
雅思口语:interesting story花木兰



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花木兰的故事我们从小就听说,不管历史中是否真有其人,在雅思考试中拿出来忽悠一下考官还是可以的,毕竟迪士尼还拍了一部花木兰的动画片么!万一对面的考官童心未泯看过这部动画,就更容易产生共鸣了!细节什么的不用管,怎么好讲怎么讲。 这个“故事”可以用在Part 2媒体类的很多题目,例如一部叫做《花木兰》的电影或者电视剧(BTW,据说迪士尼真的要拍花木兰真人版,2018年上映),或者interesting story,或者人物题目中相关的话题,比如崇拜的人,对你有影响的人,或者历史人物啥的(考过或者没考过的,大家可以大胆预测有备无患)。 I d like to talk about a touching historical event about a female hero, whose name is Hua Mulan. I m sure you ve heard of this name, cause her story has been adapted for the screen both at home and abroad. She lived in a period of time when the whole country was at war all year round, and the government recruited men to the army all the time. Each family had to send one man to the front line, and there were no exceptions. However, Mulan has no brother at all, which means her father had to enlist. The thing is, her father was a veteran who was already over 60 years old and in a horrible health condition, it was impossible for him to survive the war. So after struggling for a whole night, she did something incredible. She cut her long hair and removed her makeup, took her father s old armor and got on the horse for her father. During the next 12 years, she disguised herself as a tough man in the army, receiving military training every day and risking her life in battles with other soldiers. And interestingly, no one could tell she was a woman, I mean, she really passed as a man! And after the war, she went back home as a hero with the rest of the soldiers. When she put on her old dress and changed her hairstyle, everybody there was shocked. 故事讲完了可以再升华一下子,什么“谁说女子不如男”啦,或者“父女情”之类的都OK: This event actually has a special meaning in that patriarchal society. It shows women could also do great things if they put their mind to it. And also, it s a touching story between a daughter and a father, so Mulan has been a role model for all of us.


the screen = films/ movies or television in general 例如: He has adapted the play for the screen. Some actors never watch themselves on screen. She was a star of stage and screen = plays and films/ movies. recruit = to find new people to join a company, an organization, the armed forces, etc. 例如: The police are trying to recruit more officers from ethnic minorities. They recruited several new members to the club. He s responsible for recruiting at all levels. enlist = to join or to make somebody join the armed forces 例如: They both enlisted in 1915. He was enlisted into the US Navy. disguise = to change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you 例如: The hijackers were heavily disguised. They got in disguised as security guards. She disguised herself as a boy. pass as somebody/something = to be accepted as somebody / something 例如: He speaks the language so well he could easily pass for a German. We had some wine—or what passes for wine in that area.


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