
发生在圣诞节的感人故事Happen in a touching Christmas story.doc



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发生在圣诞节的感人故事Happen in a touching Christmas story reentl divred, i as in 20s, had n b and as n a dntn t g the runds f the eplent ffies i had n ubrella, fr ld ne had fallen apart, and i uld nt affrd anther ne i sat dn in the streetar and there against the seat as a beautiful sil ubrella ith a silver handle inlaid ith gld and nes f bright enael i had never seen anthing s lvel i exained the handle and sa a nae engraved ang the glden srlls the usual predure uld have been t turn in the ubrella t the ndutr, but n ipulse i deided t tae it ith e and find the ner self i gt ff the streetar in a dnpur and thanfull pened the ubrella t prtet self then i searhed a telephne b fr the nae n the ubrella and fund it i alled and a lad ansered es, she said in surprise, that as her ubrella, hih her parents, n dead, had given her fr a birthda present but, she added, it had been stlen fr her ler at shl she as a teaher re than a ear befre she as s exited that i frgt i as ling fr a b and ent diretl t her sall huse she t the ubrella, and her ees filled ith tears the teaher anted t give e a reard, but thugh tent dllars as all i had in the rld her happiness at retrieving this speial pssessin as suh that t have aepted ne uld have spiled sething e taled fr a hile, and i ust have given her address i dn’t reeber the next six nths ere rethed i as able t btain nl teprar eplent here and there, fr a sall salar but i put aside tent five r fift ents hen i uld affrd it fr lithe girl’s hristas presents last b ended the da befre hristas, thirt dllar rent as sn due, and 1 had fifteen dllars t nae hih pegg and i uld need fr fd she as he fr nvent barding shl and as exitedl ling frard t her gifs next da, hih i had alread purhased i had bugh her a sall tree, and e ere ging t derate it that night the air as full f the sund f hristas errient as i aled fr the streetar t sall apartent bells rang and hildren shuted in the bitter dus f the evening, and inds ere lighted and everne as running and laughing but there shuld be n hristas fr e, i ne, n gifts, n reebrane hatsever as l struggled thrugh the sndrifts, l had ust abut reahed the lest pint in life unless a irale happened, i uld be heless in anuar, fdless, bless i had praed steadil fr ees, and there had been n anser but this ldness and darness, this harsh air, this abandnent gd and en had pletel frgtten e i felt s helpless and s lnel hat as t bee f us? i led in ail bx there ere nl bills in it, a sheaf f the, and t hite envelpes hih i as sure ntained re bills i ent up three dust flights f stairs and i ried, shivering in thin at but i ade self sile s i uld greet little daughter ith a pretense f happiness she pened the dr fr e and thre herself in ars, sreaing usl and deanding that e derate the tree iediatel pegg had prudl set ur ithen table fr ur evening eal and put pans ut and three ans f fd hih uld be ur dinner fr se reasn, hen i led at thse pans and ans, i felt brenhearted e uld have nl haburgers fr ur hristas dinner trr i std in the ld little ithen, iser verheled e fr the first tie in life, i dubted the existene and his er, and the ldness in heart as lder than ie the drbell rang and pegg ran fleetl t anser it, alling that it ust be santa laus then i heard a an taling heartil t her and ent t the dr he as a deliver an, and his ars ere full f parels this is a istae, i said, but he read the nae n the parels and there ere fr e hen he had gne i uld nl stare at the bxes pegg and i sat n the flr and pened the a huge dll, three ties the size f the ne i had bught fr her glves and a beautiful leather purse inredible! i led fr the nae f the sender it as the teaher, the address as sipl alifrnia, here she had ved ur dinner the nigh as the st deliius i had ever eaten i frgt i had n ne fr the rent and nl fifteen dllars in purse and n b hild and i ate and laughed tgether in happiness then e derated the little tree and arveled at it i put pegg t bed and set up her gifts arund the tree and a seet peae flded e lie a beneditin i had se hpe again i uld even exaine the sheaf f bills ithut ringing文章地址:/zuen/inguzuen/zz/200909913077208740977ht

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