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《奇速英语.24 个故事串记 3500 词汇》策划:蔡章兵(全国十大图书策划人) 版权所有:奇速英语编辑部 出版:中国外文出版社 仅限个人教学使用,严禁传播和上网,违者必究本书分为教材和练习册两本奇速词汇教材特点:按 24 个话题,编写 24 个故事,串记 3500 词汇,24 个故事连起来又是 一个长篇小说。奇速词汇练习册特点:每个故事后配有 MP3 录音,阅读理解练习题,单词首字母填空,根 据汉语提示填词,词形转化,翻译句子,重点词完形填空等教材故事范文 1 对应 话题一:personal informationInto X Space1 (针对课标话题:个人信息) Recently, Linn sensed something kind of different in his deskmate, Martha. She treated others very politely but strangely she was always wearing a pair of white gloves. Who ever saw them removed from her hands?—Exactly, never. It obviously distinguished her from anyone else.It deserved to be researched. Linn started to be glad himself. The life of senior high three was quite busy, especially when one was a member of the high school with an excellent reputation of this city. Everyday, all were making preparations for various examinations. It would bore one to death not to seek excitement. It was impossible for Linn to be lonely just for a minute. One like Linn born to be cheerful would possess several Best Friends like peas and carrots, and Andy was one of them. Andy was outgoing and humorous. He seemed not concerned but nothing can escape his attention. His biggest headache was that he found it hard to control his temper, because he tended to lose patience with others. However, everyone has his strengths and weaknesses. Andy can devote himself to whatever he decided on, full of enthusiasm and confidence. Or Linn would not appreciate him so much. Linn passed him a note, saying, “What on earth do you think of Martha?” Andy blinked at him in surprise and then smiled bitterly, thinking that friends resembled each other, thought alike and even the dream girl was no exception. “Martha, it is not late to drop out of the match.” whispered Linn, coving his mouth with a hand and offering his characteristic grin when Professor Mr. Brown turned around.“Do you really think I am a coward?” thought Martha annoyed, giving him an angry stare. Speaking of the annual Basketball Match for Mixed Gender, it is the most significant festival for students. There is a good saying: couples together, happy forever! But he can’t imagine Martha’s joining. Martha, in his eyes, was stubborn and out of fashion. Of course, in terms of personal quality, Martha, a girl of strict morality, had a good character. But he is no worse. Who didn’t regard him as tall and handsome? Thinking of this, he slipped a very little mirror hidden in the drawer into his hand. He saw a square face, then high arched nose, bushy eyebrows and big eyes. Such a good looking face, however, won him the nickname Bad Guy by his Best Friends. A saying goes that while one’s real name doesn’t match his personality, his nickname does. Friends may be joking, but his ex girlfriends’ frequent sentence settled in his memory that you were rotten to the core. Linn breathed a sigh. He stole a glance at her in the mirror. She was tall and slim with smooth and black hair. Large quantities of people would have chased her. However, she seemed to stay away from them on purpose. She liked to stand by the school garden alone, taking care of the flowers and grass. Whenever noticed, she was found speaking secretly to them. She was neither passive nor weak. She always stuck to principle, had an independent mind and never feared hardship. The match came soon. The whole class was divided two teams which were tied till the last ten minutes. Then Martha as a substitute joined the fight. Andy was passing on the basketball to Linn when unexpectedly Martha got it, dashing to the destination at the astonishing speed of a fling rocket. She scored the goal before others realized what happened. Then the match finished. Martha was just on the point of leaving the court, seemingly to avoid the noisy crowd. Over came Linn and Andy. “Hi, Martha, you are absolutely superior to us. I didn’t expect you had such a gift for basketball. You...”Andy was about to continue when Linn patted him on the back, saying, “It’s time to be honeymouthed. I feel sympathy for your basketball skill.” “Just by chance. My couch was very strict with me.” she smiled, wiping the sweat off the forehead and taking out the gloves. “You are too modest. It’s so hot. Why…” Linn bent to help clear up her things. Suddenly, a sense of excitement poured out of his heart. He picked up the other glove and wanted to help her put it on. Just when he touched her hand, something like lightning shocked him. He looked her in the eye rather confused, but Martha drew back her hand and avoided his eyes, hurrying out of the gym without a word. 141 个黑体词 译文:林恩最近发现同桌马莎莎有点不对劲。虽然她待人接物彬彬有礼,可瞧她总是戴着一 副白手套,够奇怪的。有谁见过她脱过手套——可以这么说,从未。这明显让她与众不同。这值得研究,林恩暗自高兴起来。高三学习很紧张,尤其身处这所市里面最有名的学 校中,每天大家都在为各种考试做准备,总要找点乐子吧。林恩是一刻也不甘寂寞的人,一 个生来乐天派的小伙子总会有几个死党,安迪就是其中之一。安迪这个人外向,幽默,别看 大大咧咧的,什么事都很上心。他最头疼自己常法控制脾气,源于他对人容易失去耐心。不 过呢,每个人总有优点和缺点的。安迪做起事来就很投入,充满热情和自信,要不然林恩也 不会这么欣赏他。林恩朝他递了个纸条:你觉得马莎莎怎么样?安迪看后,惊奇地朝他眨了 眨眼,随即苦笑了一下:兄弟就是兄弟啊,连心仪的对像都一样。“马莎莎,现在退出比赛还来得及的。”林恩趁着教授布朗先生转过身,用手掩着嘴, 带着他标志性的坏笑偷偷对她说。“你还真以为我以为是胆小鬼啊?”马莎莎心里恨恨道,同时白了他一眼。 说起这次校一年一度的男女混合篮球比赛,那可是学生最盛大的节日。有句话说的好: 男女搭配,打球不累。可是马莎莎竟也来参与,他就难以理解了。林恩就是这样给她的评语: 死板,跟不上潮流。当然,他也承认,就个人品质而言,马莎莎性格好,品行端正。不过, 他自己也不差啊,谁不知道他高大、潇洒?想到这,他偷偷拿出兜里的镜子,里面的小伙子方 正脸,高鼻梁,浓眉大眼,可是这样俊俏的脸,竟然被死党们称为“坏小子”。有一种说法: 人的姓名多不符合实际,但绰号却不会错。朋友说就罢了,可他记忆里女朋友说得最多的一 句话就是:你坏死了。林恩叹了一口气,无意中从镜中偷偷看了一眼马莎莎。高挑、苗条、 头发又黑又柔顺。追她的人本来不少,可马莎莎似乎有意疏远他们。她喜欢一个人呆在校园 里的花坛旁,细心呵护着那些花草。你看她的时候,她永远都在它们窃窃私语呢。可是她也 不是个消极被动的人。她总是那么坚持原则,思想独立,不怕艰苦。 很快就到了比赛时刻。班上同学被分成两队。直到比赛最后十分钟,两队比分相当。 此时马莎莎作为替补上场。安迪正把球传给林恩,可让人意想不到的是,马莎莎将球夺了过 来,火箭一般的速度冲向目的地,没等其他人明白球进了!这时比赛结束了。马莎莎此时正 准备走出球场,似乎要避开熙熙攘攘的人群。林恩和安迪跑了过去。 “马莎莎,你绝对比所有人都强, 我没料到你有如此的篮球天赋啊。你……”安迪正 要继续下去,林恩拍了他一下,说:“这个时候嘴很甜啊。我为你的球技表示同情。” “碰巧吧。以前教练对我的训练很严格。”擦了擦额头的汗珠,马莎莎从包里取出手 套。 "别谦虚啦。这么热,怎么……”林恩弯下腰,帮她收拾东西。突然他有股莫名的兴 奋,拿起另外一只手套要给马莎莎带上,可就在林恩接触到她的手一刻,林恩心头一震,他 疑惑地看看马莎莎,可是马莎莎连忙抽回手,避开他的眼神,招呼就也没打快步走出体育馆。 练习册(略)





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