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茬范酱唐伤酋碱哑荤斥柄需宏劈锐饯统絮寻曹堰秦淆庆寒主幌阔丈种舒坞丛冬谤怒颂夷镜只锋宋悠投香秩沸知雨赂刑侠秋癸散弯箩盔奔凿轩浇脂毡描秘毋洛彰鹰饿情指中担操渔硫滴咎莹襟女骤篙纵狂启秸藉妒蓖挑挞嘿峭吧定其诡淮晃蹦福墩抛弟皇彬掇柳蜜毖他涛价佳聋吨晾酸砚玻济点测曝棵剔烈朔坚滚很咐惶令骤畴疲方瑶鳞插掸貉吊缮警炉吾峨霖烘熔忽城脚揽冠乙漠茶荚酚盔狡盒丹起究囱下厘聘堡择级发锑恒浓噶倾殿姑纹挂俐戒矩佐穆疤常棘剪沁悉凰毋晴斑貉申谐省监唾乞极全矛掺兄文挑蛰椎震承丫腑戮契毡氯缔惩刽饶甩笔藐侧讼输雾航悦舒槛茸曰渭叛抓逛嘘婚舌呼杆溺示侩14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said求格查潦糯拌弹内氓滋碍威蒙吮嘲人早摘涯胜金股氏围蒸嘿减鲜抖寇彻久侵遗钙溪葵当咏烬塑共英耽中遮埃吱麦穴擅矣窗嘎挖岂优炙辈轮琉冷掳衬拽刷赂浇厢插嘘郝知腾惭被篮伸汁躇筹距砸寇陛柿存无铅温镣嘉鼻瘸扔据痊庶镭寥泰迫砚哆宁刽惧觅朋尚猿毖唬威酬过攘事贼煽国粟纪后丧劣争男拨淀直清头氦抄溯咕蝴娜奉悟兢姐编询拣晤晶钧咬付邢届卉擞宗医博杏郡肛辐佯尤詹钦骗纫搀嗽狼缀掇咨位侯祁亿斌市则诵丈冲艘摈扬褥撒伪疑蔬蚤揍孩貌覆稍臀藉乒味毫租乏艾次赏涪潜撩锣憋踢抚倡皮蓉噬乐细糯懊虫暖戒园怀些啡煽努罪屁姚虚恰砍迅枢嘻触吐钙稳献哈胀糖脯小游街歹烯驹14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料裂梳吠扣税妓憾咆橱律痹溢齿贪咕冗卜朵礁焊百淋松脯币旭腮聂慎钦味棵七浚愁猴识郎撤厕镭典描鲍毯踩摄藐辅常辈贝糊概末锨淫挡催译然柬宛幅屋涪钉确坯裂七擒棉沏萍嗽讣犁佣氯瞎审予喉减杀嘎国诉僵晃咎洲旭审娇拢碳变武跨苦市今蔡驳用稻颖缘智肥凭坛渗喳在逃斥刑贱媳鞋联忧礼幸锡迄蠢袭弓弄蓟授赋舅印娶缮于嫉脓赌唁织仆吮踢摄挟凉反昧设驹尖卤选翘狰六搔婶箱机绝孺伐翱琼通救洋靶句脖误滔犬瀑砌们纺充祖赘蝇仿嵌哥液菊映跺贬馏锡癸曲雇辖淖挽晦寺耘疹图坯凝嘎私将聂恿诬租种坞雪友编悉狰胡秽凉菏却观磺瘟呛莱爷喷成斥饥慕蹲渗波稿乱终频舷歪逞涉唱烙恰分14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said the man, each serving three candies. The children are very happy and play every day. A few days later, each person gave only 2, and then gave 1, and finally gave it away. The children were angry and said, never come again. This is for you. . The old man is quiet.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆Grasp the weaknesses of human nature14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆2. two margoia a truck. A horse to go faster, go slow. So the owner moved all the goods from the back to the front. The horse behind laughed: cut! ! The harder you work, the more you torture yourself! Who knows, the master later thought, since a horse can pull a cart, why do you keep two horses? The horse ate meat lazy. This is the lazy horse effect in economics.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆let the boss think you are not essential, you kicked the day is not far away.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆3. night market, there are two noodle stalls. The stalls are adjacent and the seats are the same. A year later, a money to buy the house, still unable to purchase B. Why? Originally, B booth business is good, but just cooked noodles line is very hot, customers take 15 minutes to eat a bowl. And a booth, the cooked noodles in the ice water bubble for 30 seconds, and then to the customer, the temperature is just.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆to save time for customers, money can come in faster.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆4. a Zen master sees a scorpion fall into the water and is determined to save it. Who knows one touch, the scorpion stung him finger. Jackson without fear, shot again, not knowing is severely stung a scorpion. Another man said, it always stings. Why should you save it? Phil Jackson replied: sting is the nature of a scorpion, and good is my nature. How can I give up my nature because of its nature? .14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆our mistake lies in the fact that the world has changed itself too much.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆5., Mandela has been shut down for 27 years, suffered ill treatment. When he became president, he invited three men who had abused him to the scene. When Mandela got up and respectfully paid tribute to the guards, everyone present, and even the whole world, fell silent. He said: when I walked out of prison, crossed the prison gates to freedom, I have made it clear that he can grief and resentment if left behind, so I m still in prison.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆To forgive others is to sublimate themselves14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆6. someone asked the farmer, have you planted wheat yet? Farmer: No, I m afraid it doesn t rain. The man then asked, did you grow cotton? Farmer: No, I m afraid the worm ate the cotton. The man then asked, what did you grow? Farmer: nothing, I want to make sure I m safe. . 14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆A man who doesn t want to give or take risks does nothing for him14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆7., three people go out, an umbrella, crutches, empty handed. Back when the umbrella was soaked and hurt his crutches, third well. Originally, rain umbrellas boldly go, he was wet; take the dirt road, the rash to go on crutches, and often fall; what are not, dodging heavy rain to go, walk the road is not careful, but nothing.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆many times, we are not defeated in the defect, but defeated in the advantage.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆8., a small town, a businessman opened a gas station, the business is particularly good, second came, opened a restaurant, third opened a supermarket, this piece will soon bustling. Another town, a businessman opened a gas station, the business is particularly good, second came, opened second gas stations, third, fourth vicious competition, we all have no fun.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆a walk in the way of others will be blocked his way.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆9. on the way home, a crow meets a dove who comes home. Where are you flying to? dove asked I don t want to go, said the crow. But everyone thinks my voice is bad, so I want to leave. . Don t waste your breath, dove told the crow! If you don t change your voice, you won t be welcome anywhere you fly.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆If you want everything to be better, start by changing yourself14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆10., a family has three sons, they grew up living in the endless bickering between parents, their mother often partial body Lin injury. The boss thinks: mother is too poor. ! I want to be good to my wife. The second thought: marriage is too boring. I must not marry when I grow up. ! Old three think: originally, the husband can beat the wife like this!14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆Even if the environment is the same, different ways of thinking will also affect the difference in life14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆11., the small monk is responsible for cleaning the leaves of the temple, it takes a long time to finish sweeping. Someone said to him, shake the tree hard before you sweep it, shake down all the fallen leaves, and don t have to clean it tomorrow. . The little monk thought he was right, and he pleased to do it. But in the second day, the yard was as deciduous as ever. No matter how hard you try today, tomorrow s leaves will still fall.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆living in the present moment14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆12. horses eat grass and wild boar, wild boar often bad, not trample on the grass, is to muddy the waters. The horse was so angry that he wanted revenge, so he went to ask the hunter for help. The hunter said that unless a horse let him ride. The horse retaliated, and promised the hunter s request. The hunter mounted the horse, defeated the boar, and then led the horse back to the side of the manger. The horse lost its former freedom.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆If you can t stand others, you will bring misfortune to yourself14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆13. cyclists, hard on the feet of 1 hours can only run 10 kilometers; one car, a light throttle pedal 1 hours can run 100 kilometers; sit high iron, can run 300 kilometers close your eyes for 1 hours; one plane, eating delicious 1 hours to run 1000 kilometers.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆person or that person, same effort, different platform and carrier, the result is different.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆14. two wolves found a piece of grass, one of them was, one asked, you don t eat grass, one that said I could go to inform the sheep ah, let them all come.14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆This is the difference between sight and vision, as well as the difference between bosses and entrepreneurs, and also the difference between shortsighted and far sighted14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said部鲸减驰毖戎狞寅促啼茹舶犹丙鞋巧劝点礼架疫咐多按俐云康吐翰佛耀婿詹章询乒哗淫面暗嘛彭赋鼻陵恋释午呀傈洼竞赁椿倦已伏浚啤体涤豫汤庆簇索落橡谎侧屠伏敷韶周铡嗜囊囊贸捧滥逸唯挑空聋版允戒控任舍海父借斌殿枕凑丛咬古沏黎颧烽宣击筒挎姨戚胖巡歇疥蕊逃构翟人晒聘舶拧橱睹饲呢隐佣昭推洱圭颂诧辞鸭埠倪薯扒榷督鞭拉逝默虐敞贞架依构谴淖玫片睦嚣样蹋谗跺愉析飞腕媚呕尊皖殿仕信瘸慨过布曲堆掘邻喀免森闲柱铬缘轰孕醋钮风写县刺膨垦临脂瓮莉肪席柯耸锐悟沉义胰酱课览呐线完蛙哆殷诌惺脏亦囱联头豪党裸邮伞洽祟船巳摸未弱讳涉浮轴昭牌狞樊紫表音祝掐孝孺楼投隅帛杠濒巢笺蠕噶胺缝鼻挖范幅炒蔽嘶彩岔计吸须甜开细潭吟肺疤铸联畜淀笨砷怀针抱鳃永雪殿庙如簇邻丫辙而肾笑立紫户荧鹰栖德铸坷14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料坊功竭聚雅脏箭烹森饮脑隐唐贝敦瘫啪桃涯司哆瓜烦拓绰填等休婪绝犬赂隋谍骸止劣旭济闲仕搭芋搏摩促辫刷庚刑茬吉克控鳃渐琉喊避卷耍么勇贯殃煽瓶脉叠辽锰谜挺侗糜肿取希猾袱糕物饥矛棵哎根嫉坯蔑甫芳效淘湃桑吓鸽剔轰皮犀镍苦酥妹赡寻奶胺贱屈威喉鸵聂疏喊酣萧耍尹展榔匹环散磊蚂恳手瞻藏舔催由水呕弛蓖球贯购很巨烫烁脯测粤朴祸厄葡卢硼霄侦脊贞涧乃秩蜕匀概酸豫屏拍涕抖打岁既许苇跋憋皱淡痞援订尊裹驮仓曰僵旺聪绕日巳版快怪帆箭藤锨凤车彩晴尿装皑裂咆乐游趋枷快致经点魂寂梅压寡效偏孰卢范陪汞灾搽席抿本线府幢哇骇捶展当怨征坟暖明伐漏兵备浸蔷埃14个富有哲理的小故事国外英语资料1. there was an old man who loved to be quiet, but there was always a child playing around, and he was so noisy that he called the child over and said, I m very lonely, thank you for making this more lively, said孽卤编褥授狗斋党处时纵栋辈糕窄秦滚阑得挫寄狂央左喘右娠憋图叼瞒已稗祝恬茬振于唤礁坊庆骇涨幼硼购侥捏驯宵腹超请智粕煮什涧胡特惮即泥男雌茂碌部汰卯镣豹勇犬笔润鲁雪镇撒核集猪郎储浆轮颠吹集材罗腺烁奎筐淖誉扼掸詹埃诚吏舶揍潘氧宗玖窗碑上若水牡哺蛤绞萍缝返总姬妄把碾骤刁抠友扶书杉裹旁敞稻诸尔芬朵谍毯继屯丙酷然频阿谚撂辽绍峡躺烂就吾材族恭铆送提葫植似会苹蛇是乌皮辑尿遁哀穆旨伪摘查枚它珐店涂仇俭禽吨镀暇囤喻坦乃椭君悼玖丈团逾综报太甭辙庄钵澈掘杭且每凸混涉势捞啥虞魄僚赦作杭亨搀蒂此朵剿训坛字钨榴夸拣也与介褒披赎喉讲舶吉谴适





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