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1, ①如何区分形容词的和副词地 ly happy happily real really true trulyusual usually bad badly loud loudlylucky luckily kind kindly quick quicklypolite politely slow slowly easy easilystrong strongly careful carefully heavy heavily successful successfully terrible terribly true truly happy,friendly,careful,happily,true,real,hard,early,carefully,truly,really,hardly,fast,quick,quickly,good,well,bad,badly,strong,Strongly,heavy,,heavily,特殊:1,友好的,是形容词 fr ie n d ly 2,好的,是形容词 g o o d好地,是副词 w e l l 3,困难的,是形容词; h a r d 努力地,风猛烈地,是副词 h a rd 几乎不 h a r d l y 4,早的,早地,既是形容词又是副词e a rl y 5,快的,快地,既是形容词又是副词 F a s t happy,friendly,careful,happily,true, real,hard,early,carefully,truly,really,hardly,f ast,quick,quickly,good,well, bad,badly,strong, strongly, heavy,heavily形容词: happy,friendly,careful,true,real,hard,e arly,quick,bad,strong,heavy副词: happily,hard,early,carefully,truly, really,hardly,quickly,badly,strongly,heavily, Well 特殊: well 表示身体健康时是形容词.He is feeling well now . 一,②形容词和副词在句中的位置:1,be+形容词I am h appy happy, happily. He is s u ccessful successful, successfully. Lucy is k ind kind, kindly. 2,形容词+名词 I am a h a ppy student. happy, happily He is a su ccessfmulan. successful, successfully Lucy is ak i nd doctor. kind, kindly3,动词+副词 He runs q uicklyquick, quickly. He studied w e. ll good, well He will listen to Tom c a. refullycareful, carefully 一,②形容词和副词在句中的位置: 4,特殊的有3种情况:①feel, look, sound, smell, taste, 感觉, 看起来, 听起来, 闻起来, 尝起来 get,become,turn变得+形容词1.I feel A .A.terrible B.terribly C. terriblely 2.He looks A .A.happy B. happily C. sadly 3.It tastes C . A. badly B. well C. bad 4. Do you feel B now ? Thanks , I’m Ok.A. good B. well C. badly 5. The boy is getting A A. strong B. strongly C. heavily ②something肯定句, anything 否定,疑问句, everything, nothing +形容词/ 修饰词eg: something important / anything to eat 一些重要的事情 / 一些吃的东西 nothing difficult / something to do 没有什么困难的 / 一些事情做3. Enough 足够 放在名词前, 形容词,副词后面 eg : enough time / enough money old enough to / fast enough toMy sister is old enough to look afer herself. The teenagers aren’t serious enough to drive . 1. He is ill today . So he looks A A. tired B. happily C. sadly2. My brother doesn’t feel B today.A. good B. wellC. happily3. The food smells C . I don’t like itA. good B. badly C. bad4. He writes very B .A. careful B. carefully C. bad5. I study very A .A. hard B. hardly C. careful6. The weather gets A A. warm B. warmly C. coldly7. Our country is becoming A .A. strong B. strongly C. richly 8. Is there C in the newspaper ? A. something new B. new anything C. anything new9. There is Awith my bike. It works well. A. nothing wrong B. wrong something C. something wrong10. He speaks B for me to understand. A. too slowly B. slowly enough C. enough slowly11. He runs Cto catch up with me . A. too fast B. quick enough C. quickly enough 12. I’m C I can’t say a wordA. too happy to B. happy enough that C. so happy that 1. 你能给我一些吃的吗? Can you g iv e m e a n y th?ing to eat2. 老师告诉我们一些有趣的事情 The teacher to l d u s s o m e t h i n g i n t.eresting3. 他够高可以摘到那个苹果 He is t a ll e n o u g h t o pictkhe apple.4. 他工作够仔细 He works c a r e fu ll y e n o u g h.5. 他上课不够认真 He i s n ’t c ar e f u l e n o u.gh in class 6. 这音乐听起来很美妙T h e m u s ic so u n d s w o n d e rf u. l 7. Tom 看起来不开心T o m lo o k s sa d / u n h a p p y.. 8. 这石头太重 我帮不动The stone i s t o o h e a v y fo r m e to carry. 学习形容词和副词的比较级和最高级.大多数形容词和副词有三个等级: 原级、比较级、最高级。掌握形容词和副词的词形变化规律。形容词和副词的原级就是原形,比较 级和最高级是在原形的基础分为规则和不规则变化。 一、构成不规则变化的单词有10个: eg. good / well – better – bestill / bad / badly – worse – worst many / much – more – most little – less – least far – farther(指路程更远) / further(指意义深远或进 一步) – farthest / furthest old—older(指年龄大小)/ elder(指家庭成员长幼) oldest / eldest eg.1. I’m too tired. I can’t walk farther than you. 2. He went to America to do further study and get further information . 3. My elder brother is two years older than I. 特殊的比较级和最高级 1,good/well better the best 2,bad/badly/ill worse the worst3,many/much more the most 4,little less the least5,far路程远 farther the farthest 意义深远或进一步 further the furthest 6,old年龄大小 older the oldest家庭成员长幼 elder the eldest 二、构成的规则变化有5个: 1、一般在单音节词尾加 — er 或 — est原级 比较级 最高级colder coldesthigher highesttaller tallestquietquieter quietest2、以e结尾的单词只在词尾加 r或 st 原级 比较级 最高级fine finerfinestlate laterlatestnice nicernicestlarge larger largest 3、只有一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词, 先双写这个辅音字母, 再加 er或 est。big – bigger – biggest sad sadder saddestthin – thinner – thinnest red—redder reddestfat fatter fattest glad—gladder gladdest4、以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的单词,先改y为i, 再加 er或 est。除early 外,以ly结尾的单词,一般在词前加more / most.easy easier easiesthappy happier happiestbusierbusiestearly earlierearliestcarefully more carefully most carefully ? 变比较级和最高级? small smaller? nice nicer? big bigger? early earlier? heavy heavier? wet wetter? late ? coldlater colder? fine finer? red redder ? happy happier? early earlierthe smallest the nicest the biggestthe earliestthe heaviest the wettestthe latestthe coldest the finest the reddest the happiest the earliest 5、多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加 more或 most。 eg. delicious – more / most deliciousbeautiful – more / most beautiful interesting – more / most interesting important – more / most important friendly more / most friendly quickly more / most quickly happily more / most happily 变比较级和最高级happily more happily the most happilyeasily more easily the most easilyfriendly more friendly the most friendlyquickly more quickly the most quicklycarefully more carefully the most carefullyeasily more heavily the most heavilyluckily more luckily the most luckily特殊: early earlier the earliestinteresting more interesting the most interestingimportant more important the most importantpopular more popular the most popularbeautiful more beautiful the most beautifuldelicious more delicious the most delicious 形容词、副词比较等级的用法与句型: 一、 原级句型:表示两者一样或不一样1、A与B在某一方面程度相同: as+原级+as eg.1 My friend Kay is as tall as I / me. 我朋友Kay与我一样高。2 My friend Kay runs as quickly as I / me. Kay与我跑得一样快。我和她一样外向。 I am as outgoing as her 我学习和他一样认真。 I study as carefully as him2、A在某一方面不及B: A…not as/so+原级+as B.eg.1 My friend Kay isn’t as/ so tall as I / me.2 My friend Kay doesn’t run as/so fast as I / me.3 I’m not A she / her.A. as hard as B. as harder as C. as hard so4 I don’t study B he / him.A. so careful as B. so carefully as C. more carefully as Exercises? 1.Joan与Kate一样小心。Joan is a s c a r e fu l a s Kate.2、我与你学习一样努力。 I study a s h a rd a s you.3、那条绿色的裙子不如那条红色的漂亮。 The green skirt i s n o t s o /a s n i c e a s the red one.4.那些学生跳高不如我。 The students didn’t jump a s so h ig h a s I. 5.他没吉姆那么早来到学校。 Hed o e s n ’tcome to school a s /s o e a r ly as Jim. 6、汤姆与她一样认真听老师讲课。Tom listens to the teacher a s c a re f u l l y a s she. 二、比较级句型:表示两者 人或事物 的比较 1、A …比较级+ than B.I am taller than Tom. My dress is more beautiful than hers. 2、比较级前可加a little / a bit 一点儿, a lot/much得多, /even / still甚至/更加等来修饰。 I’m a little / a bit taller than Tom. My dress is even more beautiful than hers. He works a lot / much harder than I do . 3、比较级+and+比较级,表示“越来越….” faster and faster, more and more beautiful warmer and warmer, more and more important The days are getting longer and longer. The World Cup is getting more and more popular 1. I am ta l le r than him tall 2. It is much c o l d e r cold today. 3. The coat is even m o r e b e au t if u lbeautiful than that one . 1. He writes a little m o r e s lo w lyslowly than you . 2. Our classroom is b r ig h t e rbright than yours 3. He is even w o r s e ill today 4. I can walk fa r t h e r than he . far 5. English is much m o r e i m p o r ta n t important 6. The meat smells still m o r e d e l ic i o usdelicious than that one 7. The rain is as h a r das it was yesterday hard 8. We can’t read so l o u d ly as they loud 1. 这本书比那本书难 The book i s m o r e d i ff ic u l t t h a n that one1. 这个故事和那个一样有趣 The story is a s i n te r e s ti n g a s that one1. 李雷跑得比你快多了Lilei rumnusc h m o r e q u ic k l y t h a n you 2. 这个盒子比那个重一点The box is a l it tl e h e a v i e r t h a n that one 1. 我们国家越来越强大Our country is getting s tr o n g e r a n d s t ro n g er. 1. 中山越来越漂亮 Zhongshan ism o r e a n d m o r e b e a u t i fu l. 2. 我们英语比他们好多了Our English is m u c h b e t te r t h a n t h e ir s 1. 他不如我外向 He is n o t s o / a s o u t g o in gmaes . 我跳得不如他远 I don’t jump a s fa r a s him 他英语说得不如我好 He doesn’t speak Englissho / a s w e ll amse 4、The +比较级, the+比较级, 表示“越…越...” The more , the better. 越多越好。The more you read, the better you speak. The more you exercise, the healthier you keep.5、Who / Which…+比较级, A or B? Which is better, A or B? A is the better of two.Who runs faster, Tom or Kay? 1. A …比较级+ than B. 形容词比较级:我比汤姆高。 I am taller than Tom. 我的裙子比她的裙子漂亮。 My dress is more beautiful than hers.副词比较级: 她学习比我努力。 She studies harder than I/me. 约翰跑得比他弟弟快。 John runs faster than his brother. 形容词: 1.他比约翰矮。He is s h o r t e r t h a n J o h n .2.汉堡包比薯条更好吃。Hamburgers are m o r e d e l ic i o u s t h a n French fries. 副词: 1.你舞跳得比她好。 You dance b e t t e r t h a n she/her. 2.他开车比我小心. He drives m o r e c a r e f u ll y t h a n I/me. 1.他今天好多了。 He is m u c h b e tt e r today.2.这个故事比那个故事还更有趣。 This story is ev e n m o r e in te r e s ti n g than that one.3.今天天气热了一些。 It’s a l i tt le hotter today. 3. “比较级+and+比较级”意为“越 来越…” 。多音节比较级用“more and more+形容词原级”形式。It’s getting worse and worse. The group became more and more popular. 1.他跑得越来越快。He ran fa s te r a n d f a st e r . 2.我们的生活变得越来越好。 Our life is gettingb e t t e r a n d b e t te r . 3.那个公园变得越来越美丽。The park is gettingm o r e a n d m o re b e a u t i fu l .4.她越来越聪明了。She becomes c l e v e r e r a n d c l e v e r e r .5.雨正越下越大。 It’s rainingm o r e a n d m o r e h e a v i ly . 4、The +比较级, the+比较级, 表示“越…… 就越......” The more , the better. 越多越好。The more you read, the better you speak.The more you exercise, the healthier youkeep. 1.你吃的越多就越胖。 T h e m o r e you eat, t h e h e a v ie r you will be.2.越干净越好。 T h e c le a n e r , t h e b e t t e r . 3、书读的越多,懂的就越多。 T h e m o r e you read, th e m o r e you know. 5. “Which / Who is + 比较级…?” 比较A、B两事物, 问其中哪一个 较……时用此句型。 e.g. Which T shirt is nicer, this oneor that one? Who is more active, Mary or Kate? 1.去音乐会和看电影之间,哪一样在学 生中更受欢迎?Which one is m o r e p o p u la r among students, going to concerts o r going to movies?2.李明和汤姆谁更聪明?Who is c le v e r e r, Li Ming o r Tom? ? 三、最高级句型:表示三者或三者以上的比 较时用最高级,最高级的前面一般要加定冠 词the, 后面可带 of / in 短语来说明比较的范围。e.g. She is the youngest in the class. Jack is the most popular of the three. 1.在所有人当中,谁的书写最好? Whose handwriting is_th_e_be_st _of_all_? _? 2.Jim,Tim和Tom三个人当中,谁跑得最快?Who runs_th_e _fa_ste_st_, Jim, Tim _o_r _Tom? 3.中山是中国最美丽的城市之一。 Zhongshan is one of th e m o s t b e a u t i fu l cities in China.4.长江是中国第一长河。Changjiang River is t h e f i rs t l o n g e st river in China .





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