
十万火急:急需一个英语剧本 适合五个人在课堂上演出的!谢谢啊 !!!!!!!!!!



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五人角色扮演,还是《生活大爆炸》合适,身份都是学生,节选的这段在谈论电影,涉及物理学常识,长度和难度基本合适。Penny, wait.Penny,等等。 Penny:Yeah?怎么? Leonard: Uh...If you dont have any other plans,plan:计划,打算呃... 如果你没别的计划,do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon?join:加入,参加 Thai:泰国 superman:超人 marathon:马拉松要不来和我们一起吃泰国菜,还有超人电影马拉松? Penny:A marathon? Wow. How many Superman movies are there?马拉松? 哇噢,你们那儿有多少部超人电影? Sheldon: Youre kidding, right?kid:戏弄,取消你开玩笑,对吧? Penny:I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopterfall from:落下,跌落 helicopter:直升机我超喜欢那部,路易丝·莱恩从直升机上坠下。and Superman swooshes down and catches her.swoosh:读[swu:?, swu?],n. 嗖的一声涡动,vt. 嗖的一声涡动超人嗖地一下过去接住她。Which one was that?那是哪一部?One(其他人齐声说)就一部。 Sheldon: You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy.realize:了解,认识到 scene:(电影,电视的)一个镜头 be rife with:充满scientific:科学的 inaccuracy:不准确,误差你知道那场景里,充斥着科学错误吧? Penny:Yes, I know, men cant fly.是啊,我知道,人类不能飞。 Sheldon: No, no. Lets assume that they can.assume:假设,猜想不,不,让我们假设人类可以。Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial of 32 feet per second per second.accelerating:加速 initial:最初的 rate(运动,变化等的)速度 feet:英尺 per:每 second:秒路易丝·莱恩以32英尺/秒平方的初始加速度急速坠落,Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel.swoop:俯冲,猛冲 save:挽救,拯救 reach out:伸出 steel:钢,钢铁超人突然下降,用钢铁般的手臂接住她。Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour,traveling:移动,滑动 approximately:近似的,大约 mile:英里莱恩小姐此时大约速度在120英里/时,hits them and is immediately slice into three equal pieces.hit:碰撞 immediately:立即,马上 slice into:切开,切成 equal:相等的猛撞上超人的手臂后,她会马上被切成三等分。 Leonard: Unless Superman matches her speed and decelerates.unless:除非 match:(使)相称 decelerate:(使)减速反义词:accelerate:加速除非超人赶上她的速度并减速。 Sheldon: In what space, sir? In what space?space:n. 位置,空间,距离;v. 隔开,分隔此处引申为“一段时间”哪还有时间,先生? 哪有时间?Shes two feet above the ground.她离地面只有两英尺。Frankly, if he really loved her, hed let her hit the pavement.frankly:直率的,坦率的 pavement:硬路面坦白讲,如果他真的爱她,就应该让她直接撞地。Itd be a more merciful death.merciful:仁慈的,宽恕的那会是种更仁慈的死法。 Leonard: Excuse me, your entire argument is predicated on the assumptionentire:全部的 argument:论据,论点 predicate on:以…为基础predicate :读[predikit],n. 述语;a. 述语的;v. 断定为,意味 assumption:假定抱歉,你全部的争论,都只是建立在一个假设上,that Supermans flight is a feat of strength.flight:飞行 feat:n. 壮举,功绩,技艺表演此处指技艺 strength:力,力量假设超人的飞行能力,是一种力量的特技。 Sheldon: Are you listening to yourself?listen to: 听你知道自己说什么吗?It is well established that Supermans flight is a feat of strength.established:确定的well established 相当于 well known这一点是毋庸置疑的啊。It is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings.extension:延伸,扩展 leap:跳过,跃过 building:建筑物,楼房这是他跳跃高楼能力的延伸,an ability he derives from exposure to Earths yellow sun.ability:能量,力量 derive from:由…而来,源于 exposure:暴露,显露是他从太阳光中获取的能力。 Howard:And you dont have a problem with that? How does he fly at night?have a problem with:在方面有问题或困难你没发现问题吗? 那他在夜里怎么飞行? Sheldon: Oh, a combination of the moons solar reflectioncombination:结合,组合 solar:太阳的,日光的 reflection:反映,反射哦,结合月球的日光反射,and the energy storage capacity of Kryptonian skin cells.storage:储存 Krypton:氪 cells:细胞以及氪星人皮肤细胞中贮存的能量。 Penny:Im just gonna go wash up.gonna= going to wash up:洗脸和手还有洗餐具的意思我要回去洗个手先。 Leonard: I have 2,600 comic books in there.comic :n. 连环图画,杂耍滑稽演员;adj. 滑稽的,有趣的,喜剧的 comic book:连环漫画册我那儿有2600本连环画册。I challenge you to find a single reference to Kryptonian skin cells.challenge:n. 挑战;v. 向...挑战 reference:参考书目你敢不敢去找出,所谓的"氪星人皮肤细胞"的内容? Sheldon: Challenge accepted.accept:接受接受挑战。 《老友记》节选 101 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate The Pilot The Uncut Version[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.]Monica: Theres nothing to tell! Hes just some guy I work with! 没什么好说的!他不过是我的同事!Joey: Cmon, youre going out with the guy! Theres gotta be something wrong with him! 少来了,你和那个人一起出去!拜托,和你交往的男人一定有问题!Chandler: All right Joey, be nice. So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? 打住,乔伊,嘴下留德。他驼背?既驼背又带假发?Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk?慢着,他吃粉笔吗?They all stare, bemused.Phoebe: Just, cause, I dont want her to go through what I went through with Carl oh! 我只是不想你重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙。Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. Its just two people going out to dinner and not having sex各位别急,这不算约会。我们不过是出去吃晚餐,而且不做爱。Chandler: Sounds like a date to me. 听起来好像是说我的约会。 [Time Lapse]Chandler: Alright, so Im back in high school, Im standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally naked. 记得中学时代的梦,我站在自助餐厅,突然发现自己全身赤裸。All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream. 我做过那样的梦。Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize theres a phone... there. 然后我低头一看,看见有一支电话......在那儿。Joey: Instead of...? 而不是......?Chandler: Thats right. 没错。Joey: Never had that dream. 我没做过那样的梦。 Phoebe: No. 没有。Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. Now I dont know what to do, everybody starts looking at me. 那支电话突然响起,而我不知道怎么办,每个人都开始望着我。Monica: And they werent looking at you before?! 他们之前不看你吗?!Chandler: Finally, I figure Id better answer it, and it turns out its my mother, which is very very weird, because she never calls me! 终于,我认为我应该接,结果是我妈打来,我感到很奇怪,因为我妈不曾打过电话给我!

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