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东北师范大学硕士学位论文In recent ti mes,mythol ogy, 埘t11i tsempatheti cal l yi ntui ti vewayofunderstandi ngtherel ati onshi pbetween man and cul ture,has become noted for i ts wi de researchappl i cati ons.Archetypalcri ti ci sm i srel ated to the mythol ogy, rel i gi ous ceremony, andthegeneralexperi enceof a nati on as wel li tspsychol ogi calcharacteri sti cs.It has exceeded ti me’ Sl i mi tati on and become a ki nd ofpsychol ogi cal aggregati on.Some archetypalcri ti cs consi derl i terature as the product of human sub—consci ousness.If we connectl i terature wi th thearchetypes that represent the nati on’ S sub consci ousness,we wi l lfi nd i tssi gni fi canceandeffect.Archetypalcri ti ci sm stems f rom Frazer’ Santhropol ogyandJ ung’ S psychol ogy.J amesFrazer, a Bri ti shanthropol ogi st,devotedhi s l i fe tO thestudyofmyths.Hi s masterpi ece,TheGol denBough,i s concernedwi th research onwi tchcraft,rel i gi onandpre—hi stori cal myth.C.GJ ung,ani nfl uenti alpsychol ogi st,consi dersthe sub consci ousness as notonl ya narrowconcepti onofpersonalunconsci ousness,but al so a broaderconcepti on i ncl udi ngtwoparts:externalpersonalunconsci ousnessand i nternalcol l ecti ve unconsci ousness.In hi sPsychol ogy ofthe Unconsci ous,he gi vesthefol l owi ng expl anati on:“ Theextemalpersonalunconsci ousness comes f rompersonal experi enceand i scomposedof aperson’ Sl ove knots.’ ’The i ntemalcol l ecti ve unconsci ousnessthe“ i nner drama whi ch thepri mi ti ve manredi scovered” .Ita“ raci alrecol l ecti on’ ’ thatexceeds the i ndi vi duala ki nd ofpsychol ogi cal aggregati onthat i spasseddownf romgenerati ontogenerati on.1For theterm“ archetypes” ,heconcl udes thati t i s mani fested that i n the recurrence ofcertai ni mages,stori es,fi gures cal l ed“ archetypes” ,a psychol ogi calresi due of numberl essexperi enceof the sametypehas emerged.。In such a way, J ung appl i es hi s psychol ogi calresearch tol i terature.Archetype,i nessence,i s the myth character and a ki nd of medi umthatemphasi zesthe subconsci ouspsychol ogi cal aggregati on.Many l i terary cri ti cs have made efforts to furtherdevel optheconcept of archetypalcri ti ci smafter Frazer andJ ung.Among them,Northrop Fryehas been the most successful andcel ebrated one.In hi s Anat omy of Cri ti ci sm,Frye presentsa new defi ni ti on of the term“ archetype” :“ a typi calorrecurri ng i mage.a symbol that connects onepoemwi th another andthereby hel pstouni fyandi ntegrateour l i terary experi ence.Andas thearchetypei s thecommuni cabl esymb01.archetypalcri ti ci smi spri mari l yconcerned wi tl l l i terature as a soci alfact and as a mode ofcommuni cati on.’Frye transpl antstheconcept of“ archetype’ ’ fromthe fi el ds ofanthropol ogyandpsychol ogyto thel i teraryfi el d andmakes“ archetype’ ’ a purel yl i terary concept.Fryeconsi ders l i terature as the revi valofmyths andrel i gi ousri tual s thatC.G.J ung.P州chol ogv oftheUnconsci ous.tl al l S.and i ntrod.Beatri ceM.Hi nkl e.London:KeganPaul .c1993,pl59.C.G.J ung.The Archetypesand the Col l ecti ve Unconsci ous,Trby R.F.C.Hul l .Bei j i ng:Chi naSoci al Sci encesPubl i shi ngHouSe.c1999.p175.Frye Northrop.Anatomy ofCri ti ci sm:four essays.Pri nceton:Pri nceton Uni versi ty Press,1957。P99.





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