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初一英语幽默故事要长一点的.能念一分钟左右然后生词可以有一两个 但不要太多



First LessonThe son of a businessman had agreed to join the family business,and on his very first day at the factory his father took him on to the roof and said,"Now,my son,I am about to give you your first lesson in business.Stand on the edge of the roof.""On the edge,Dad?" said the puzzled youth."On the very edge.""Very well,Dad," and the obedient son did as he was told."Now,when I say Jump!" said his father,"I want you to jump.""But its twenty foot drop!""My boy," said the father,"you want to learn the business,dont you?""Yes,Dad.""And you trust me?""Yes,Dad.""Right,Then do as I say Jump!"And the boy jumped,only to crash painfully to the ground twenty feet below.His father ran down the stairs to where the youth was lying,bruised,battered and winded."Now,my son," said the father,"you have just learned your first lesson in business NEVER TRUST ANYBODY!"

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