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be nervous about 对...感到紧张 Dont be nervous! 不要紧张Translate: Whats she so nervous about? No Imageafford 负担得起[?f??d] 1. 常接在 can, could 或 be able to 后表示“买得起,花得起费用等”e.g: We can afford a car.我们买得起一辆小汽车。 T: 我们有钱出国旅行吗?afford sth afford to do sthCan we afford to go abroad ?2. 抽得出或匀得出时间,花费得起时间:e.g: We cant afford the loss of a day.我们浪费不起一天时间。T: 我抽不出时间。I cant afford the time. 3. 足以;经得起;能受得住,够得上做某事: The country cant afford another flood. 该国经不起再受一次水灾了。4. 给予;提供,供给: 音乐给我带来乐趣。 Music affords me pleasure. Phrase:afford great pleasure to someone/afford someone great pleasure 给某人很大乐趣 考题链接——Do you want to buy a computer? ——Yes,but I can’t B one A、make B、afford C、playThe book is very expensive, I don’t have enough money to buy it . =I can’t a f fo r d i t . =I can’t a f fo r d to b u y i t . weak[wi?k]虚弱的;无力的n. weakness 常用表达weak voice 微弱的声音 weak smile 勉强的笑容 weak at the knees 情感上无助的 be weak in 不擅长... interrupt打断(别人的话等); 暂停;中断n. interruption interrupt sb 打断某人的话 1.打断讲话或讲话人 e.g: 我不想打断你,请把你的故事讲下去。I don‘t want to interrupt you. Go on with your story.2.中断;遮断;阻碍e.g: You interrupted my thoughts.你打断了我的思路。 近义词:disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱disturb sb 打扰某人 e.g My cousin always makes a lot of noise anddisturbs me when I’m studying. 当我在学习的时候,我的表弟总是发出噪音打扰我。T: We did not disturb him until he had finished work. ? interrupt v. 打断别人的讲话或行动disturbv. 打扰或妨碍某人Its impolite to interrupt when others aretalking.(Im)Sorry to disturb you.Bad dreams d is t u r b her sleep.I dont want to i n t e r ru p t you. Go on with your story. Text analysis Make a sentenceMr. Harmsworth told secretary would me see The thatThe secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.Would在这里不单单指过去将来时, 更表示"想……,要……"T: 你想加入我们吗? Would you like to join us? Translate当我走进他办公室时,我感到非常紧张。I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 当老师走进教室的时候,学生们正在大 声说话。Students were talking loudly when the teacher went into classroom. He did not look up from his desk when I entered.look up表示先埋头干什么,之后抬头看。look词组大比拼俯视;轻视看上去像…仰望,尊敬 look about 四下环顾;查看 look after 照顾,看管 look around 东张西望 look at 注视,着眼于 look back 回顾 look for 寻找;期待,期望 look down on 俯视;轻视 look forward to 盼望,期待 look into 窥视;调查;浏览 look like 看起来象 look on 旁观;面向 look out 向外看;注意;当心,堤防 look over 从上面看过去;检查 look up to 仰望,尊敬 look through 透过,看去;看穿;浏览 中考链接 After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. after引导的时间状语从句。had sat down 是过去的过去发生的动作,用过去完成时 he said :”business is very bad”直引 after he had finished his homework,he went out He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.pay salaries: 支付薪水 collect salary: 领薪水如此:so such so的后面加形容词或副词 such的后面加名词, 允许在该名词前加修饰词I knew that my turn had come.My turn has come.(书面语) It‘s my turn.(口语)He said to me “that the firm can not afford to pay such large salaries.” ? so,such区别:? He is so kind a manthat everyone likes him.? He walked so fast that I couldnt catch up with him. so+adj./adv.+可数名词单数? He is such a kind man that everyone likeshim. such +a/an+adj.+可数名词单数? They are such kind people that everyone likesthem.such +adj.+可数名词复数? Ive never eaten such delicious food. such +adj.+不可数名词 Practice: 用so, such 填空? 1.He is s u c h a good student that we all like him. ? 2.He is s o good a student that we all like him. ? 3.It was s u c h bad weather that he had to stay athome. ? 4.Ive had s o many falls than Im black and blueall over. ? 5.The story is s o amusing that everyone is amused. ? It is s u c h an amusing story that everyone... ? It is s o amusing a story that everyone... I said in a weak voice.in a ... voice 用……的声音in a loud(大声)/low(低声)/ weak(强调心理不踏实)/ strong (理直气壮)voiceThen he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! extra 额外的 外加的 份外的on Sunday,i usually get some extra sleep 星期天我通常多睡一会 last month,he was paid extra hundred pounds 他上个月多得了一百英镑a 可译为“每一”i went to london once a month 我每月去一次伦敦Jack telephoned Mary four times a day 杰克 每天给玛丽打4次电话 以下几个词都可以表示“再”或“又”的意 思,注意用法: extra, other, more, anothermore 可以放数词和名词之间, 甚至可以放在整个名词的后面e.g: 2 more minutes / 2 minutes moreextra和other 一定放在数词和名词之间,e.g: an extra thousand poundsanother一定放在数词前面e.g: another 2 yuan记住几个短语: one extra thousand; two others; once more; another three days Fill in the gapsThe secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not l o o k u p from his desk when I e n te r e d . After I had sat down, he said that b u s in e s s was very bad. He told me that the fi rm could not afford to pay such large salaries.Twenty people had already left. I knew that my tu r n had come. Mr.Harmsworth, I said in a weak vo i c e. Dont interrupt, he said. Then he smiled and told me I would r e c e iv e an extra thousand pounds a year! Lesson 15 Good news1.The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. 2.I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 3.He did not look up from his desk when I entered. 4.After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. 5.He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. 6.Twenty people had already left. 7.I knew that my turn had come. 8.“Mr. Harmsworth,” I said in a week voice. 9.“Don’t interrupt,” he said. 10.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! These c r e ta ry told me that Mr. Harmsworth wo u ld see me. I felt veryne r v o u s when Iw e n t into his office. He did not look up fr o m his desk when I e n te r ed . After I had sat down, he said thatb u s in e s s was very bad. He told me that the firm cou l d not afford to pasyu ch large salaries. T w e n t y people had already left. I knew that m y turn had come. I said in a weak voice: “ Mr. Harmsworth.” But he told me not toin t e rr u p t him. Then he smil ed and told me I would r e c ei v e an extrathousand pounds a year! 1. Who would see the writer? A. His boss B. His workmate C. His friend2. The business was very ? A. nervous B. successful C. hard 3. How many people had been fired? A. twelve B. forty C. twenty4. "I knew that my turn had come" means...? A.It was the writers turn to talk with his boss. B. It was the writers turn to get more salary. C. The writer thought that it was his turn to be fired. 5. The word "extra" in last sentence means...? A. less B. only C. another Grammar Focus Grammer 1 间接引语的概念? 课文摘录: “The secretary told me that Mr. Hamsworth would see me.”? 直接引语和间接引语的概念 引述别人的话语一般采用两种方式: 一是原封不动地引用原话,把它放在括号内,叫 作直接引语; 二是用自己的话加以转述, 这叫间接引语. Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语 -不同句式的转换规则2.1 陈述句直接引语 变化前间接引语变化后Jane said, “I’m veryhappy to help you.”简说:“我很高兴能够帮助你 。”that引导的宾语从句 Jane said that she was veryhappy to help you.简说,她很高兴能帮助你。 Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语 -不同句式的转换规则2.2 疑问句直接引语 变化前间接引语变化后一般疑问句whether/if 引导的宾语从句He asked me, “Do you like He asked me if/whether I likedplaying basketball?”playing basketball.他问我:“你喜欢打篮球吗?” 他问我,我是否喜欢打篮球。 Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语 -不同句式的转变规则2.3 特殊疑问句直接引语 变化前 特殊疑问句 My sister asked me , “What do you think of the film?”间接引语变化后wh 词引导的宾语从句 My sister asked me what Ithought of the film.他问我:“你感觉这部电影怎 么样?”他问我,我对这部电影感觉怎么样。 Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语 -不同句式的转变规则2.4 祈使句直接引语 变化前 祈使句 He said,“Be seated, please.”他对我们说:“请坐。”间接引语变化后带 to 的不定式 He asked us to be seated.他请我们坐下。 Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.5 转换中的要点1 人称的转换? 1 直接引语中的第一人称,一般转换为第三人称,如: He said,“I am very sorry.” —— He said that he was very sorry.? 2 直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对转述人说的, 转换为第一人称,如: “You should be more careful next time,” my father told me.— My father told me that I should be more careful the next time. ? 3 直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对第三人 称说的,转换成第三人称。如:She said to her son, “Ill check your homework tonight.”— She said to her son that she would check his homework thatnight.? 4 人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物 主代词等。如:He asked me, “Will you go to the station with me to meet a friend of mine this afternoon?” —— He asked me whether I would go to the station with him to meet a friend of his that afternoon. 总之,人称的转换不是固定的,具体情况,具体对待,要符 合逻辑。 Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.6 转换中的要点总结2 时态的转换1直接引语变化前 一般现在时“I know it,” he said.间接引语变化后一般过去时 He said that heknew it. Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.6 转换中的要点总结2 时态的转换3直接引语变化前 一般过去时 “I saw her last Monday,” he said.间接引语变化后 过去完成时He said he had seen her theprevious Monday.the Monday before Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.6 转换中的要点总结2 时态的转换3直接引语变化前 一般过去时 “I saw her last Monday,” he said.间接引语变化后 过去完成时He said he had seen her theprevious Monday. Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.6 转换中的要点总结2 时态的转换2直接引语变化前 现在进行时 “I’m making coffee for you all,” she said.间接引语变化后 过去进行时She said she was making coffee forus all. Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.6 转换中的要点总结2 时态的转换4直接引语变化前 过去进行时 “I was waiting for Jim,” she said.间接引语变化后 过去完成进行时She said she had been waiting for Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.6 转换中的要点总结2 时态的转换8直接引语变化前 一般将来时 He said: “We shall start tomorrow.”间接引语变化后 过去将来时He said they would start thenext day. Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.6 转换中的要点总结2 时态的转换5直接引语变化前 现在完成时 “I have seen her before,” said he.间接引语变化后 过去完成时He said he had seen her before. Grammer 2 直接引语转换间接引语2.7 转换中的要点总结3 特例说明1由直接引语转变为间接引语,下列情况下从句的时态不变:1. 不变的真理 The teacher said to the students, “Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃.” → The teacher told the students that water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃. 2. 当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时时,如 :He always says, “I am tired out.” — 3. 当He主al句wa的ys谓s语ay动s th词a是t h将e i来s t时ire的d 时ou候t. ,如:He will say, “I’ll try my best to help you.” — He will say that he will try his best to help me. Exercise 1 句型转换练习? 一.句型之间的转换 ? 1.He said: “I’ve left my book in myroom.” ? 2.She said: “He will be busy.” ? 3.She said to Tom, “Can you help me?” ? 4.She asked, “Is this book yours orhis?” ? 5.The teacher asked, “how did yourepair it?” ? 6.The teacher said to the students, “Don’t waste your time.”? 7.The mother said, “Tom, get up early, please.”? 8.The teacher said, “The earth goes round the sun.”? 9.My father said, “Practice makes perfect.”? 10.The boy said to us, “ I usually get up at six every day.” Exercise 2 单项选择1. He asked D for the computer. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paid2. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. →He asked me C . A. had I seen the film B. have I seen the film C. if I have seen the film D. whether I had seen the film3. “Please close the window,” he said to me. →He C me the window. A. said to; to close B. told to; closing C. asked ; to close D. said to; please close 4. He said, “Mother, the boy is very naughty.” →He C very naughty. A. said his mother that the boy was B. said to his mother that the boy is C. told his mother that the boy was D. spoke to his mother that the boy was5. “You’ve already got well, haven’t you?” she asked.→She asked B . A. if I have already got well, hadn’t you B. whether I had already got well C. have I already got well D. had I already got well. 6. He asked, “Are you a Party member or a League member?” →He asked me C . A. am I a Party member or a League member B. was I a Party member or a League member C. if I was a Party member or a League member D. whether was I a Party member or a League member.7. He asked, “How are you getting along?” →He asked C . A. how am I getting along B. how are you getting along C. how I was getting along D. how was I getting along Thank you!





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