

时间:2020-01-05 20:46:25



聪明的小女孩更多英语故事 童话故事 请点击这里获得 Once upon immenseRussian steppe, lay littlevillage where nearly all inhabitantsbred horses. October,when biglivestock market heldyearly maintown. Two brothers, one rich otherone poor, set off richman rode poorbrother youngmare (母马). stoppedbeside emptyhut horsesoutside, before going sleepthemselves twoheaps surprise,when, next morning sawthree horses outside, instead two.Well, marehad given birth during night.Soon itsfeet, itsmothers milk, foalstaggered its first few steps. stalliongreeted cheerfulwhinny(马嘶声), twobrothers set eyes firsttime, standingbeside me!"exclaimed Dimitri, richbrother, minutehe saw mystallions foal." Ivan, poorbrother, began laugh."Whoever heard stallionhaving mymare!" standingclose stallion,so stallionsfoal. brothersstarted matterbefore Stillarguing, bigsquare where courtroomstood. didntknow specialday, daywhen, once Emperorhimself administered law.He himself received all who came seeking justice. brotherswere ushered hispresence, toldhim all about Emperorknew perfectly well who foal.He pointof(正要) proclaiming poorbrother, when suddenly Ivan developed unfortunatetwitch hiseye. greatlyannoyed humblepeasant, punishIvan hisdisrespect. After listening bothsides story,he declared difficult,indeed impossible, sayexactly who foalsrightful owner. sincehe loved posing riddles solvingthem hiscounselors, he exclaimed: cantjudge which youshould have foal,so yousolves followingfour riddles: what fastestthing world?What fattest?Whats mostprecious? commandyou weekstime youranswers!" Dimitristarted puzzleover heleft courtroom.When he reached home, however, he realized he had nobody helphim. "Well, Ill just have seekhelp, cantsolve riddles,Ill lose heremembered woman,one hisneighbors, whomhe had once lent silverducat hadbeen some time ago, neighbornow owed him three ducats. sinceshe had beingquick witted, alsovery astute, he decided askher advice, cancelingpart herdebt. showhow astute(机敏的,狡猾的) she really promptlydemanded wholedebt wipedout fastestthing myhusbands bay horse(枣红马)," she said. "Nothing can beat ourpig! hugebeast has never been seen! bed,using my own gooses feathers. allmy friends. mostprecious thing mythree month old nephew. morehandsome child. wouldntexchange him makeshim mostprecious thing earth!"Dimitri ratherdoubtful about womansanswers being correct. otherhand, he had takesome kind solutionback heguessed, quite rightly, hedidnt, he would meantime,Ivan, who widower(鳏夫),had gone back humblecottage where he lived hissmall daughter. Only seven years old, littlegirl oftenleft alone, veryclever herage.The poor man took littlegirl hisconfidence, likehis brother, he knew he would never childsat firmlysaid: "Tell fastestthing coldnorth wind ourfields whose crops give life animalsalike, softestthing childscaress mostprecious daycame when twobrothers were returnbefore wereled hispresence. hearwhat heroared Dimitrisfoolish answers. However, when Ivansturn frown(皱眉)spread over Emperorsface. poorbrothers wise replies made him squirm, especially lastone, about honesty, mostprecious thing Emperorknew perfectly well hehad been dishonest hisdealings poorbrother, hehad denied him justice. hecould hisown counsellors, so he angrily demanded: "Who gave you answers?"Ivan told hissmall daughter. Still annoyed, greatman said: "You shall cleverdaughter. You shall yourbrother claimed, together hundredsilver ducats Emperorwinked hiscounselors: "You comebefore me sevendays time, bringing your daughter. sinceshes so clever, she must appear before me neither naked nor dressed, neither footnor horseback,neither bearing gifts nor empty handed. shedoes haveyour reward. youllhave your head chopped off yourimpudence(冒失,无理)!" onlookersbegan laugh,knowing poorman would never Emperorsconditions. Ivanwent home despair,his eyes brimming whenhe had told his daughter what had happened, she calmly said: "Tomorrow, go partridge(鹧鸪).Both must alive!Youll have hundredsilver ducats! Leave me!"Ivan did hisdaughter said. He had ideawhat twocreatures were hetrusted hisdaughters wisdom. hissmall daughter littlegirl appeared, draped fishingnet, riding herhand. She neithernaked nor dressed, horseback.Scowling, Emperortold her: saidneither bearing gifts nor empty handed!" littlegirl held out Emperorstretched out his hand birdfluttered thirdcondition had been fulfilled. Emperorcould helpadmirlng littlegirl who had so cleverly passed gentlervolce, he sald: yourfather terribly poor, doeshe desperately need foal."Oh, yes!" replied littlegirl. "We live hareshe catches fishhe picks from trees!""Aha!" cried Emperortriumphantly. "So youre youseem Whoeverheard littlegirl swiftly replied: whoeverheard stallionhaving bothEmperor Courtburst laughter.Ivan immediatelyglven his hundred silver ducats Emperorproclalmed: "Only mykingdom could wiselittle girl
















