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六个人战胜了国王Six men defeated the kingOnce upon a time, there was a soldier whose Wu Yi was excellent. He fought bravely, but his fate was very bad. When the war was over, he was laid off and got only five cents for food. He said angrily, this is never the end. As long as I find a helper, I ll let the king take all his treasures. . On his way home, when he passed a big forest, he saw one easily pull out six big trees. He said to the tree man, would you like to travel round the world with me? The other said: yes, but to my mother with a wisp of firewood back. He said, like weeding, pull the tree will be six trees together, on the shoulder. He quickly sent the tree home and then started off with the soldiers.The soldiers said: we are two people around the world will be invincible. They walked for a moment and saw what a hunter was aiming at with a gun. What are you playing, Huntsman? asked the soldier The hunter said, there s a fly in the oak tree ten miles away. I just want to shoot it in the left eye. . The soldiers said: we still go to the same, we three people together will be invincible. The hunters agreed, and the three of them moved along. They walked for a long time, see the seven seat in the windmill to fly, but still leaves. Strange warrior said: without a breath of wind, how can the mill turn? His companion shook his head, indicating that he knew nothing. They walked three kilometers and saw a man holding one nostril in the tree and blowing it with the other. My God, what are you doing? asked the soldier The man replied: I m blowing three kilometers outside the windmill to rotate. The soldiers said: we go together, we four people together, will be unbeatable. The four of them walked for a short time and saw a man standing off one leg and standing on one leg. Are you comfortable? the soldier asked The man replied, it s not for comfort. I can run faster on a two leg than a bird. It s only to slow down. . The soldiers said: we go together, five people will be invincible. The five of them saw another on the road, covering their ears with their hats. The soldier said, you fool, hat should be put on your head. ! The man said, if I did not cover my ears, I would freeze all the birds of the world, so I must do so. . The soldier said, let s go together. We ll do all the best. . When six men came to Wangcheng, the king announced, who will win the princess in the race? Who will be the princess s husband? . The soldier said to the king, I m going to have my partner play for me, won t you? The king said, nothing is impossible, but you must bet your partner s head. . The soldier put his partner on the other leg and ran against the princess. The rule of the race: whoever can take a pot of water from a well out of the distance will win.The princess and the soldiers companions each took a kettle and set off at the same time. The princess ran only a short distance, and the companion ran out of sight. He flew to the well like a bird and scooped up a pot of water,On his way back, he was a little tired. He put down the kettle and picked up a horse s bone as a pillow. He was going to sleep for a while. Soon, the princess came to the well and scooped up a pot of water. On the way back, she looked at his opponent sleeping, and secretly rejoiced, and threw his kettle away secretly, then ran back. The hunters were looking at the situation, and he thought, you can t let the princess win. . So he packed the bullets and shot the horse s bones very far away. The companion woke up and found that the kettle was empty. He immediately returned to the well and scooped up the water again, but the princess arrived in front of him, and the princess lost.The king and the princess were very angry, and the father and daughter began to discuss how to send the soldier away. The king thought for a moment and said, don t worry, I can manage them. . The second day, the king said to the soldiers, I will treat you to drink and celebrate your victory. . The six men happily took the quilt into a sealed iron room. The tables of the room were full of delicious food. They had a good time. The king ordered the cook to put wood around the house and set it up for a fire. Six people feel the room is sultry and intend to open the door and window. When they discovered that the house is sealed, the house is getting hot, they understood that the king wanted to strangle them, bake them to death. The man with his hat over his ears said, as long as I wear my hat on my head, the world will become cold and he will not burn us. . As he spoke, he put his hat on his head, and immediately the weather became cold, and the fire lost its power.After a few hours, the King became a coke for the six of them. He opened the door himself and was surprised to find the six shivering in the cold. The king was not reconciled to his defeat. He said to the soldier, if you give up marrying the princess, I will give you gold. Whatever you want, as long as you can move it, you can take it. . The soldier said, I am very happy to accept your advice, and if my partner can give you as much as you can, I can certainly not marry the princess. . But I have to pick it up in fourteen days. I wonder if I can? The king said, at will, when will it be for you? . The soldiers from the tailor, they rushed limit within fourteen days of a large sack. Fourteen days passed, and the soldiers brought the giant tree to the palace with a huge sack. When the king saw Hercules holding such a large sack, he was shocked and thought, how much gold does it take to fill it? ! But he had promised, he ordered to move Laishiliu people to move the gold lux hand put in sacks, said: why not get some more, so a little bit just enough to sack bottom pad. The king had to move people to carry the gold and silver until he had all his property gone and not yet half of the sack. No, shouted Hercules. It s too bad. . The king had to order people to collect all the gold from the country, and he made a total of seven thousand. Hercules put all the cattle in the sack and said, do you want some more or not? . That s all, said the king. Well, now that you have all your belongings, I ll have to forgive you, said hercules. He shouldered the sack greeting companions left the palace.The king lost all his possessions and was very angry and ordered to concentrate on the light cavalry,And chased the six men, and the sack of hercules. Two thousand cavalry soon caught six people, led by the officer to the six person message said: put the bag down and give you a way out, or put your chopped into pieces, this fast. The man blowing in his nostrils said, I ll let you go dancing in the air. ! As he spoke, he blew two nostrils, and two regiments flew up into the blue sky. A very honest sergeant entreated. Warrior he is very poor, let the hair man put him down, so the sergeant gently fall to the ground, no hurt. The blower said to him, tell the king that I can send all his troops into the air so that he can send someone. ! When the king heard the sergeant s report, resigned himself to failure, six people will treasure home, out to the poor, they spend a pleasant life.





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