
求一则英文小故事大概100个单词就行了 最好有寓意的 简单点的 谢谢了!



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英语故事的话,给你两篇让你选吧~原文 Sam had a dog.Its name was Tod.It was very helpful,but it ate too much..So he didnt like it.He wanted to kill Tod.He tied Tod in a bag and put it in the small boat.He rowed the boat to the middle of a big river.Just as he threw the poor animal into the river,the boat began to sink.Both began Sam and Tod fell into the river.Tod was able to swim,but Sam couldnt.The dog bit the rope and broke it.It tried its best to swim to save Sam.The man was saved,so he was very thankful to the dog .He didnt want to kill the dog any more .From then on,he gave the dog as much food as it wanted.译文 萨姆有一只狗.他的名字叫Tod.它很有用,但是它食量很大.所以萨姆不喜欢他.萨姆想杀Tod.萨姆把Tod绑在一个袋子里,把它带上船.他把船划到一条大河的中央.就在他把这可怜的动物扔下河的时候,船开始下沉,萨姆和Tod都掉进河里面了.Tod会游泳,但是萨姆不会.狗把绳子咬断.它经过试验这是游泳去救萨姆就好的方法.萨姆获救了,所以萨姆很感激Tod.他一点也不想杀它了.从那以后,小狗想要多少粮食萨姆给多少.The Princess the PeaOnce upon a time there lived a handsome Prince Jake.He liked playing and singing and liked eating cake.One day,his mum told him to sort out his life."My son,"said Queen Bella,"we must find you a wife!"So,day after day,the Queen asked to tea all the princesses for her son to see.Click on the princesses to send them away!"I don"t want to marry any of them!"declared Prince Jake."I want to marry a real princess,and these are all fake!""Oh dear,"said Queen Bella,"What shall I do?I simply must find the right wife for you!"so,the Prince and the Queen thought of a test.They made a bed on which the princess could rest.Said the Prince,"if she can not feel this one little pea.She is no real princess and no pride to be!"Click on the bed to pile the mattressess on top of the pea.One stormy night,the was a knock at the door.A young lady stood there,wet,tired and footsore."You poor young thing!"Queen Bella said."Come in and rest your weary head!""Did you sleep well?"asked the Prince Jake the next day."No!"she said,"and my name is Fizz by the way.""Oh dear.what was wrong?"asked the Prince in a tizz."There was a terrible bump in the bed,"replied Fizz."I just couldn"t sleep a wink all night long.I tossed and I turned.but the bed felt all wrong.""Oh this princess is no fake!"cried Prince Jake."Only a real princess could feel one little pea!oh please,Pincess Fizz,will you marry me?"So,after a feast of joy and great laughter.They lived,we are told,happily ever after!Click on Jake and Fizz to see the confetti fly!公主和豌豆从前有一个英俊的王子杰克.他喜欢玩耍、唱歌和吃蛋糕.一天,他的妈妈告诉他要挑选一下自己的生活.“我的儿子,”贝勒女王说,“我们必须给你找到一个妻子!”所以,一天又一天,女王将所有的公主够叫来喝茶来让他的儿子看看.(点击公主将他们送走.)“我不想和他们中的任何人结婚!”杰克王子宣布,“我想和一个真正的公主结婚,这些都是假的!”“哦,亲爱的,”贝勒女王说,“我怎么做才好呢?我仅仅是必须给你找个合适的妻子!”所以,王子和女王想出了一个测试方法.他们做了一个可以供给公主休息的床.王子说,“如果她不能感觉到这个小豌豆.她就不是真正的公主,也就不能成为(我的)新娘!”(点击床将床垫放到豌豆上)一个暴风雨晚上,有人敲门.一个年轻的女士站在那里,浑身淋透,疲惫不堪,脚也受伤了.“可怜的孩子!”贝克女王说.“进来休息一下吧!”“你休息得好吗?”第二天王子问.“不好!”她说,“顺便说一下,我的名字是菲丝.”“哦,亲爱的.有什么不对劲吗?”王子兴奋地问.“床上有个可怕的突起.”菲丝回答.“一整夜我都没有睡着.我翻来覆去.床一点都不对劲.”“哦,这个公主是真的!”贝克王子喊.“只有真正的公主才能感觉到一个小豌豆!哦,菲丝公主,你可以嫁给我吗?”所以,一场充满愉快和欢笑的宴会过后.我们知道,他们生活得很快乐!(点击贝克和菲丝看看糖果飞出来.)PS;很高兴能帮助你

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