
根据汉语意思完成句子 1.睡觉前妈妈总是讲故事给我听。 My mom always



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Jane and John sister and brother. They like music. Jane can play the piano, and she likes . She is in their school music club,. She often the piano on Sundays. But she play the violin. John can’t play the piano. But he play the violin. He plays it very . You can see lots of in his bedroom. In you can see all kinds of violins. Today they to carry a piano to bedroom. piano is heavy沉. They can’t it. parents aren’t at home. But they a cousin brother Mike. He is here today. They ask Mike to them.

1.A. is B. am C. are D. be

2.A. play the piano B. playing the piano C. it D. them

3.A. buys B. makes C. does D. plays

4.A. can B. can’t C. doesn’t D. don’t

5.A. can B. can’t C. doesn’t D. don’t

6.A. good B. well C. nice D. fine

7.A. computers B. sport shoes C. pictures D. basketballs

8.A. it B. them C. her D. him

9.A. like B. want C. can D. take

10.A. Jane B. her C. Jane’s D. hers

11.A. The B. a C. / D. A

12.A. take B. carry C. help D. want

13.A. Jane’s and John’s B. Jane and John’s C. They’s D. theirs

14.A. have B. like C. want D. need

15.A. come B. go C. join D. thank

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