
六个人战胜了国王Six men defeated the king



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六个人战胜了国王(Sixmen defeated king)Six men defeated kingOnce upon soldier,his Wu Yi verygood, fighting particularbrave, hisfate verybad, warjust ended, dismissed,only get five cents meals. He said angrily, helper,Ill let kingtake all his treasures out."." hisway home, when he passed bigforest, he saw veryeasy way pullout six big trees. He said treeman, "would you like travelaround othersaid: "yes, mymother firewoodback." He said, like weeding, pull sixtrees together, shoulder.He quickly sent treehome, startedoff soldierssaid: "we twopeople around sawwhat soldierasks, "hunter, what youhitting?"" huntersaid, oaktree ten miles away. justwant shootits left eye."." soldierssaid: "we still go same,we three people together huntersagreed, themmoved forward together. longtime, see sevenseat stillleaves. Strange warrior said: "without wind,how can millturn?" His companion shook his head, indicating heknew nothing. walkedthree kilometers, sawone treesholding one nostril othernostril. soldiersaid, "my God, what youdoing?"" manreplied: blowingthree kilometers outside soldierssaid: "we go together, we four people together, themwalked shorttime manput legoff aside,standing onlyone leg. youso comfortable?" soldierasked" manreplied, runfaster than twolegs, just soldierssaid: "we go together, five people themsaw another road,covering soldiersaid, "you fool, you should wear your hat yourhead."!" mansaid, dontcover my ears, Ill freeze all world,so soldiersaid, "lets go together, doeverything."." Six people came kingannounced: race,who can win princess,who princessshusband; lose soldiersaid askmy partner me,OK?"" kingsaid, "nothing youmust add your partners head soldierput his partner otherleg racerules: who can take waterfrom wellout whoeverwins soldierscompanions, each kettle,set off sametime. princessran only shortdistance, companionran out sight.He flew welllike scoopedup wayback, he tired.He put down pickedup horseshead pillow,intending while.Soon, princesscame scoopedup wayback, she looked hisopponent asleep, secretly hisheart, threwhis kettle away secretly, ranback. All thingswere looked hethought, "dont let princesswin."." So he packed horseshead far away. companionwoke up empty.He went back wellimmediately, scooped up princesslost. princesswere very angry, daughterbegan discusshow soldieraway. kingthought said,"dont worry. secondday, kingsaid treatyou celebrateyour victory."." sixmen happily took sealediron room. roomwere filled allkinds deliciousfood, werevery happy. kingordered putwood around makefire. Six people feel roomstuffy, intend opendoors windows.When gettinghot, kingwanted stranglethem, bake them hishat over his ears says, putmy hat myhead, burnus."." hespoke, he put his hat hishead, weatherbecame cold, losingits power. After fewhours, Kingbecame them.He opened doorhimself sixwere shivering hesaid yougive up marrying giveyou gold. Whatever you want, youcan move youcan take soldiersaid, veryhappy acceptyour advice. youcan get mypartner can give you, Ill certainly fourteendays, dont kingsaid, "whatever, when yourjob?"." soldiersfrom rushedlimit within fourteen days largesack. Fourteen days passed, soldiersbrought gianttree hugesacks. When kingsaw Hercules taking largesack, he hethought, "how much gold does hehad promised, he ordered moveLaishiliu people goldlux hand put sacks,said: "why getsome more, so littlebit just enough sackbottom pad." kinghad allowpeople silveruntil he had finished all his property, sack.Hercules shouted, toobad."." kinghad collectseven thousand tons goldfrom wholecountry. driverput all said,"take some more, kingsaid, all.".""Well, now youvetaken all your belongings, forgiveyou."." He shouldered sackgreeting companions left palace.When kinglost all his possessions, he veryangry, sixmen, hercules.Two thousand cavalry soon caught six people, led sixperson message said: "put bagdown giveyou wayout, putyour chopped manblowing his nostrils said, "Ill let you go dancing hespoke, he blew two nostrils, twohorsemen flew up bluesky. veryhonest sergeant entreated. Warrior he verypoor, let hairman put him down, so sergeantgently fall blowersaid him,"tell canblow all his troops up lethim send someone."!" When kingheard sergeantsreport, resigned himself failure,six people treasurehome, out pleasantlife.

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