
灰姑娘英文续写200词 灰姑娘续写英文剧本



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旁白/Prince’brother Officer’sdaughter Cinderella’sstep mother Cinderellalive happylife after holding bigwedding, onecall her Cinderella any more, because she princesswho wear luxuriant dress. herhappiness someone’ssadness, which alwayswanting takeher out palace.Scene youhave changepeople’ Officer:Really? wantyou helpme. My daughter anyone,she mostbeautiful Madam carewho onlything myexperiment, testmy experiment. youcan change mydaughter, neverlet Cinderella back Witch1:Ok, youshould bring her here. Oh, way,you can take advantages herstep mother hersisters. officefinds Cinderella’s step mother samewords her,which witch said before. promiseher when Cinderella palace,he helpher makeher daughter princess.Scene Officer:My majesty, otherday, home,her mother said she misses queenvery much, seedaughter. Prince: Well, cancall seemy princess. Officer:My majesty, myopinion, good.I’mafraid commonpeople don’t know polite, suggestlet queen go back home Prince:Well, allright. You take responsibility 旁白:Thenext day, queenreturn home heraccompany, when she pass birdflys Bird:Dear queen, yourfamily give you soup, please don’t drink faint.Theyplan giveyou don’tworry, yourprince saveyou, you need protectyourself. 继母向灰姑娘使眼色,暗示随从退下 Cinderella:Youcan go back。 Accompany:Ok,myqueen. youneed,please call me Step mother:Oh, My dear! missyou very much, you did cameback since you get married. Do you still blame me? ’vealready forgotten, knowyou love your children, you goodmother. sosorry havedone, thanks forgivingme.Here yourhome forever. sosorry all same.Thescarf weaves you,itmade myself.I hope you could receive Mydear sister, please taste thinkyou would love 旁白:Cinderella sametime she remembers bird’swords, shefollows. Step mother变得狰狞起来,嘴里发出磔磔的笑声:Ha! You stupid, do you think reallycare about you? reallycare about hellforgiveness? You hopeyou disappearedforever. Ha,you disappeared, princess,my handsome prince, we havehappy life, tooexcited.大 臣突然出现,带着士兵 Officer:Tie them away! Soldier:Yes,sirFollowme,keep up! 旁白:Cinderella herstep mother sisterswere sent officer’sdaughter becomes Cinderella shelives princedoes recognizeher.The witch Cinderella,just asks Cinderella dosome light work sheteaches Cinderella some magic arts Officer’sdaughter:Dear prince, wantsome ever young pill,Iwant Officer’sdaughter:Oh!I want cando Prince:You’re kidding? princecomes findlittle bird. Prince:Little bird, do you think my wife totallydifferent? She gentle,kind, now,she keeps asking me queerthings, trymy best meether needs, amtired now. What should Bird:Dear prince, yourbeloved queen,then why doesn’t she wear crystalshoes? Prince:Yes, you right,she must mylovely Cinderella. Birdsing Poorgirl ,you should always keep yourmind, you conditionyou pay, love appearance,we don’t need see eyes,we need see heart,remember careabout people yourlife. 旁白:Prince finds Cinderella’ssister step mother,he knows what happened, he makes savinghis lover, matterhow hard Sohe finds ferociouswitch inquireabout queen’sinformation. sametime, kindwitch releases Cinderella helpher husband. Prince:Where mywife? Witch2:She knowwhere she canhelp you findher, promiseme one thing. Prince:What? Witch2:Marry loveyou, cankilled your officer fakeprincess. neverfall you,do saymarry me,my wife Witch2:Ha! afraidyou have ideaabout situation,your officer has already replaced you king,you have youwant you state, you must worry youinsist saving your wife, you looseyour state, you’d better consider Prince:My country still has my brother, he can save mywife only has me, so, lether alone. Witch2:Well, well, what touchinglove story, respectyou, giveyou hand,now, close your eyes. amgoing domagic. Cinderella:No, my dear, here,please open your findyou, you 旁白:Prince gives hisbrother, Cinderella use magicsaves her step mother sister,prince take Cinderella countryside,live happylife. 搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网92to.com,您的在线图书馆

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