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promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal respo nsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but mai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ords are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to look for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill ax e theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plomati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Central r uling a cting political new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and core idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons团队凝聚力小故事团队精神,就像一个家庭一样能够互相理解、互相帮助,把个人的优点发 挥出来,把个人的缺点逐渐弥补,使整个团队趋向于完美的个体。 犹太人是一个弱小的民族,正是凭借强大的凝聚力才得以发展至今,并且 成为世人瞩目的焦点。在犹太传说中有一个关于“折箭”的故事: 很久以前,一位希腊国的国王有三个儿子。这三个小伙子个个都很有本领, 难分上下。可是他们自恃本领高强,都不把别人放在眼里,认为只有自己最有才 能,平时三个儿子常常明争暗斗,见面就互相讥讽,在背后也总爱说对方的坏话。 国王见到儿子们如此互不相容,很是担心,他明白敌人很容易利用这种不睦的局 面来乘机击破,那样一来国家的安危就悬于一线了。国王一天天衰老,他明白自 己在位的日子不会很久了。可是自己死后,儿子们怎么办呢?究竟用什么办法才 能让他们懂得要团结起来呢? 一天,久病在床的国王预感到死神就要降临了,他也终于有了主意。他把儿 子们召集到病榻跟前,吩咐他们说:“你们每个人都放一枝箭在地上。”儿子们不 知何故,但还暗照办了。国王又对大儿子说:“你随便拾一枝箭折断它。”大王子 捡起身边的一前,稍一用力箭就断了。国王又说:“现在你把剩下的再枝箭全都拾 起来,把它们捆在一起,再试着折断。”大王子抓住箭捆,折腾得满头大汗,始终 也没能将箭捆折断。这时国王语重心长地说道:“你们都看得很明白了,一枝箭, 轻轻一折就断了,可是合在一起的时候,就怎么也折不断,只有三个人联合起来, 齐心协力,才会产生无比巨大的力量,战胜一切,保障国家的安全。这就是团结 的力量啊!”儿子终于领悟了父亲的良苦用心,国王见儿子们真的懂了,欣慰地点 了下头,闭上眼睛安然去世了。To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism wit h Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the understanding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉XI Ge ner al Se cretarys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the devel opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 closing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost gre at of dream in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am notto recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h m elody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on due its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese grea t revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren common of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courag e. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr ogramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but mai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ord s are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to lo ok for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill axe theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plomati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Central r uling a cting polit ical new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and core idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons一个外企招聘白领职员,吸引了不少人前去应聘。应聘者中有本科生,也有 研究生,他们头脑聪明、博学多才,是同龄人中的佼佼者。聪明的董事长知道, 这些学生有渊博的知识做后盾,书本上的知识是难不倒他们的,于是,公司人事 部就策划了一个别开生面的招聘会。 招聘开始了,董事长让前六名应聘者一起进来,然后发了 15 元钱,让他们去 街上吃饭。并且要求,必须保证每个人都要吃到饭,不能有一个人挨饿。条的价 格不高,但是每份最低也得 3 元。他们一合计,照这样的价格,六个人一共需要 18 元,可是现在手里只有 15 元,无法保证每人一份。于是,他们垂头丧气地出 了餐厅。回到公司,董事长问明情况后摇了摇头,说:“真的对不起,你们虽然 都很有学问,但是都不适合在这个公司工作。” 其中一人不服气地问道:“15 元钱怎么能保证六个人全都吃上饭?” 董事长笑了笑说:“我已经去过那家餐厅了,如果五个或五个以上的人去吃 饭,餐厅就会免费加送一份。而你们是六个人,如果一起去吃的话,可以得到一 份免费的午餐,可是你们每个人只想到自己,从没有想到凝聚起来,成为一个团 队。这只能说明一个问题,你们都是以自我为中心、没有一点团队合作精神的人。 而缺少团队合作精神的公司,又有什么发展前途呢?”听闻此话,六名大学生顿 时哑口无言。在古希腊时期的塞浦路斯,有一座城堡里曾经关着一群小矮人,传说他们是因 为受到了可怕咒语的诅咒而被关到了这个与世隔绝的地方。他们找不到任何人可 以求助,没有粮食,没有水,七个小矮人越来越绝望。 小矮人们没有想到,这是神灵对他们的考验,关于团结、智慧、知识、合作 的考验。 小矮人中, 阿基米德是第一个收到守护神雅典娜托梦的。 雅典娜告诉他,To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism wit h Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the underst anding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉 XI Ge neral Se cretarys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the dev el opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 closing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dream in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am not to recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h m elody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on due its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese grea t revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren common of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courag e. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr og ramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but m ai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ords are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to look for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill ax e theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plom ati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Cent ral r uling a cting political new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and c ore idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons在这个城堡里,除了他们呆的那间阴湿的储藏室以外,其他的 25 个房间里,有 1 个房间里有一些蜂蜜和水, 够他们维持一段时间; 而在另外的 24 个房间里有石头, 其中有 240 块玫瑰的灵石,收集到这 240 块灵石,并把它们排成一个圈的形状, 可怕的咒语就会解除,他们就能逃离厄运,重归自己的家园。 第二天,阿基米德迫不及待地把这个梦告诉了其他的六个伙伴,其中四个人都不 愿意相信,只有爱丽丝和苏格拉底愿意和他一起去努力。开始的几天里,爱丽丝 想先去找些木柴生火,这样既能取暖又能让房间里有些光线;点把 240 块灵石找 齐,好快点让咒语解除;三个人无法统一意见,于是决定各找各的,但几天下来, 三个人都没有成果,倒是耗得精疲力尽了,更让其他的四个人取笑不已。 但是三个人没有放弃,失败让他们意识到应该团结起来。他们决定。先找火种, 再找吃的,最后大家一起找灵石。这是个灵验的方法,三个人很快在左边第二个 房间里找到了大量的蜂蜜和水。管理心得:显而易见,一个共同而明确的目标,对于任何团队来说都非常重要。 在实践过程中,可能会有不同的因素妨碍团队合作。比如说,生产部门生产 的产品,销售部门发现销售不畅;设计人员可能不考虑生产部门的难处或市场需 要,要求开发出一种全新设备;组织内部的等级制造成老板和下属之间的磨擦和 误解,下属抱怨老板根本不想理解他们的问题,而老板对下属的漠然和无动于衷 也颇有微词,由此可见,企业只有具备了明确的目标,并且在组织内部形成紧密 合作的团队才能取得成功。 有一个故事是这样的:在美国的一次艺术品拍卖现场,拍卖师拿出一把小提琴当众 宣布:“这把小提琴的拍卖起价是 1 美元.”还没等他正式起拍,一位老人就走上To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the understanding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉 XI Ge neral Se cret arys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the devel opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 clo sing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dre am in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am not to recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h melody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on d ue its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese great revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren comm on of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courage. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr ogramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but mai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ord s are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to lo ok for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill axe theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plomati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Central r uling a cting polit ical new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and core idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons台来,只见他二话不说,抄起小提琴就竟自演奏起来.小提琴那优美的音色和他 高超的演奏技巧令全场的人听得入了迷.演奏完,这位老人把小提琴放回琴盒中, 还是一言不发地走下台.这时拍卖师马上宣布这把小提琴的起拍价改为 1000 美 元.等正式拍卖开始后,这把小提琴的价格不断上扬,从 2000 美元、3000 美元、 8000 美元、9000 美元,最后这把小提琴竟以 10000 美元的价格拍卖出去.同样的 一把小提琴何以会有如此的价格差异?很明显,是协作的力量使这把小提琴实现 了它的价值潜能.一个人,一个公司,一个团队莫不是如此.如果只强调个人的 力量,你表现得再完美,也很难创造很高的价值,所以说“没有完美的个人,只 有完美的团队”.这一观点被越来越多的人认可. 在刚刚结束的雅典奥运会上,中国女排在冠军争夺赛中那场惊心动魄的胜利恰恰 证明了这一点.8 月 11 日,意大利排协技术专家卡尔罗·里西先生在观看中国女 排训练后认为,中国队在奥运会上的成败很大程度上取决于赵蕊蕊,可在奥运会 开始后第一次比赛中,中国女排第一主力、身高 1.97 米的赵蕊蕊因腿伤复发,无 法上场了. 媒体惊呼:中国女排的网上“长城”.中国女排只好一场场去拼,在小组 赛中,中国队还输给了古巴队,似乎国人对女排夺冠也不抱太大希望. 然而,在最终与俄罗斯争夺冠军的决赛中,身高仅 1.82 米的张越红一记中扣穿越 了 2.02 米的莫娃的头顶,砸在地板上,宣告这场历时 2 小时零 19 分钟、出现过 50 次平局的颠峰对决的结束.经过了漫长的艰辛的 20 年以后,中国女排再次摘得奥 运会金牌. 我熬夜看完了整场比赛,惊心动魄后是激动的泪水,就像在 20 年前看到郎平、周晓 兰、张蓉芳等老一代女排夺冠时一样激动.To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism wit h Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the underst anding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉 XI Ge neral Se cretarys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the dev el opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 closing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dream in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am not to recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h m elody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on due its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese grea t revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren common of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courag e. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr og ramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but m ai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ords are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to look for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill ax e theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plom ati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Cent ral r uling a cting political new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and c ore idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons的胜利恰恰证明了这一点.8 月 11 日,意大利排协技术专家卡尔罗·里西先生在 观看中国女排训练后认为,中国队在奥运会上的成败很大程度上取决于赵蕊蕊, 可在奥运会开始后第一次比赛中,中国女排第一主力、身高 1.97 米的赵蕊蕊因腿 伤复发,无法上场了.媒体惊呼:中国女排的网上“长城”.中国女排只好一场场 去拼,在小组赛中,中国队还输给了古巴队,似乎国人对女排夺冠也不抱太大希望. 然而,在最终与俄罗斯争夺冠军的决赛中,身高仅 1.82 米的张越红一记中扣穿越 了 2.02 米的莫娃的头顶,砸在地板上,宣告这场历时 2 小时零 19 分钟、出现过 50 次平局的颠峰对决的结束.经过了漫长的艰辛的 20 年以后,中国女排再次摘得奥 运会金牌. 我熬夜看完了整场比赛,惊心动魄后是激动的泪水,就像在 20 年前看到郎平、 周晓 兰、张蓉芳等老一代女排夺冠时一样激动.女排夺冠后,中国女排教练陈忠和放声 痛哭,难儿有泪不轻弹,个中的艰辛,只有陈忠和和女排姑娘们最清楚。 那么,中国女排凭什么战胜了那些世界强队,凭什么反败为胜战胜俄罗斯队?陈 忠和赛后说:“我们没有绝对的实力去战胜对手,只能靠团队精神,靠拼搏精神 去赢得胜利。用两个字来概括队员们能够反败为胜的原因,那就是忘我。” 相传佛教创始人释迦牟尼曾问他的弟子:“一滴水怎么样才能不干涸?”弟子们 面面相觑,无法回答,释迦牟尼说:“把它放入大海里去。” 个人再完美,也就是一滴水;一个团队、一个优秀的团队就是大海。To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the understanding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉XI Ge neral Se cret arys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the devel opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 clo sing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dre am in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am notto recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h melody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on d ue its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese great revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren comm on of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courage. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr ogramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but mai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ord s are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to lo ok for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill axe theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plomati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Central r uling a cting polit ical new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and core idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons一个有高度竞争力的组织,包括企业,不但要求有完美的个人,更要有完美的团 队。 移动通信行业发展快速,只有 10 年历史的手机,产品几乎每 18 个月就更新换代。 为反映这一行业特征,诺基亚在中国的 5000 多名员工的平均年龄只有 29 岁,诺 基亚希望他们能跟上快节奏的变化,采取“投资于人”的发展战略,让公司获得 成功的同时,个人也可以得到成长的机会。 在诺基亚,一个经理就是一个教练,他们知道怎样培训员工来帮助他们做得更好, 不是“叫”他们做事情,而是“教”他们做事情。 经理人在教他的工作伙伴做事情,建立团队时,要力求设计合理的团队结构,让 每个人的能力得到发挥。没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队,惟有建立健全的团 队,企业才能立于不败之地。 诺基亚是移动电话市场的旗舰厂商,在市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,诺基亚的移 动电话增长率持续高于市场增长率,从 1998 年起它就位居全球手机销售龙头,目 前占有全球 1/3 的市场份额,几乎是位居第二的竞争对手市场份额的两倍。诺基 亚在中国的投资超过 17 亿美元,建立 8 个合资企业、20 多家办事处和 2 个研发 中心,拥有员工超过 5500 人。 诺基亚公司的成功得益于他们的团队精神。 团队精神的培养 一、为什么人多力量却不一定大.To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism wit h Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the underst anding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉XI Ge neral Se cretarys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the dev el opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 closing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dream in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am notto recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h m elody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on due its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese grea t revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren common of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courag e. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr og ramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but m ai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ords are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to look for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill ax e theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plom ati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Cent ral r uling a cting political new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and c ore idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons1、拉绳实验告诉我们 1+1 2,即整体小于各部分之和,这一结果向团队的组织者发 出挑战. 2、影响团队绩效的诸多因素. a)公平因素 b)绩效的评估方法 c)人际关系 总结:一个人没有团队精神将难以成就大事,一个企业如果没有团 队精神将成为一盘散沙,一个民族如果没有团队精神也将难以强大. 二、没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队. 1、是协作的力量使这把小提琴实现了它的价值潜能. 2、个人再完美,也就是一滴水、一个团队、一个优秀的团队就是大海. 3、不是“叫”他们做事情,而是“教”他们做事情. 总结:经理人在教他的工作伙伴做事情,建立团队时,要力求设计合 理的团队结构,让每个人的能力得到发挥,没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队,唯有 建立健全的团队,企业才能立于不败之地. 三、时代需要英雄,更需要完美的团队 1、乔丹、姚明告诉我们需要英雄,更需要完美的团队.To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the understanding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉 XI Ge neral Se cret arys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the devel opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 clo sing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dre am in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am not to recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h melody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on d ue its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese great revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren comm on of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courage. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr ogramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but mai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ord s are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to lo ok for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill axe theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plomati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Central r uling a cting polit ical new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and core idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons2、联想很强调企业家和能人的贡献,而麦当劳强调的管理团队. 3、一个人活着是要一点精神的、一家企业的生存不仅仅需要高层那么几个英雄人 物,更需要形成中层强有力的团队,也需要普通员工的团队精神. 四、以一当十并不难,难的是以十当一 1、 团队与群体是不一样的,群体可以因为事项聚集到一起,而团队则不仅有着共同 的目标,而且渗透着一种团队精神. 2、刘邦的胜利,是团队的胜利. 刘邦建立了一个人格得其所,才能适得其用的团队.项羽则仅靠匹夫之勇,没 有建立起一个人才得其所用的团队,所以失败才在情理之中. 3、珍珠的理论 总结:团队协作模式对个人的素质有较高的要求,成员除了应具备优秀的专业知识 以外,还要有优秀的团队合作能力,这种合作能力,有时甚至比成员的专业知识更 加重要.作为一个员工,要想取得成绩,只发挥以一当十的干劲还不够,还必须提高 自己的团队合作能力,使整个团队发挥以十当一的功效. 五、为什么选择唐僧做团队领导 1、孙悟空是力量型性格的杰出代表. 2、猪八戒是活泼型性格的代表. 3、沙和尚是和平型性格的代表To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism wit h Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the underst anding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉 XI Ge neral Se cretarys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the dev el opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 closing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dream in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am not to recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h m elody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on due its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese grea t revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren common of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courag e. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr og ramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but m ai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ords are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to look for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill ax e theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plom ati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Cent ral r uling a cting political new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and c ore idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons4、唐僧是完美型性格的代表 六、物竟天择、竞争生存:打造竞争型团队 1、 在激烈的市场条件下,我们就必须把竞争意识渗透到团队建设之中,建设一个竞 争型团队. 2、从外部来讲敢于正视自己,敢于面对强手. 3、从内部来讲,团队的成员也要有竞争意识. 4、 在建立内部竞争机制的时候,要注意成员相互之间是竞争而不是斗争,一定要以 业绩作为考核标准. 总结:不想被狼吃掉,就要学会与狼共舞,要与狼共舞,先要学会变成狼,而对竞争 无路可走,只有勇敢地迈上去. 七、授人以鱼,打造学习型团队,(是不是只要相互竞争就可以了呢?) 1、要有和谐的内部气氛,分享知识. 2、一个团队学习的过程,就是团队成员思想不断交流,智慧之火不断碰撞的过程. 总结: 授人以鱼只能使他做对了事情, 授人以鱼则可以使他“以正确的方法做事 情”不仅要做正确的事,还要正确的做事,这是活到老也要学到老的事. 八、如何使 1+1 2 打造协作型团队 1、“狼性文化”大行其道备受企业推崇.To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the understanding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉 XI Ge neral Se cret arys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the devel opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 clo sing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dre am in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am not to recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h melody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on d ue its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese great revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren comm on of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courage. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr ogramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over promote the exte nsi on of strictly a dministeri ng the party grass r oots, but als o the e ducational practi ce of the mas s line of the party and "three three" s peci al education results achieved furt her inherited a nd expa nde d. To realize "two a" lear ning e ducation i s a ne cess ary sol ution to the present problems of party constr ucti on. Stre ngthe n problem cons cious ness a nd i nsiste d on problem oriente d, is full of stri ctly administeri ng the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful ex perience. Se cretary Wang noted t hat some party members still have political aware nes s, lack of politi cal responsi bility is sues , party awareness a nd consci ousnes s of the probl em belief does not really beli eve, slim does not act ually fix probl ems, outspoken, a nd j ump on the a sses sment of the partys policie s, and so on. Bi Lifu Secretary pointe d out that a quarter of the economic sit uation is very seri ous, t here is press ure on environment, s easonal factors a nd other obje ctive reas ons , but mai nly subje ctive problem, is the problem of party members a nd cadres . Some de pres sed, negative sla ck, not re spons ible, ... D ouble six, one, a nd tw o took the lead, buil d energy burst, H ong sha n distri ct, economic prosperity, e co livabl e, civili zed a nd harmoni ous island. It certainly can not be s eparated from the whole area 646 gras s r oots party organizati ons a nd 14,14 6 members of br oad participati on a nd support. Through the "two" study a nd e ducation, so t hat every cell of the party healt h, every orga niz ation is str ong, s o that all member s of the vang uard a nd exemplary r ole, all the fighti ng basti on role of grass roots party organiz ations into full play so t hat we ca n cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smoot h realization of the "Thirte en Five" goal. Se cond, basic l earni ng, focus on lear ning educati on must understand the le arni ng content and learning styles "Foundation l earni ng" these four w ord s are importa nt information i nsi de is very large, capture profound work trut h in life. For example, I often say that the good Car penter NA O Car pente r, why do s ome car penters ma de fur niture to hav e everybody likes it, Carpe nter we are not willi ng to lo ok for him? are appar ently two people hig h and low te chnol ogy, dig into the dee p is firmer whe n both of hi s appr entice s are not soli d, there i s no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are lear n had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and pra ctice cultivation, and pra ctice persevera nce, a nd practice patie nce, t hen wit h seve n days s even night mill axe theory arme d, and unity action, seri ously learni ng XI General Secretary on reform development sta ble, and Interi or di plomati c defense, and rule party ruling army of important thoug ht, seri ously l earni ng to XI comrade for G eneral Se cretary of Central r uling a cting polit ical new conce pt new thoug ht new strateg y, seri ously le arni ng XI G eneral Se cretary study i n Inner M ong olia importa nt spe ech spirit, Gui de party member s and a dee p understa ndi ng of a series of important speeches ri ch connotation and core idea s, whi ch began so thoroughly Marxist positi ons2、送人玫瑰,手留余香,帮别人不会使自己损失什么,反而能让自己收获友情,关 爱和愉悦的心情. 总结:在现代企业团队建设中,打造一支“协作型”团队无疑是企业的保障,这 种协作力,就是一种团队精神.To sum up, i s divided int o 9 main part s: 1. wit h regard to persisting a nd developing socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. 18 si nce the XIOn more tha n one occas ion, General Secretary of the histori cal origi n and devel opme nt process of socialism wit h Chi nese chara cteristics, the roa d of s ociali sm w ith Chi nese chara cteristics, System Info, system, uphold a nd develop the underst anding of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics i s determine d to hav e bee n profoundly expounde d, further stre ngthe ned t he party and the people a dhere t o and devel op the confide nce a nd determination of the s oci alism with Chine se characteristi cs. 。 位 岗 导 领 的 权 定 务 量 裁 由 自 批 审 理 管 门 部 可 许 法 执 政 行 有 具 , 等 用 使 金 资 度 额 和 排 安 目 免 任 人 要 、 项 事 策 决 大 重 及 涉XI Ge neral Se cretarys speech in thi s regard include the peoples year ning for a better life, that is our goal, cl osely focus on t he devel opme nt of socialism wit h Chi nes e characteristi cs study and publi cize the spirit of party 1 8, the unwaveri ngly adhere to the dev el opment of socia lism with Chinese characteri stics , the persistence a nd good use of Ma o Ze Dongs thought of soul . 2. with regar d to the Chi nese dre am of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chine se nati on. 1 8 closing s oon, the new Central collective l eaders hip whe n they visite d the exhi bition of the road This a spe cts XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch main i ncl udi ng achieved Chi nese great revival is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dream in 12t h ses sion nati onal peoples Congre ss first times Conference Sha ng of spe ech work to dream into really in a chi eved China dream of vivid pra ctice i n the flying youth dream achi eved China dre am notto recover y, XI , General Secretary of the solem n de claration "the great rejuvenati on of the Chines e nation, the greatest dream of the Chine se nati on i n moder n times." Zhi hou, on more tha n one occasi on, General Secretary expounde d the s cientifi c connotation of Chi nese dream, realize the Chi nes e dream must take the roa d, carry forwar d the s pirit and cohesi on of Chi nese force s, gradually formed the Chi na dream, a strategic t hought. And pra ctice wit h the Chi nese dre am, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee, a nd conforms to t he deve lopme nt trend and t he people hope , embodies t he greatest common divi sor a nd the conse ns us of Chines e pe ople at home a nd abr oad, i ns piring all peoples forging a head i n unity, t he spirit of uns wervingly foll ow the r oad of s ociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs flags a nd hig h m elody. only be nefit pe ople , and be nefit world people innovati on due its Shi, dream s uitable have its potential achieve d Chi nese grea t revival is bot h at home a nd a broad Chi nese chil dren common of dream,. 3 . on dee peni ng reform. 18 si nce t he XI General Secretary for the first time to Study on the choice of the Gua ngdong, une quiv ocally ex press the unswervi ngly follow the road of reform and openi ng up power determinati on a nd courag e. Partys 18 sessi on a dopted a decis ion t o dee pe n reform, ope ned a new j ourney for dee peni ng the reform in our country. Central ha s hel d 22 times full deepening reform led Group Conference, considered thr oug h more tha n 100 more items im portant reform pr og ramme, developed i ntroduce d more than 80 0 over





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2020-07-30 #故事会在线阅读




2020-04-06 #故事大全




2020-04-06 #故事会在线阅读




2020-07-30 #故事会在线阅读




2020-04-01 #经典故事




2020-04-06 #短篇故事




2020-04-06 #短篇故事




2020-04-18 #经典故事