

时间:2019-12-13 09:51:19



The Fox and the Goat 狐狸和山羊

A thirsty Fox looks for water.有一只口渴的狐狸在找水。

It s so hot today. And I m so thirsty. There s no water anywhere.今天真热。而且我好渴啊!到处都没有水。

The Fox keeps looking. Far away, he sees something. 狐狸不停的找,远远地他看到一些东西。

Wait ! What s that ? I think it s a well. I m saved ! There must be water there.等等!那是什么?我想那是口水井!我得救了!那里一定有水。

The Fox runs towards the well. He is very happy. 狐狸跑向水井。他非常高兴。

I was right. There s lots of water here. It looks so cold and delicious. But how can I get the water? The well looks very deep. Oh, what shall I do ?我对了。这里有很多水。看起来凉爽又可口。但是我怎么才能喝到水呢?水井看起来很深。哦,我该怎么办?

The Fox thinks and thinks .狐狸想了又想。

I can t stand it anymore. I m too thirsty. I ll just jump in . Here I go ! splash我再也忍不住了。我太渴了。我要跳进去。我要去啰!(啪唰)

The Fox jumps into the well . 狐狸跳入井中。

It is so cool in here . The water tastes so fresh and cold . I can drink it all day . But wait a minute . This well is deeper than I thought . My paws can t reach the top . Oh my ! Now I m im big trouble . How can I get out ? There s no one nearly . There s no one to help me . What have I done ! Boo hoo .这里好凉快。这水尝起来又干净又清凉。我可以喝它一整天。可是等一等。这井比我想象的深多了。我的手爪够不到顶。我的天!现在我有大麻烦了,我怎么出去呢?这附近没有人。没有人来救我。我做了什么事?呜 呜

The Fox is very scared . He can t think of a way to get out of the well .狐狸非常害怕。他想不出任何跳离水井的方法。

He cries all morning . 他哭了整个早上。

Then he hears a familiar voice from far away . Suddly , he has a good idea .然后他听见远远传来熟悉的声音。突然,他想出一个好主意。

I m thirsty and hot , Where is the water ? I need a drink right now .我又渴又热,水在哪里呢?我现在要喝点水。

The Goat sees the same well .He walks towards the well. 羊看到同一口井。他走向水井。

Ahha ! There s a well , I found some water ! I can have a drink there , Thank goodness ! 啊哈!有一口井。我看到一些水了!我可以在哪里喝一点水,感谢老天!

The Goat gets closer to the well . He hears a familiar voice .羊靠近水井。他听到一个熟悉的声音。

How are you today ,Goat ? 你今天好吗,羊?

What was that ? Who said that? I don t see anyone around. Where did the voice come from?那是什么?谁在说话?这附近我谁也没看到啊。那声音是从哪来的?

The Goat keeps looking around . But can t find anyone .羊不停地四处张望。可是谁也没看见。

This is strange . I hear a voice , but there s no one around .怪了,我听到一个声音,可是没有人在这附近。

I m here , Goat , I m inside the well . 我在这里,羊,我在井里。

Inside the well ? Whose voice was that ? 在井里?那是谁的声音?

The Goat looks into the well . 羊朝井里看去。

Oh my goodness , Fox ! What are you doing down there ?哦,我的天啊,狐狸!你在下面做什么呀?

I was thirsty . So I came down here for a drink . 我很渴,所以我下来喝水。

How is the water ? Is it fresh and cold ? 井水怎么样?它干净和清凉吗?

Of course . The water down here is fantastic . It s the best water I ve ever tasted . And I m enjoying it all by myself . 当然,这里的水真是太棒了。这是我喝过最棒的水了。而且都由我一个人享用。

Well ,um , I m thirsty , too . Can I come down and join you ? I just need one drink .哦,我也渴了。我可以下去跟你一起吗?我只要喝一口就好了。

Well , let me think about it . 这个吗,让我想想。

The Fox pretends to thinking about something . 狐狸假装思考一些事情。

Come on , Fox , I m your friend . Let me come down . 拜托,狐狸,我是你的朋友,让我下去吧。

Well , all right , Just this once . I didn t want to share the water with anyone . But since you are my friend , I ll let you come down .嗯,好吧,就这么一次。我不想跟任何人分享这水。可是既然你是我的朋友,我就让你下来吧。

Thanks a lot , Fox . You are too generous, I m coming down now .感激不尽,狐狸。你真大方,我现在就下来。

The Goat also jumps into the well and makes a big splash. 羊也跳入井口并溅起了大水花。

Welcome ,Goat , Try the water , How is it ? 欢迎,羊,试试看这水,怎么样啊?

Mmm it is delicious . This is the best water in the world . Thank you for sharing it with me .嗯 好喝。这是世界上最棒的水了。谢谢你让我跟你一起分享。

It s nothing . I m just glad you like it . But don t you think it s too crowded in here ? It was fine when I was alone . Now it s too small . 没什么,我很高兴你喜欢。不过你不觉得这里很挤吗?当我一个人的时候,这里还可以,现在太小了。

I m sorry , shall I get out now ? 我很抱歉,我现在该出去了吗?

No , it s okay . I ve had enough water for today. I ll be leaving now. You can drink some more. 不,没关系。我今天已经喝够多的水了。我现在要走了,你可以多喝点。

Thank you , Fox , You are too kind . 谢谢你,狐狸,你人真好。

Keep drinking. I m just jump on your back and climb out now. 继续喝。我现在就猜着你的背出去。

The Fox steps on the Goat s back and swiftly gets out of the well . 狐狸踩着羊的背迅速地爬出水井。

Thank goodness , I m out . 感谢老天,我出来了。

(echoing voice from the well)Are you there , Fox ? I m finished drinking. I want to get out now. Help me up. please. (来自井里的声音)你在哪里呀,狐狸?我喝完了。我现在要出去,请帮帮我。

I m sorry , Goat , I can t help you. If I do . I might fall in again.对不起,羊。我不能帮你。如果我帮你,我可能会再掉下去。

Please help me out , I m not thirsty anymore. And it s getting dark in here.请帮我出去。我不渴了。而且这里越来越黑了。

That s too hard , Goat. You should have thought of a way out before. Next time , think before you act, okay? I m busy ,I must be going. 那太糟了,羊。你应该事先就想到出来的办法。下次,要三思而后行,好吗?我很忙,我得走了。

Do t leave me here alone , Fox . I m afraid , How can I get out by myself ?不要留下我一个人在这里,狐狸!我很害怕,我自己怎么出去?

Trick another foolish animal like yourself. Good luck , Good bye .骗骗像你这么愚蠢的动物吧!祝好运,再见。

MORAL: Think carefull before you act . 要三思而后行。
















