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BEFORE READING ACTIVITIES oxford bookworms Library stage 1 the Bridge and Other LOve stOriesactivities answersThe Bridge and Other Love Stories stage 1 oxford university pressactivity 1 before reading1 No 4 No2 Yes 5 Yes3 No 6 Noactivity 2 before readingEncourage students to speculate and make guesses, but do not tell them the answers. They will fi nd out as they read that the answers are 1b, 2c, 3a, 4d.activity 3 before readingAll Stories: coffee, friend, happy, love, question, smilePlan for Love: bike, musicThe Maker of Cakes: ring, rosesThe Bridge: gun, riverAfter Readingactivity 1 after reading1 + 15 Dragan loved Nina very much, and she loved him too.2 + 16 Luke wanted to talk to Charlotte, but he couldn t find the right words.3 + 20 Nina saw Dragan across the bridge, and she called his name. 4 + 11 Lucy saw Sam s cakes on the TV news, so she ran to the caf .5 + 13 Gemma was in love with Luke, but he was just a friend to her.6 + 17 Becky was excited about Sam s idea, so she kissed him in the caf .7 + 19 Alma was afraid to go back to her home town because she could not forget the sad story of her sister Nina.8 + 14 Charlotte wanted to go to Eastwater because she loved shopping.9 + 18 Sam made some cakes for Lucy, and he put them in the window.10 + 12 Barbara met her friend Alma when they studied medicine together in Vienna.activity 2 after readingDear BarbaraHow are you? How is life in Salzburg? Are you very busy? I ve got a job at the hospital here, and I m working hard. I m working in the children s clinic, and I love it. But I get very tired! I often walk along by the river, and I remember our fi rst visit to the bridge. Some days there are a lot of fl owers in the water. I love to see them there. Sometimes I cry, but usually I smile, and I think about Nina. And I ve got some news for you. I ve got a new boyfriend he s a doctor too, and his name is Mario. He s really very nice. Perhaps one day I can drop a fl ower into the river for Nina!With loveAlmaactivity 3 after re...





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