
两分钟左右的幽默英语小故事 四年级学生能读的小故事 急急急



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两分钟左右的幽默英语小故事 四年级学生能读的小故事 急急急 360问答搜索登录微信朋友圈微博QQQQ空间复制链接字号调整取消标准大超大巨大 两分钟左右的幽默英语小故事 四年级学生能读的小故事 急急急 LV 2014 04 13 一定要幽默... 一定要幽默 展开 满意答案LV2014 04 15Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday? I gave it to a poor old woman, he answered. You re a good boy, said the mother proudly. Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman? She is the one who sells the candy. 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。” Where is the father? Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings. Look, said the elder brother. How nice these paintings are! Yes, said the younger, but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father? The elder brother thought for a moment and then explained, Obviously he was painting the pictures. 父亲在哪儿? 兄弟俩在看一些漂亮的油画。 “看,”哥哥说,“这些画多漂亮呀!” “是啊,”弟弟说道,“可是在所有这些画中,只有妈妈和孩子。那爸爸去哪儿了呢?” 哥哥想了会儿,然后解释道:“很明显,他当时正在画这些画呗。”

追问 : 谢谢,能多一点吗

追答 : A smiling boy arrived home from a dental visit, Hey mom,the dentist says I have no cavities. His mom stared at him wide eyed and quite surprised, It s impossible you never brush your teeth after cleaning the chocolate box before you go to bed! Then the boy opened his mouth he Big Head“All the kids make fun of me”the boy cried to his mother.“They say I have a big head”“Don t listen to them.”his mother comforted him.“You have a beautiful head .Now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes”“Where s the shopping bag?”“I haven t got one,use your hat.”大脑袋“所有的孩子都拿我开玩笑,”小男孩哭着跟妈妈说:“他们说我长了一个大脑袋。”“别听他们的,”他妈妈安慰说:“你的脑袋长得很漂亮。好了,别哭了,去商店买10磅土豆来。”“购物袋在哪?”“我没有购物袋,就用你的帽子吧。” had not a tooth left! 英文笑话:我没有蛀牙 No Cavities 小男孩儿看完牙医,面带微笑地回到家:“嘿,妈妈,牙医说,我一颗蛀牙也没有。” 妈妈惊讶地瞪大眼睛:“不可能——你每回上床睡觉前都把巧克力盒子里的糖一下子吃完,而且从来不刷牙!” 这时,男孩儿张开了嘴巴——他的牙全被拔光了。?

追问 : 能长一点吗?谢谢,我两分钟都要读呢!

追答 : It was winter, and Mrs Miller wanted to do a lot of shopping She waited until it was Saturday, when her husband was free, and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry for her what she had bought. They went to a lot of shops, and Mrs. Miller bought everything she could think of. She often stopped and said“Look,Peter! Isn’t that beautiful?” Mr Miller then answered,“All right, my dear. How much is it?”and he took money out to buy it for her. It was almost dark when they came out of the last shop, and Mr Miller was tired. He was thinking about a nice drink by the side of a warm fire at home. Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said.“Look at that beautiful moon, Peter!” Without stopping. Mr Miller answered at once.“All right, dear. How much is it?”Then he took his wallet(钱包)out of his pocket.对不起,只限999个字中文意思写不下了,能自己去翻译吗?

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