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There was a young hunter once upon a time, taking a fowling piece that shoot with great accuracy, go hunting in the forest.

At night, he sees far has blaze, go over there in spite of oneself face, walk along vicinity, see have 3 giant round one caboodle fire, inserting an ox in the barbecue on the gun, a giant is impatient, tear down for a flesh: "My foretaste is tasted, look ripe not. " he just should put the meat into the mouth, the hunter shoots to shoot the flesh in his hand. Giant thinks: "Certainly wind blows off the flesh. " he bought a pork again, wanting to be put into the mouth, the hunter shoots the flesh again. Giant hit another giant that sits by him an a slap on the face, furious he says: "What ghost do you beat? Get the meat again. " that giant says: "I did not hanky panky, a good gunman works. " piggish giant bought the 3rd pork again, but the result is same, the flesh is dropped again was in on the ground.

At that time, the hunter walks over, sit to fire by caboodle. 3 giant the marksmanship him is complimentary, say then: "Of the forest outside have a river, river there have a tower, there is a beautiful princess inside the tower, we want to grab her come, but, there is a dog on river side, very demon, one have activity it cries endlessly, you can go together with us, beat dead it first? " the hunter says: "This not needing the slightest effort. "This not needing the slightest effort..

Later, they cross a river by boat together, the doggie runs, just wanted to cry, the hunter shot to beat dead it.

Gigantic people looked to jubilate, felt this OK to reave the princess. The hunter says: "You are defended first here, I go in first look. " he walks into palace stealthily, the person in palace was asleep. He pushs a door, see there is the sword of a pure silver on the wall, there are a Venus and kingly name on the sword, there is a letter on the side. He ravels the letter, say inside, who took this sword, can kill any formidable foes. The hunter picks the sword, hang on the body, walked into a tower again in, see the princess is sleeping soundly, the princess is extremely beautiful. The hunter thinks: "Why should I let gigantic people step innocent princess grab flooey!

They are the guy with very bad heart. " he sees there are a pair of slipper below the bed suddenly, a of right, there also are kingly name and a bit above. One left has the princess name and a bit. He sees gold rimmed scarf of the princess go up again later, embroider of the right side has kingly name, left embroider has the princess name. The hunter is used those who cut hilt scarf is right half scissor, put into knapsack, bend a the lower part of the body again, take that slipper that has kingly name, put into knapsack.

Finish these things, he walks along gate mouth, the accost that place a hand 3 giant come over. When gigantic people runs, he passes pylon dead, let them climb one by one from the hole by the door. He says: "Only such princesses just wont be made a noise to wake. " when the first giant extends the head into the hole to come, hunter brandish sword throws the head that left him, drag his body next come in. The 2nd giant and the 3rd giant, sent an order likewise. Finally, the hunter cuts the tongue that issued 3 giant to be put into knapsack, walk out of a tower, he thinks: "I did a good work; The princess got rescued. The princess got rescued..





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