通常被称为“狼人综合症”。

Gonsalvuswas just 10 years old when he was taken from his native country, Spain, and sent to the King of France to operate as a type of court jester. "King Henry decided to take on Gonsalvus as his little pet project,"Refinery 29wrote, "the king groomed Gonsalvus to be a nobleman."

彼得勒斯·冈萨乌斯从他的祖国西班牙被带走时才10岁,他被送往法国王室担任宫廷小丑。Refinery 29写道:“亨利国王决定将冈萨乌斯当成他的小宠物,还将冈萨乌斯打扮成贵族的样子。”

Eventually, King Henrys wife, Catherine deMedici who took over after the king died, found Gonsalvusa wife — coincidentally another woman named Catherine. Though it took some getting used to, the beauty fell in love with "the beast." They were married for 40 years and had seven kids together, four of which also had hypertrichosis.


2 There are theories that Snow White is based on one of two real women: Margaretha von Waldeck or Maria Sophia Margaretha Catherina von Erthal

有理论称白雪公主的故事的原型是两个真实存在的女人中的一个:玛佳丽塔(Margaretha von Waldeck)或者玛丽亚(Maria Sophia Margaretha Catherina von Erthal)

According to Mental Floss, von Waldeck lived in the German town of Waldeck of course during the mid 1500s. When she was 17, she left her fathers home, perhaps due to friction with her new stepmother, and moved to Brussels. There, she attracted the eye of Spains king, Philip II.

根据Mental Floss的说法,玛佳丽塔大约在1500年代中期住在德国小镇瓦尔德克(Waldeck)。她17岁那年,可能是由于与新继母的摩擦而离开了父亲的家,并搬到了布鲁塞尔。在那里,她吸引了西班牙国王菲利普二世的注意。

Soon thereafter she fell ill, and many believe she was poisoned, as the couple had their fair share of detractors who believed that marrying a coalminers daughter was beneath a king. Unfortunately, there was no true loves kiss to cure her, and she died at 21.


The other potential inspiration? Deep breath: Maria Sophia Margaretha Catherina von Erthal. The young woman also lived in Germany, according to the Independent, in a town called Lohr am Main. Born in 1729, she was the daughter of Prince Philipp Christoph von Erthal, whom she lived in a castle with. Turns out, her father owned a mirror factory.

白雪公主的故事还有没有其他的原型?也有可能是玛丽亚·索菲娅·玛格丽特·凯瑟琳娜·冯·埃塔尔。据《独立报》报道,这名年轻女子也住在德国,是住在一个名为美因河畔洛尔的小镇。她生于1729年,是菲利普·克里斯托弗·冯·埃塔尔王子(Philipp Christoph von Erthal)的女儿,他们一起住在一座城堡中。原来,她父亲拥有一家镜子工厂。

In fact, the castle they lived in is now open to the public as a museum, and inside one of the rooms is a "talking mirror," aka a toy that the prince gave to his second wife: the young baroness stepmother, whom she is said to have had a rocky relationship with.


3While the Pied Piper may not have been real, scholars generally agree that something in the German town of Hamelin happened that may have inspired the tale.


According to the fairytale, in 1284, the German town of Hamelin was experiencing a rat infestation, and thus hired a man to take care of it, the Pied Piper. However, the town double crossed him and refused to pay him, so in retaliation he played his pipe and kidnapped all the kids in town, never to be seen again.

在《吹笛人》这个童话故事里,1284年,德国小镇哈默林受到老鼠的侵扰,因此镇上的人雇了一个人来解决鼠患,这个人就是吹笛人(Pied Piper)。但是,镇上的人欺骗了他,拒绝付给他钱,因此,为了报复,他吹起了他的笛子,绑架了镇上的所有孩子,这些孩子从此消失了。

The first instance of this story is said to have been on a now destroyed stained glass window from around 1300 AD. The oldest written account that survived simply states that "In the year of 1284, on the day of Saints John and Paul on June 26, by a piper, clothed in many kinds of colours, 130 children born in Hamelin were seduced, and lost at the place of execution near the koppen."


Clearly, the story has changed and evolved over time, but there are a few theories that try to explain what actually happened. Some think the kids died of the plague, and that the Pied Piper was the personification of death, others that the kids were sent away by their parents due to their extreme poverty, while others again posit that the children were part of the "Childrens Crusade," a doomed, child led mission aimed at converting Muslims in the Holy Land to Christianity.


As Mental Floss wrote, "nearly all of the theorists seem to agree that the Pied Piper and his rat whispering abilities were the personification of a force that those left behind in Hamelin could not control."

正如Mental Floss所写,“几乎所有的理论家似乎都同意,吹笛人和他与老鼠窃窃私语的能力是留在哈默林的人所无法控制的力量的人格化。”

4"Frozen" is loosely based on the Hans Christian Andersen story of "The Snow Queen," and Elsas icy powers can be traced back to Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind.

《冰雪奇缘》大致上是基于汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安德森(Hans Christian Andersen)的《雪之女王》(The Snow Queen)这一故事,而艾尔莎(Elsa)的冰冷力量可以追溯到瑞典歌剧歌手詹妮·林德(Jenny Lind)身上。

"Frozen" is loosely based on the Hans Christian Andersen story of "The Snow Queen." The main similarity? Theres a queen with winter/snow/ice powers.

《冰雪奇缘》是根据汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安德森的故事《雪之女王》(The Snow Queen)制作的。这两个故事的主要相似之处在哪里呢?故事里都有一个和冬天/雪/冰有关系的女王。

But the fairy tale might not have just dropped into Andersens imagination. Rumor has it, the acclaimed Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind was the inspiration for the titular queen. Allegedly, after Lind rejected Andersens romantic pursuits, he turned her into the Snow Queen, a woman with a heart made of ice.

但是这个童话故事可能不仅仅落入了安徒生的想象中。有传言称,瑞典歌剧歌手詹妮·林德(Jenny Lind)是这位女王的灵感来源。据说,在林德(Lind)拒绝安徒生的浪漫追求之后,他把她变成了雪皇后(Snow Queen),一个有着冰做的心的女人。

5 The story of "Rapunzel" is based on the tragic life of Saint Barbara, who is thought to have lived in the third century.


The true story of Rapunzel is thought to be about a young woman in Italy named Barbara who was so beautiful that her father locked her away in a tower so no men could get to her. Though many asked for her hand in marriage, Barbara dedicated herself to God and a newfound Christian faith, and refused them all.


Her father, however, was a pagan, and not pleased about her Christianity. The story goes that when she prayed for help when he drew his sword on her, God created a hole in the tower for her to escape. Unfortunately, she was soon discovered, and eventually beheaded by her father — who was then struck by lightning.


5 Little Jack Horner, who stars in a nursery rhyme, was a real steward to the Abbot of Glastonbury in the 1500s.


In the nursery rhyme, a little boy named Jack finds a plum inside a Christmas pie. Metaphorically speaking, its about opportunism and greed — but some historians believe it originally had a much more literal meaning.


According to NPR, "Jack" Horner was actually Thomas Horner, a steward to the Abbot of Glastonbury. At the time, King Henry VIII was taking property from the church for himself, so Horner was sent to bribe the king with deeds to other plots of land, so the church could keep their own land. And where were these deeds? Baked inside a pie, to conceal them that said, the pie could have simply been a metaphor for concealment, not an actual pie.


Apparently, Horner decided to take a deed for himself, sticking his thumb into the pie to grab one for Mells Manor, a home in Somerset. The Horners went on to live there for hundreds of years.






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