

时间:2020-04-19 02:24:08


四年级上册英语演讲稿一分钟篇一:四年级上册英语演讲稿一分钟 大家早上(上午、中午)好!非常高兴能站在这里介绍 我自己。我的名字叫 oslo。今年 是一个长头发女生,我喜欢的颜色是粉色。我有很多的爱好,如画画、唱歌和打网球。如果 你和我有同样的爱好,我们可以一起交流、享受。我的 梦想是长大后可以到处旅行。谢谢! good afternoon everybody!一分钟英语演讲稿ladies goodafternoon! veryglad standhere giveyou shortspeech. today my topic hopeyou youryouth so morecherish askyou some questions: doyou know what howdo you master your youth? youth youth rosycheeks redlips suppleknees, deepsprings youthmeans temperamentalpredominance courageover timidity adventureover oftenexists 60more than nobodygrows old merely wegrow old desertingour ideals. years wrinkle giveup enthusiasm wrinkles self–distrust bows spiritback whether60 everyhuman being unfailingchildlike appetite what?snext yourheart myheart wirelessstation solong receivesmessages hope,cheer, courage powerfrom men infinite,so long yourspirit grownold ,even youraerials catchwaves hopeyou may die young thankyou!篇三:四年级英语话题演讲稿 四年级英语话 题演讲稿四年级 ourschool hello! my name girl.im gradelet me talk about our school. our school shengliprimary bigbuilding manyteachers ourschool has many teachers offices manyschool has playground,alibrary ourclassroom secondfloor, our teachers office firstfloor. schoolgate,our school has bigplayground. we often run ,play football domorning exercises manybeautiful flowers.our school has manybooks ourschool library. we can go readstory books. readstory books. our school has ofteneat lunch beautiful.we love our timehello! my name girl.im gradelet me talk about getup gohome chinese11: time cando:time somemilk;time lunch.have some chicken;time somerice;time dance!thank you! 三、clothes hello! my name girl.im gradelet me talk about clothes. how many clothes do you know? well,i colourdo you like? well,i like brown jacket,white sweater,green skirt,red shirt bluelike whitesweater greenlike cando: put yourup your off your jacket. fold your your away your sweater. thank you! 四、farm hello! my name girl.im gradelet me talk about farm.what animals farm?doyou know?well,i canwe do farm,wecan feed farm,youcan see tomatoes,cucumbers,potatoes,onions verybig. thats you!篇四:英语一分 钟演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿, ladies goodafternoon! veryglad standhere giveyou shortspeech. today my topic hopeyou youryouth so morecherish askyou some questions: doyou know what howdo you master your youth? youth youth rosycheeks redl原文来自: 范文网:四年级上册英语演讲稿一分钟ips suppleknees, deepsprings youthmeans temperamentalpredominance courageover timidity adventureover oftenexists 60more than nobodygrows old merely wegrow old desertingour ideals. years wrinkle giveup enthusiasm wrinkles self–distrust bows spiritback whether60 everyhuman being unfailingchildlike appetite what?snext yourheart myheart wirelessstation solong receivesmessages hope,cheer, courage powerfrom men infinite,so long thankyou!篇五:一分钟演讲稿一分钟演讲稿 杨子茜 隋朝著名学者卢思道,小时候脑子很灵。有一次,他父 亲把他的诗文拿给朋友看。朋友 们都伸出大拇指赞不绝口。这一来,卢思道有点飘飘然 了,不愿再下苦功学习了。 有一天,卢思道去拜访一位名 叫刘松的学者,走进屋子,只见他正挥笔给人撰写碑文。 碑文内容深奥,有许多词句和典故卢思道都看不懂。顿 时,他自惭形秽,感慨地自语道:“我 真好比是井底之蛙啊!” 从此,卢思道好象变了一个人,再也不在众人面前夸夸 其谈了。他先是在家刻苦自学, 以后又带着各种疑难问题去请教名人。就这样,他的知 识越来越丰富,写的文章也日见长进。 有一天,卢思道又见到了刘松。他恭敬地把自己的文章 拿给刘松看,请他指教。刘松看了, 拍手大加赞赏:“想不到你小小年纪,竟能写出如此文情 并茂的文章,不简单!”说罢,还老 老实实地承认自己对卢思道文章中的一些典故搞不大 懂,要求他一一加以解释。 从这件 事上我深刻认识到“满招损,谦受益”的道理,学习要谦 虚,不能骄傲。 分钟英语演讲稿一分钟英语演讲稿 一分钟英语演讲稿, ladies goodafternoon! veryglad standhere giveyou shortspeech. today my topic hopeyou youryouth so morecherish askyou some questions: doyou know what howdo you master your youth? youth youth rosycheeks redlips suppleknees, deepsprings youthmeans temperamentalpredominance courageover timidity adventureover oftenexists 60more than nobodygrows old merely wegrow old desertingour ideals. years wrinkle giveup enthusiasm wrinkles self–distrust bows spiritback whether60 everyhuman being unfailingchildlike appetite what?snext yourheart myheart wirelessstation solong receivesmessages hope,cheer, courage powerfrom men infinite,so long yourspirit grownold ,even youraerials catchwaves hopeyou may die young thankyou!篇二:一分钟英语演讲 my favorite color 最喜欢的颜色blue has always been my favorite color, alwayscontinue haveseveral reasons colorbest. first, verysoothing color makespeople happy. how do people feel when wakeup daywhen dirtygrey? sad deepblue, good cheer joyenters our hearts. another reason why ammost partial sunnyday. whenever goswimming, werereborn. havealso heard term“true blue” means greatrespect onemore reason myliking blue so much. 蓝色一直是我最喜欢的颜色,而且我认为一直都会是这 样。我有几个最喜欢这种颜色的理由。第一,它是一种使人 平和、快乐的颜色。当人们睡醒 时,看到一个灰暗的天空,他们会感觉如何?沮丧忧郁。 但是当天空是深蓝色时,喜悦和快 乐就进入我们心中。 我偏爱蓝色的另一个理由,是因为它是海洋、河流、湖 泊在晴朗日子时的颜色。每当我 去游泳,我觉得我好像重生了。我认为,蓝色是一种优 雅、高贵的颜色,我有几套不同颜色的衣服,但是不知怎么, 色似乎是适合我。同时,我的朋友都说,每当我穿蓝色的衣服时,似乎看起来更修长、更高 我也听说过英文里有个名词,“不褪色的蓝”,意思是忠实的,因为我很崇尚忠实这种 品德,这又是我这么喜欢蓝色的另一个理由了。 gloomy a.忧郁的 partial a.偏爱的 refined a.优雅的 generationgap 论代沟 myteens, “don’ts”my parents used example,when playingjazz records recordplayer, my father used sheernoise replacethem classicalmusic alwaysconsidered extremely dull. my mom dadwere also very particular about wentout alwaysquoting “onerotten apple could ruin wholebarrel apples.”when mypet dog peppy, immediatelysaid fewexamples thoughtmy parents were ueasonable about. today, however, amalso too,am pressuring my son heseems findhard otherday, myson’s hair altogethertoo long, so toldhim trimmedshort. ordinarily, he fairlyobedient, timehe put his foot down. “what’s wrong longhair?” he said. “all my buddies have long hair. myown hair, isn’t don’tthink you have orderme short,even you’remy father!” when hadspoken myfather, hewould have given me goodthrashing. suddenlyrealized nowliving moreliberal world, myson’s insistence wearinghis hair long generationgap existedbetween us. so sohe still wears his hair long. 论代沟 得我十几岁时,我总是反抗父母指定我做及不要我做的许多事。例如,当我用唱机听 爵士唱片时,父亲总指责这种音乐只是噪音,而换上我 一直认为是最沉闷的古典音乐唱片。 我爸爸妈妈对和我一起出去的朋友也很挑剔,并常引用 格言说:“一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥。” 当我坚持要和我的小狗佩比一起睡,他们马上说“不行”, 因为他们认为我会被跳蚤给咬了。 这些只是我认为父母许多不合理的事中的一个例子。然 而,今天我也是个十五岁小孩的父亲。 我发现自己也用一大堆我儿子似乎觉得难以忍受的规 定来压迫他。前几天,我注意到我儿子 的头发实在太长了,所以便叫他到理发店去修短。平常 他是很听话的,但这次他坚持。 头发有什么不对?”他说,“我所有的朋友都留长头发,况且,这是我自己的头发,不是吗? 我认为你没权力命令我把它剪短,即使你是我父亲。” 小时候,如果我对父亲讲话这么无礼,我知道会招来一 顿好打。但是我突然了解到我们 现在是生活在一个更自由的世界。我儿子坚持留长发, 只是存在于我们之间的代沟的一例。 因此我态度变温和了,也因此他现在还留着长发。 generation n.一代 dictate v.指定;命令jazz n.爵士乐 condemn v.指责 particular a.挑剔的maxim n.格言 flea n.跳蚤 put one’s foot down 坚持反对a part from manyfine qualities lincolnhad, admirehim most because he dared dowhat he thought timewhen his beliefs were very unpopular manypeople. he also had infinite patience thosewho disagreed discourtesytoward him admirablerestraint. he also had forgivehis opponents. when civilwar ended, he treated his erstwhile enemies greatgenerosity. wordswhich lincolnmemorial washington,were taken from his famous second inaugural address hephrases which shallnever forget: malicetoward none, all?”我最敬佩的人 我敬佩的人 有很多,但是我表上列的第一个是亚伯拉罕.林肯,美国伟大 的解放者。虽然 他生下来就很穷,他努力、诚实地工作,终于成为美国 总统。 emancipator n.解放者discourtesy n.无礼貌 restraint (感情之)抑制manliness 男子气概opponent n.对手;反对者erstwhile a.以前的 inaugural a.就职的 environmental protection 环境保护 countrysidenear kaohsiung cameup taipeiwhen twelve.seven years have elapsed since justrecently, myhome town veryfirst time since hadleft wouldyou like knowjust how feltwhen seteyes again hadalways remembered realshangrila? hadso carefully cherished winds.instead, sharprealization modernindustry were destroying our world. beautifulhills wereformerly covered treeswere now bald. all treesmust have been chopped down cheapapartment houses werenow ubiquitous all over crystal clearriver where hadenjoyed fishing swimmingwhen filthyditch whichchemical factories were dumpling all 环境保护我出生于高雄附近的乡下,当我才十二岁时,就搬来台 北。七年过去了,就在最近,我 回到睽违已久的家乡。你想知道,当我看到这个我总记 得是真正香格里拉的地方时,内心的 感受吗?我小心珍爱的形象都在风中破灭了。代之而起 的是,我痛心地了解到文明和现代工 业正在毁灭我们的世界。 原本覆盖着树木的美丽山丘现在已经秃了。所有的树木 一定被砍下作为木材,来建筑镇 上到处都是的便宜公寓。那条我少年时候喜欢钓鱼和游 泳、水晶般清澈的河流,现在变成化 学工厂倾倒垃圾的臭水沟。我可以继续不断地描述我故 乡遭受的可怕改变,但时间有限。所以最后我想说的就是, 用严厉措施来保护环境的时候已经到了。 elapse (时间)溜走;(光阴)逝去shangrila 香格里拉(人间的理想乐园) cherish 珍视,珍爱civilization 文明ubiquitous 无所不在的crystal clear 污秽的measure 措施small kindness 平凡的善行 new old people’s home. 平凡的善行平凡的善行就是一些我们在日常生活当中所做 的、简单的好事。不只对我们的亲友,结 全然陌生的人也一样;不是为了报酬,完全是出自一种 为他人福祉的慷慨、无私的精神。 我们每天看报,常得知 富有的慈善家所作“伟大的善行”。他们捐很多的钱盖学校、 图书 馆、免费为穷人看病的医院、孤儿院等等。当然这 得民众赞美的慈善行为。但我认为,那些没受到大众传播媒介褒奖或赞扬、具有服务大众热忱 的市民所作较小的善行,一样值得赞 我认为在上帝眼中,一个好心的白领阶级,即使在工作一天后极度疲惫,在挤满通勤 者的火车上让位给老弱或残障者,也一样值得赞美,甚 至比那些捐一百万元建造一座新的老 人院的亿万慈善家更值得表扬。 在任何国家的大城市, 居民的共同倾向就是“自扫门前雪”。对于那些无法赶上这种 快速 竞争步调的人,气氛是冷默无情的。让我们发起个人运 动,试着来修正这促情形。无论事情 多么微不足道,每天是行一善,那么我们的社会将会更 适于居住。 remuneration 报酬apprais v.报告,通知 philanthropist 赞扬crippled 残废的atmosphere 气氛inconsequential 分钟亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 我想请问大家,如果我打开地图,请你为我指出,你最 喜欢哪个国家?也许你会指自由 自在的美国,也许你会指浪漫的法国,也许你还会指神 秘的埃及。可是在我们的心中,却永远 忘不了一个令人骄傲的国度,那就是我们的祖国——中 我们伟大的祖国是最大的国家之一。它的人口超过 12 亿。北京是他的首都。想必大家 都知道,中国历史悠久,在1949 前,我们曾是一个很软弱贫穷的国家,这些都已成为过去,中国现在是一个强大的发展中国 家。事实证明,中国是强大的不可战胜的。如果有人问 起,我会自豪地说,我是中国人。中国我为你骄傲。 谢谢 大家,我的演讲完毕! hello, everyone 自我介绍 askyou pointout your favorite country






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三年级英语上册翻译三年级英语上册翻译英语头条– 中企动力









