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请各位帮忙找一下英语课本剧或英语寓言故事 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 帮忙找一下英语课本剧或英语寓言故事 LV 2013 04 16 哪里能找到英语课本剧或英语寓言故事(稍微长一点的),拜托各位帮帮忙!!!我有急用,谢谢了! 满意答案LV2013 04 16Mrs. Duck and Mr. RabbitMr. Rabbit said to Mrs. Duck, "Come and work with me and you will get more money than you have ever had before." Mrs. Duck said, "I will come." So Mrs. Duck worked with Mr. Rabbit. After some time Mrs. Duck said to Mr. Rabbit, "I want to buy some things; please give me some of the money which we have got." Mr. Rabbit said, "Things have gone very badly. I have no money to give you now." Mrs. Duck knew that this was not so; she knew that Mr. Rabbit has the money, but that he did not want to give it to Mrs. Duck. But Mrs. Duck said nothing. She went away; and she thought and thought. She did not go to sleep at night, but stayed awake thinking. She was thinking how she could get the money from Mr. Rabbit. One day Mrs. Duck came to Mr. Rabbit and said, "I do not want that money now; I have found a great big hole near the river; the hole is full of gold. It is full to the top; I never saw so much gold. It is more than I can take away; will you help me to take it away?" Mr. Rabbit said, "Yes, I shall be glad to help you. So Mr. Rabbit and Mrs. Duck went down the road to the river. When they came to the side of the river, Mrs. Duck said, "it is on the other side of the river." How shall I get over the water?" asked Mr. Rabbit. " Sit on my back," said Mrs. Duck, "and I will take you over." So Mr. Rabbit sat on Mrs. Ducks back, and Mrs. Duck went into the water. When Mrs. Duck was far from the side, she said, "Now I shall go down into the water, and you will fall from my back into the water." "But I shall be killed!" said Mr. Rabbit. "Yes," answered Mrs. Duck, "so you will. But you did not give me my money for the work which I did with you." "I hid the money in a pot in my house. Take me home and I will give it to you," said Mr. Rabbit. Mrs. Duck said, "I will take you home, and we will go to your house at once, and you shall give it to me. So Mr. Rabbit gave Mrs. Duck the money. Mr. Rabbit was afraid of Mrs. Duck after that .01 您可能感兴趣的内容 查看更多相关问题





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