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[ ]Razor Storm 6But to be fair to China, it was only in relatively recent years that it fell into such poverty. China was the worlds largest or second largest economy for a large part of its many millennia long history.


[ ]MBAMBA0 2The nation wide civil service exams that existed for many centuries allowing social advancement via intellectual merit vs.wealth or connections though those who had those had an advantage is really remarkable in context of the rest of the world during similar time periods.


[ ]PlatinumP0S 2Does building the Great Wall count? Ramparts had existed for centuries, but the fortified wall that everyone is familiar with was built more or less as an emotional reaction than as anything that would be truly useful. The Yuan Dynasty had ended, the Mongols had been expelled, and as far as I know, the Great Wall never successfully protected China from anything. The mongols were no longer a threat, the Manchus who overthrew the Ming were invited in to help supress a rebellion and promptly claimed China for themselves, and the British / Europeans arrived by sea.Very expensive piece of landscape architecture with the only real benefit being tourist dollars 600 years later.


[ ]spiralsandjeremy 2the voyages of zheng he are pretty fascinating. zheng he was a chinese noble and admiral who led a fleet of treasure ships, the largest wooden ships ever created by man, with 9 masts each, on a journey of exploration that took him all the way to the east coast of africa. they collected tribute and oaths of allegiance from many nations along the way, and came back to china after many years with a lot of crazy stuff like giraffes. when they got back to china, there was a new emperor, and he decided zheng hes expedition had been a massive waste of time, so he had the ships destroyed, the records of the journey destroyed, and in fact closed china off from the outside world almost completely. he ordered every single ship in china destroyed, and refused to allow foreigners entry.china remained closed off from the outside world for hundreds of years, until the british forced china to reopen its borders after defeating them in wars called the opium wars, fought because the british wanted to grow opium in india, which was a british colony also with a fascinating history, but off topic, and sell it in china, which was and is the largest country on earth, so the largest market for goods.

评论11:郑和航海的故事非常吸引人。郑和是一位中国贵族和海军上将,率领一队由人类创造的最大的木船,每艘船有9个帆的 宝船 组成的舰队,在探索之旅中一路到达了非洲东海岸。他们沿途收集了来自许多国家的忠诚和宣誓效忠,并且在多年后携带许多疯狂的东西如长颈鹿等一起回到了中国。当他们回到中国的时候,有一个新皇帝,他觉得郑和的远征是浪费时间,所以他毁掉了那些船只,航行旅程的记录也被摧毁,实际上他几乎完全关闭了中国与外面世界的联系。他命令摧毁中国的每一艘船,并拒绝让外国人入境。一直持续了数百年,中国仍然与外界隔绝,直到英国在战争中打败了中国,并迫使中国重新开放了边界。因为中国过去一直是而且当时也是世界上最大的国家,是最大的商品市场,而英国人想在其殖民地印度种植鸦片并在中国销售而引起的战争,所以这场战争又叫做鸦片战争,(也是一段引人入胜的历史,但并不是我要说的主题了)。

[ ]SwampFox1775 3I was going to say Wan Hu the Ming Dynasty Astronaut, but I guess it is fictional. He supposedly took the first rockets and strapped them to a chair and tried to get into space. He does have a crater on the moon named after him. The South Pointing Chariot used a a differential gear in 200 250AD. The statue in the wagon would always point south like a mechanical compass. They also invented the compass, and used south for reference instead of north.Chinese Paper Armor is pretty neat too...and they made the double bellow air pump, which let the forge better drills, which let them harvest natural gas! I read a book on anchient Chinese inventions and it seems like they were ahead of time on a lot of things, not sure why they dont get more credit. For example, the printing press! The Chinese and Koreans had them way before Gutenberg.

评论12:我想说明朝宇航员万户的故事,但我猜这是虚构的。 据说他第一个乘坐了火箭,他把火箭绑在椅子上,试图进入太空。在月球上有一个火山口就是以他的名字命名的。还有公元200年 250年用作差速齿轮的指南战车,马车里的雕像总是像机械罗盘一样指向南方。他们还发明了指南针,用南而不是北来定位。中国纸甲也很神奇...他们制造了双风箱空气泵,让他们能锻造更好的钻头来收获天然气!我读了一本关于中国古代发明的书,他们似乎在很多事情上都超前了,不知道为什么他们没得到更高的荣誉。比如,印刷术!中国人和韩国人领先古腾堡很多年就有了。(译注:古腾堡 西方活字印刷术的发明人)

[ ]ThereComing 2Looking into Wan Hu, the story doesnt even seem like its actually Chinese.


[ ]ShallowRain 1it sounds as Chinese as orange chicken does.






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