
题目是我和我朋友的故事的英语作文?题目是我和我朋友的故事英语作文两篇 谢谢.



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1Many studies have shown the benefits of friendship on positive social, emotional, and physical well being. Having a strong circle of friends can be a good source for aging hearts and help the bodys auto immune system resist disease. People who have one or more good friends have better health than those who have only causal friends or no friends. Friends are as important as families. In our society, many people turn to their friends first when they encounter crisis because of the distance of their family. People without friends are likely to feel isolated and lonely. If you dont have a friend, take the initiative to be a friend to someone else. For instance, join social clubs, civic groups, volunteer organizations, community events, church activities, etc. These are good places to meet people and build a good relationship. When you attend a group, have something to say. Be informed by reading news, magazines, and books and find opportunities to speak to other people without waiting for them to do it. It is also very important to listen to what the person is saying to you. Remember, if you want to have a friend, you must be a friend. 2Lihua is one of my best friends.She is a nice girl,and all the people around love her very much. I made her acquaintance与她相识 in a birthday party.Which made me fell terrible was that I lost my keys.I was so nervous that time,and I didnt know what to do.Then a beautiful girl came and help me find my keys.She always is helpful.Gradually,we find that we share a lot of hobbies,we both like palying badminton,joining parties,reading and so on. A friend inneed is a friend indeed.

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题目是我和我朋友的故事的英语作文?题目是我和我朋友的故事英语作文两篇 谢谢.

题目是我和我朋友的故事的英语作文?题目是我和我朋友的故事英语作文两篇 谢谢.

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