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用英文概述《花木兰》的故事 并对花木兰作出评价急用!用英文概述《花木兰》的故事



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唧唧唧唧,木兰对着门在织布.花木兰的爸爸听不到织布的声音,只听见女儿的叹息声. 花木兰的爸爸问:姑娘你这样叹息是在思念什么,在回想什么呢?木兰回答道:“木兰没有思念什么,也没有回想什么. 昨夜我看见军中的文告,知道皇上在大规模地征兵,征兵的名册很多卷,上面都有父亲的名字.父亲没有大儿子,木兰没有兄长,愿意为此去买鞍马,从此替代父亲去应征.” 东市买骏马,西市买马鞍下的垫子,南市买驾牲口用的嚼子和缰绳,北市买驾牲口的鞭子.早上辞别父母上路,晚上宿营在黄河边,听不见父母呼唤女儿的声音,只能听到黄河的流水声.早上辞别黄河上路,晚上到达黑山头,听不见父母呼唤女儿的声音,只能听到燕山胡人的战马啾啾的鸣叫声. 不怕万里征程的遥远,奔赴战场,像飞一样地跨过一道道的关,越过一座座的山.北方的寒气传送着打更的声音,清冷的月光映照着战士们的铁甲战袍.征战多年,经历很多战斗,许多将士战死沙场,木兰等幸存者胜利归来. 胜利归来朝见天子,天子坐在殿堂上(论功行赏).木兰被记了很大的功劳,赏赐了很多财物.天子问木兰想要什么,木兰不愿做官,只希望骑上一匹千里马,送木兰回故乡. 父母听说女儿回来了,互相搀扶着到外城来迎接木兰;姐姐听说妹妹回来了,对着门户梳妆打扮起来;弟弟听说姐姐回来了,忙着霍霍地磨刀准备杀猪宰羊.(木兰回到家里)打开东边的阁楼门,坐坐西边内房的坐榻,脱去我打仗时穿的战袍,穿上我以前女孩子的衣裳,对着窗子整理像云一样柔美的鬓发,对着镜子在额上贴好花黄.出门去见同去出征的伙伴,伙伴们都很吃惊地说:我们同行多年,竟然不知道木兰是女孩子. 把兔子耳朵拎起时,雄兔的两只前脚时时动弹,雌兔的两眼时常眯着.雄雌两兔一起并排着跑,怎能分辨得出哪个是雄兔,哪个是雌兔呢? 点评: 花木兰生活在北魏前期,北魏是鲜卑族拓跋部建立的,西晋未年曾被封为代王,后为苻坚所灭.苻坚在淝水之战中失败,拓跋氏复国,改国号为“魏”,经过五、六十年的征战,结束“五胡乱华”的十国时代,统一黄河流域. 木兰是一个好女儿,替父从军的意志,实为对父亲的爱心与对祖国的忠心的凝聚,是巾帼英雄本色的表现. Chirp chirp, magnolia facing the door weaving. Hua Mulans father can not hear the voice of weaving, one could hear her daughters sighs. Hua Mulans father asked: girl like you sigh at the thoughts of what what in retrospect? Mulan replied: "Mulan did not miss anything, do not recall anything. Last night I saw the message in the military know that the emperor in the large scale conscription, conscription register a lot of volume, above all his fathers name. Father is not the eldest son, magnolia no brother, willing to buy the pommel horse, from his father to apply for an alternative. " East Market to buy a horse, Western saddle under the city to buy mats, driving cattle to buy Nanshi promoter and used in chewing the reins, the whip Taipei to buy cattle drive. Morning farewell to parents, the road, camping at night in the Yellow River, hear the voices of parents calling for her daughter and can only hear the sound of the Yellow River water. Morning farewell to the Yellow River road, at night to reach the black hills, hear the voices of parents calling for her daughter, only to hear the horses Jojo Yanshan barbarian their calls. Are not afraid of the journey thousands of miles distant, rushed to the battlefield, like flying across the land like a Road Commissioner, a seat across the mountain. North to send the Dageng cold voice, the cold moonlight shines upon the soldiers of the armored shirt. Expeditions for many years, through a lot of fighting, many soldiers killed in battle, Mulan and other survivors of the triumphant return. Victorious return audience with the emperor, the emperor sat in the halls of reward on merit. Magnolia has been recorded a lot of credit, reward a lot of property. The emperor asked what you want to Magnolia, magnolias do not want an official, just want to ride a Maxima, to send back home magnolia. The parents learned that their daughter back, another arm to the outer city to meet the magnolia; sister heard about his sister back, facing the door dressing up; brother heard his sister back, busy sharpening its ax to prepare a feminist zaiyang. Magnolia back home to open the east of the loft door, sit inside the room, sitting couch west, fighting off I wear the shirt, put on my previous girl clothes, facing the window, finishing as soft as clouds of hair on the temples, mirror posted in a good amount of yellow flowers. To set off out to meet with partners, partners who are very surprised to say: We are peers for many years, actually do not know Mu lan a girl. Picked up the rabbit ears, the male rabbits of the two front foot from time to time move, two female rabbits often amused. Semifinal with two side by side with rabbit run, how can they distinguish which is the male rabbits obtained, which is the female rabbits do? Comments: Mulan live in the early Northern Wei Dynasty, Northern Wei Dynasty was established by the Ministry Xianbei Tuoba, Jin has not been called one year on behalf of the king, after the eradication of Fu Jian. Fu Jian defeat in the Battle of Fei River, Tuoba complex country, changing the country to "Wei", and five or six decades to war over "the barbarian invasions of China," the era of the ten countries, united the Yellow River Basin. Magnolia is a good daughter, will join the army for the father is indeed his fathers love and loyalty to the motherland, the condensation is heroine character performance.

用英文概述《花木兰》的故事 并对花木兰作出评价急用!用英文概述《花木兰》的故事 并对花木兰作出评价小弟在这里给你们下跪了!

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用英文概述《花木兰》的故事 并对花木兰作出评价急用!用英文概述《花木兰》的故事

用英文概述《花木兰》的故事 并对花木兰作出评价急用!用英文概述《花木兰》的故事


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用英文概述《花木兰》的故事 并对花木兰作出评价急用!用英文概述《花木兰》的故事


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用英文概述《花木兰》的故事 并对花木兰作出评价急用!用英文概述《花木兰》的故事


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