
AAE 英语绘本阅读——Macbeth「Chapter 9」



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【此绘本适合高中学生学习】以下为绘本的中英文对照Chapter 9第9章

Macbeth’s last stand麦克白最后的抵抗

When news spread that Malcolm was on his way, the lords of Scotland flocked to join him. By now, everyone guessed that it was Macbeth who had killed Duncan.当马尔科姆上路的消息传出时,苏格兰领主蜂拥而至加入他。现在,每个人都猜测是麦克白杀了邓肯。

At Birnam Wood, Malcolm halted his army. “Cut branches from the trees,” he ordered. “We’ll hide behind them when we attack Dunsinane Castle.”在伯纳姆伍德,马尔科姆停止了他的军队。“从树上砍下树枝,”他命令道。“当我们攻击邓斯纳恩城堡时,我们会躲在他们后面。”

As the army advanced, hidden behind their shield of leaves, it seemed as if the great forest itself was moving.随着军队的前进,隐藏在他们的盾叶后面的大森林似乎也在移动。

From the battlements, Macbeth watched in panic. Just as the witches had promised, Birnam Wood was coming to Dunsinane.从城垛上,麦克白惊恐地看着。正如女巫说过的,伯纳姆伍德来了。

A moment later, a horrible scream came from inside the castle, and a servant rushed out, his hands covered in blood. “My lord,” he stammered, “it’s your wife. She’s killed herself.”过了一会儿,城堡里传来一声可怕的尖叫声,一个仆人冲了出去,双手沾满了鲜血。“我的主人,”他结结巴巴地说,“是你的妻子。她自杀了。”

Macbeth went white. He understood at once – guilt had driven his wife to this. He felt lonely, and numb with fear.麦克白脸色发白。他立刻明白了--内疚使他的妻子陷入了这种境地。他感到孤独,害怕得麻木了。

But there was no time to grieve. “Bring me my sword,” he roared. “I don’t care if Birnam Wood has come to Dunsinane. No man can kill me. Open the gates!”但是没有时间悲伤。“把我的剑拿来,”他吼道。“我不在乎伯纳姆伍德是否来了。没有人能杀了我。打开大门!”

The battle was fierce. But within minutes, Malcolm’s soldiers had taken the castle. Everywhere, men lay dying.战斗非常激烈。但几分钟后,马尔科姆的士兵占领了城堡。地上都是垂死的士兵。

Macduff crept down a corridor, hunting for Macbeth.麦克达夫蹑手蹑脚地走下走廊,寻找麦克白。


Macduff spun and saw Macbeth, his eyes blazing and his sword dripping with blood.麦克达夫转过头来,看见麦克白,眼睛发热,手上拿着血淋淋的剑。

“You can’t kill me,” sneered Macbeth. “No one born of a woman can hurt me.”“你不能杀了我,”麦克白冷笑道。“女人生下来的人都不能伤害我。”

“Then prepare to die, you murderer,” said Macduff grimly. “For I was never born! I was cut from my mother’s dead body.”“那么准备死吧,杀人犯,”麦克达夫严肃地说道。“因为我从来没有出生过! 我是从我母亲死去的尸体中被拿出来的。”

Macbeth threw back his head and laughed. “So, the witches tricked me,” he snarled. “Very well. At least I’ll die fighting!” And he ran at Macduff.麦克白仰起头笑了起来。“所以,女巫骗了我,”他咆哮着。“很好。至少我会战斗到死!“他向麦克达夫跑去。

The two men fought like demons. Their swords flashed through the air, and clashed against each other.这两个人像魔鬼一样战斗。他们的剑在空中闪闪发光,互相碰撞。

Then all at once, Macbeth slipped. He reached out to steady himself, but it was too late. Macduff’s sword was raised, ready to strike.然后突然,麦克白滑倒了。他伸出手来稳住自己,但为时已晚。麦克达夫的剑举起,准备攻击。

In a moment the blade came slicing down, and it was all over.刹那间,刀刃砍下来,一切都结束了。

“Hail Malcolm, King of Scotland,” Macduff panted.“你好,马尔科姆,苏格兰国王,”麦克达夫气喘吁吁地说。

Macbeth lay dead on the ground, where his greed for power had brought him. His bloody deeds had led to the bloodiest of ends.麦克白死在地上,他对权力的贪婪把他带到了这样的局面上。他的血腥行为导致了最血腥的结局。

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