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英语故事:Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记3



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The next day came. It was time to go to school. He waved to Geppetto and walked out the door. Soon, he came to a large tent. Inside it, there was a puppet show. Many people were laughing inside, so Pinocchio wanted to go inside. He thought he could go to school later. The ticket seller asked him for a penny. He gave his notebook to the fat man. Now, Geppetto had no coat, and Pinocchio had no notebook!


Pinocchio went inside the tent. Everyone looked at him. The puppets were surprised. Pinocchio could move without strings. They asked him to come to the front. Pinocchio quickly ran to them, and all the puppets danced around. The people watching were very happy. They yelled and clapped loudly. The puppet master was also very happy. With Pinocchio, his puppet show would be famous. He gave him two gold coins, and told him to come back the next day.


Pinocchio walked out of the tent. He didnt want to go to school. He thought he was rich. Outside the tent, he met a fox and a cat. They looked very poor. The cat asked him for some money. Pinocchio wanted to buy a coat for Geppetto. He told them he couldnt give them his coins.


"Dont buy the coat now," said the fox. "You should wait until tomorrow. Tonight, you can bury your coins in a magic field. If you bury two coins, there will be two hundred tomorrow!"


"Come with us," said the cat. "We will show you the way to the field."


Two hundred gold coins was a lot! Pinocchio followed the cat and fox. They walked for a long time. Finally, they stopped at an inn. Everyone was tired. They ate a big dinner. Then, they took a rest. Pinocchio fell asleep quickly. Suddenly, a man was knocking on his door.


"Wake up!" called the innkeeper. "Your friends have left. They want you to meet them in the forest."


"Why didnt they wake me up?" asked Pinocchio. "Now, I must pay for all the food we ate!"


Pinocchio gave the innkeeper one gold coin and ran outside. The road was very dark. Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. He turned around. Two robbers were standing there! They wanted Pinocchios money! He ran away from them. He ran and ran, but soon he got tired. He saw a small house, and knocked on the door. Nobody was inside. Just then, someone grabbed his arms. It was the two robbers.


"Give us your gold coin," said a robber. "Do it now, and we wont hurt you."


"I am very sorry," said Pinocchio. "I dont have it now. I dropped it on the road."


The two robbers looked for the gold coin. They didnt know it was in Pinocchios mouth. They got angry, and they put Pinocchio into a tree. Then, they went away. They both had tails. It was the fox and the cat! Inside the house, a fairy with blue hair saw the puppet. She asked a bird to bring him inside. The bird flew to the tree and carried the little puppet inside. The fairy talked to Pinocchio.


"Dont be afraid," she said. "I will not hurt you. You can sleep here tonight."


"You are very kind," said Pinocchio. "I have had a long day."


The fairy put him in a bed, and Pinocchio fell asleep.


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