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孙良 | 独行者艺术史



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孙良 Sun Liang



On this path, he willfully gathers cultural resources from the East and the West,

engaging in the humanistic

discourse of urban environment and the countryside,

without any westernized or clichés inspired by his character, hobbies, sensibilities

and exploring spirit.

At the first glance of his artwork, one would determine that

this artist is Chinese, from Shanghai.


Adapted of 『Art History of a Non-conformist——Notes on Sun Liang’s Artworks』

漫幻 2007

情慵 2010

失血月亮 2010

滑凝 2011

幽思 2012

沉坠 2012

幽灵星辰 2013

心愿之外 2012

几乎在天上 2012


“只要有卡夫卡/ 再加上一位梦游的女郎/ 你就能征服世界/ 哪怕是天下着雨/ 哪怕是雨遮住了历史的苦难与辉煌”——这是我在捷克布拉格写下的诗句。当我看见孙良在捷克做的玻璃作品时,真的感到很惊讶,他能够如此准确而又特殊地把握艺术创作的在地感,又能够那么坦然而娴熟地将他者性融入自我之中。可以说,正是如此禀性造就了孙良的艺术,其独特性在中国艺术家中是很少见的。





































BY Wang Lin

As long as Kafka is there / with a sleepwalking woman / you will overcome the world / even if it rains / even if rain covers the all the pains and glories in history - This is the poem I wrote in Prague, Czech Republic. I was amazed by the glass works Sun Liang made in the Czech Republic, his precision and unique command on the essence of artistic practice, as well as his graceful integration of the otherness into his own. In other words, his characteristics make the art of Sun Liang, and his uniqueness is rare among Chinese artists.

Sun Liang is a Shanghai artist. Since his college years, he’s been living in Shanghai over three decades.

Shanghai is very unique among Chinese cities, its citizens have never expressed despise toward the colonial era. In the Chinese text books, the colonizers have always been portrayed as the enemies, savage invaders rather than messengers of civilizations. Shanghai’s becoming of the China’s largest modernized city, and its diverse modern cultures are related to itsfounding colonization, in other words, even as the outcome of colonialism. In fact, the modernization process of Chinese society has always been pegged to the mutual existence of Western civilization with the other, but the invasions of the others or the dichotomy we resist. The principle is the same, as western civilization stepping into modernization was equally influenced by the oriental and other civilizations, as modernization has always been a global process. In this perspective, as much as modern Chinese history needs to emphasize its cultural identity, we shouldn’t address class struggle on an international level, or to imagine the West, Euro-America as the enemy in the historical and real context.

Having said that, Sun Liang’s artworks are unique, because he took on a new creative path. On this path, he willfully gathers cultural resources from the East and the West, engaging in the humanistic discourse of urban environment and the countryside, without any westernized or clichés inspired by his character, hobbies, sensibilities and exploring spirit. At the first glance of his artwork, one would determine that this artist is Chinese, from Shanghai. If one were to look into contemporary Chinese art, no one paints, makes or plays like him – Sun Liang likes the word Play. In my understanding, playing suggests interest, hobbies, and being fully engaged as children play, something that is indispensible in his life. One phrase sums it up, It is primarily about playing, some things are done in passing, while you are doing it, give your best.

This phrase best describes Sun Liang.

I. An Explorer of the 1980s

In the 1980s, Chinese art underwent a period of transitions. First, there was the emergence of countryside paintings, as a part of the official realist collective tradition, inseminating the urgency to reflect on the history and individual artistic language. Although its breakthrough was limited, it truly stimulated the creative impulse of the young generation. Once the individual expression opened up, like a Pandora box, it’d be difficult to shut down again. The rejection made by the 85’ New Waves Movement to the collective tradition, its core both emphasized self-expression and the importance of self-emancipation. The young artists count on western art in the premise of Western modern art. While the participants and promoters of the New Waves Art Movement often emphasized on the power of the collective in order to occupy cultural power, which was not much different from the occupation of hills in the labor revolutions. In this movement of visual revolution, the Shanghai artists wondered on the peripheries, wondered about and did not engage. Their inherent individualities were influenced to the history of modern Shanghainese culture. The Shanghainese neither enjoys to form into cliques, nor do they like to ingratiate to the center, the artists loathe the narrative of Beijing-centrism, where the difference of these two cities are made obvious.

Sun Liang is a Shanghai artist of such type, a participant of the New Waves Art Movement, while remaining as an outsider.

He graduated from the Shanghai Light Industry Institute, Art and Design Department in 1982, where he endeavored in the study, creative practice and exploration of modern art. With the works he has left behind, they can be generally divided into four genres.

The first is still objects. Vases and flowers, as a continuation of drawing from his studies at the institute, while it is also apparent that Sun Liang was influence by the Post-impressionism. His images are intense and fierce, the sense of light is liberally distributed as he emphasized on the contours, in preparation for his later works.

The second is landscape paintings. Primarily of architectures, the artist uses rich colors and apparent textures in his works. The works did not focus on spatial depth in the image, but compositional distribution, mostly using straightforward geometric forms, highlighting forms. Some of the works were influenced by black cubism, painting the object into overlapping forms.

The third genre is portraits. There are the realistic and the expressive, some pare painted figuratively, and some with simple lines. It is as if Sun Liang does not enjoy painting figures, who does not seem to have to patience to depict his object. It might be related to his background in design, as well as his playful and ever-changing nature

The fourth genre is his surrealist works. His flickering sense of color, Miro’s romantic constructs of symbols, and Chagall’s imagination of figures are apparent in Sun Liang’s paintings. Among them, fish, birds and owls are the types of premonitions, revealing the artist’s interests in exploring.

This is a period when Sun Liang explored his creative directions. Other than his oil paintings, he has also made works of collage and experimented with abstract ink painting. In 1988, he has initiated some Shanghai artists to make installations – performance The Last Supper. These works, especially his works on canvas convey the uniqueness of his artistic sensibilities. For instance, his composition, translucent and sharp transformations, however, these aspects are not integrated into a creative mode and artistic language. At that time Sun Liang wondered through various spaces, lonely and hesitant, aloof and indecisive, as seen in his work such as,Wonderous Door, Projection, The Green Room,

The Red Room.

He needed an opportunity, a challenging objective while challenging himself.

II. An Observer of the 89’ Movement

The 1989 political incident has had unimaginable impact on all young artists in China. External pressure was felt immediately, The New Waves Movement in artistic practices came to a sudden halt. The intermission of the movement allowed those thoughtful artists to re-examine their creative impulses. For Sun Liang, the intense psychological impact gave him insomnia. Vital forces transformed into death, the figures became skeletons. His images suddenly became focused and articulated. If we were to compare his paintings from 1988, we would realize that 1989 marked a breakpoint in Sun Liang’s artistic practice. As a genuine artist, he could not avoid the sorrow in his heart.

For about three years, Sun Liang was immersed in stressful and desperate mood, he felt bewildered, absurd and confused with everything around him. His paintings became more bizarre, there were marriage of death, compelling chess games, the world in the eye of a fly, the dead yet moving centipede. The skeleton was a primary icon of this period, seen in many paintings. As a symbol of death, Sun Liang’s paintings depict either the blood of terror, or ferocious laugh, often with the fallen or falling skull, whose commemoration of the death of an era and of history is deeply ingrained. He appropriated the jingweibird found in Chinese legends, the Icarus, Ophelia, and Jesus Christ in Western cultural stories to express his mourning of death and disasters. While the Chinese art world was silent, evasive and forgotten those who were compromised, Sun Liang documented his psychological journey and others who shared his experience, with a number of grim artworks.

I first saw these works in the Garage exhibition in 1992. That was a true underground art exhibition, located in the underground parking of a building on Yueyang road in Shanghai. I remember at the opening of the exhibition, the metallic rolling gate of the garage slowly lifted, a line of participating artists unveiled to the audience from their feet to their heads, the atmosphere was solemn and respectful. To have exhibited Sun Liang’s works in this exhibition, it has its unique commemorative meaning.

The hardships Chinese intellectuals have endured were rarely iterated comprehensively or in depth, the intellectual emancipation of the 1980s was only a short-lived honeymoon. The rejection of the Cultural Revolution is marked by a point of contact between the top and bottom regardless of their interests. Yet, the intellectuals’ reflection and criticism on historical depth were quickly considered as rebellion against those in power. The halt of intellectual engagement in 1989 came suddenly and vehemently, those intellectuals who have just gathered have yet prepared themselves mentally, absconding, fleeing, isolation, and mostly collapsed. The Bed of Marriage, Through the Wedding Ring and other works concerning the death of marriage or the dead marriage are symbolic of history. The 1980s that was full of ideology and romance concluded, for Sun Liang, it was painful, desperate and absurd. He could only confront the canvas as he lived through incessant insomnia. From this time onwards, various figures invaded his canvas, the imposition of the external world on his mind became a mode of composition in Sun Liang’s paintings.

Yet, Sun Liang was not fearful, his imageries always presented an outward tension. He painted the screaming mouth, the sticking of the tongue, the dilated pupil - in skulls, figures and animals. His mix of lines, thick brushworks and dense colors allow the viewer to sense of anguish and contentious hatred. The compartments in depth and sparse lighting, the figures dispersed on his images are perplexed, at loss, melancholic and sad, the dynamics and relationships flow in space independently.

If these paintings would be shown years later, I believe they would generate different meanings. History cannot be forgotten. Our reiteration of history does not necessarily consist of factual documentations, for the psychology of the mind, perhaps the memories of spiritual wound is more important.

III. Sleepwalker of Urban Culture

For 1989, due to external pressure, those in power had no choice but to weaken their strategy, at the same time, with the demand of economic development, the government continued its open policy to the West. Advanced communication was becoming popularized in the cities and the countryside. The populous has been striving for the rights and modes of free expression.

Having experienced the creative phase of the 1989, Sun Liang released his sentiments, in which he has also found a parameter of subjects and iconic characteristics. After 1992, his painting style changed drastically, his imageries became light, thin and illusive, extracted from real senses, and entering into dreamlike scenarios.

This type of paintings continued for two decades.

The Chinese art world underwent drastic changes in the last two decades. From stepping onto the international arena as the other to the capitalist market operations, from art stars to official systems, Sun Liang’s contemporaries transformed from the revolutionaries of yesteryear to the successful artists, who swim in business, official functions and fashion shows. Although Sun Liang has participated in the exhibition Road to the East of the 45th Venice Biennale in 1993, while he was not one of the Chinese Pop artists that Olivo Bonito promoted. He did not want to follow any trend, immersing himself in his dreamscapes unwilling to exit, by which to resist changing and boring world and the distasteful history.

Sun Liang had all sorts of dreams, they were deep, light, soft, wonders, drunken, lost, illusive, frigid, shattered and day dreams, living in a wicked world. It is a world of spiders and toads, the caves of swimming snakes and starfish, where there is no shortage of fins and feathers, scale and shell, sharp paws, long beaks, preys and monsters, as well as feather man and cat woman. Sun Liang observed them as if they happened in a glass bottle: where these spirituals were afloat as smokes, transforming into mysterious bodies; sometimes they dispersed as clouds, leaving their beautiful shadows behind – he captured his imaginations on his images, while painting his imaginations by which to become one with his imagination.

All of these imaginations are urban: sophisticated decorative characteristics, suitable for the hedonist consumption; artificial seductions suggest privacy in the night lives. They are wonderful and appealing, while they are illusive and at loss. The rapid development of Chinese urban areas as well as the surging course of urbanization has made all familiar cities bewildering. Sun Liang did not depict the cities perse, or to represent the urban dwellers, while his illusive realms are filled with urban cultural atmosphere and flavors of life, projecting the sense of loss and wander in urban psyche. Such unspeakable mood enshrouds every corner in cities throughout China, whether it is the crowded Pacific Plaza, or the freelancer populated Starbucks Coffee. I think Sun Liang’s paintings can be place in various spaces in the city, malls, hotels, bars, teahouses and etc., as the hustling urban life contrasts with its spiritual void, while in Sun Liang’s works, the void and passion is both an expression and a revelation.

Sun Liang was the first artist to depict the urban kitsch. The Rococo art and new art of the 19th century familiar to Shanghai life, are not mal used into erupting urban luxury, bastardizeddecoration is ubiquitous. Sun Liang is deeply affected by it, on the one hand he adopts this aspect into his paintings extracting the audacious and discard the kitsch, on the other hand using imagination on eroticism to satirize people desires beyond culture. On Sun Liang’s sophisticated, aesthetically pleasing and decorative images, we experience a diverse and appealing post-modern cultural atmosphere. Sun Liang is keen on integrating life with emotions, culture and context, history and individual relationships into his imageries. The key is to incorporate the decorative to the contemporary painting. Modern art has once categorized the decorative as the monster, while the decorative comes from society that comes from humanism, may project the historical transformations. It is not the differentiation between the elitist urban taste or the populus, but resources that contemporary art may adapt. The creativity Sun Liang has exemplified in this regard is the most outstanding in the Chinese art world.

IV. Interventionist of Various Media

In Chinese contemporary art, the Shanghai artists pride on quality. It is not only an exigence on creativity, but also on artistic language, their perspective on the relationship between material and sensibility is unique. Sun Liang is most certainly a pro and a professional player.

He experimented with various painting materials and other materials, on canvas, paper, silk, fur, copper plate, celluloid, skin (tattoo) and etc. His painting materials varied from oil paint, acrylic, ink, marker and even nail polish. After 1999, while Sun Liang continues to paint, he experimented with a new medium every year. He’s made sculptures, installations, video and furniture design. No matter what and how he played, he hasn’t parted from his central practice. He has maintained his command in his paintings. The breakthrough and expansion of his boundaries undoubtedly allowed him to express his emotions, explore his potentials while maintaining creative vitality in a greater parameter. Sun Liang’s confidence is shown in his release of innate nature and confronting challenges. He sets obstacles for himself to text his ability of introspection. To which, compare to those artists who tailors to others needs and observes the art market, Sun is more genuine, poised and true. Unfortunately, in the Chinese art world, artists like Sun Liang are few, where opportunists are bountiful.

Sun Liang has had an exhibition of oil painting on skin, entitled, The Lost Sky. His painting on leather did not only replace the material on which the works were painted. Leather comes from animals, both its form and quality implies animal nature, providing a sense of the body in the material. All of the birds and monsters under Sun Liang’s brush are not only integrated into reality, but also contrasting in gathering and departure. The value of the leather and the sophistication of the image compliment each other, while contributes to urban aesthetics. The irregular shape of the leather encourages for imagination on the image, bringing new possibilities for the decorative and installation of the artwork. Equally, this effect is also found in Sun Liang’s works on silk. The natural marriage between the lightness and the movement of the material came into a dreamlike image. The translucent property of the silk coupled with rich colors, best projects the obscure light of the image. Sun Liang often fully incorporates the exhibition scene, to render a particular spatial experience. Over time, Sun Liang has always been infatuated with ink painting. From his earlier period of abstract ink painting to the deformed birds and flowers in recent years, Sun Liang enjoys fluidity and natural dispersion of ink on paper. He enjoys painting vignettes of the changing seasons, blossoms and fallen leaves, with sentimental words. His images are refreshing and willful, light yet poised, by which to maintain his position of self-fulfillment and enjoyment.

Among Sun Liang’s artworks, his glass works are the most worth mentioning. The transparency and exquisiteness of glass is the most suitable to his pursuit of imagination on of figures and forms. While its qualities of rigidity and the fragility best translates Sun Liang’s revelation and irony on contemporary urban culture. His command on color is refined and delicate, paired with glass or, particularly, crystal’s reflections, enriches and refreshes the artwork. In the composition of the artworks, Sun Liang’s skills in design and his experience with painting, whether making works on containers, or figurative compositions, he can be willful and at ease with his practice. As large as glass chair installation, as small as wine glasses, Sun Liang has infused the Bohemian – the spirit of the free wanderer and self-exile into his artworks. The frigidity of the material and the vibrancy of the colors, the inclusivity of the containers and the outwardness of the figures, allow one to hear the singing of the sea monsters and the curse of the witch through their contrasting tension. No wonder Sun Liang travels to the Czech Republic, homeland of the Bohemians, no wonder he loves the sacred cup that was once filled with blood – he cannot give up the freedom in his artistic spirit, neither could he forget the bloodshed and cruelty in attaining freedom.

When Sun Liang has integrated the desires and seduction of the city, the dreams and loss of the spirit, the uniqueness and wonders of art together, we are able to recognize a humble artist, he is nave, who makes art because of his passion; he is hardworking, who strives for perfection in his artworks; he is romantic, who refuse to be trendy in order to maintain individual freedom. This is the kind of artist and person he is – if one were to write the history of art, Sun Liang is definitely not part of the mainstream: or the history of art compromises with him, or he has changed the course of art history.

March 9th, 2012


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