

时间:2020-06-21 09:12:03



Pinocchio, Chapter 29: A Snail s Pace匹诺曹,第29章:蜗牛的速度 Mindful of what the Fisherman had said, Pinocchio knew that all hope of being saved had gone. He closed his eyes and waited for the final moment.Suddenly, a large Dog, attracted by the odor of the boiling oil, came running into the cave. 渔夫一举手就要把匹诺曹扔进油锅,可正在这节骨眼上,一条大狗跑进山洞来。它是给炸鱼的浓烈香味招引来的。 Get out! cried the Fisherman threateningly and still holding onto the Marionette, who was all covered with flour. 出去! 渔夫吓唬着对狗吆喝,手里仍旧拎着满身是面粉的木偶。 But the poor Dog was very hungry, and whining and wagging his tail, he tried to say: 可怜的狗实在太饿了,它摇晃着尾巴汪汪地叫,像是说: Give me a bite of the fish and I ll go in peace. 给我点油炸鱼,我就不打扰你了。 Get out, I say! repeated the Fisherman.And he drew back his foot to give the Dog a kick. 我对你说,出去! 渔夫再说一遍,伸出腿来就给它一脚。 Then the Dog, who, being really hungry, would take no refusal, turned in a rage toward the Fisherman and bared his terrible fangs. And at that moment, a pitiful little voice was heard saying: Save me, Alidoro; if you don t, I fry! 狗到当真饿了的时候,是不习惯于让人这样对待它的。它向渔夫转过脸来,呲起两排可怕的牙齿。正在这时候,它听见山洞里发出一个很微弱很微弱的声音,说: 救救我,阿利多罗!你不救我,我就要给油炸了! The Dog immediately recognized Pinocchio s voice. Great was his surprise to find that the voice came from the little flour covered bundle that the Fisherman held in his hand. 狗马上听出了匹诺曹的声音。它觉得最奇怪的是,这微弱声音是渔夫手里那团沾满面粉的东西发出来的。 Then what did he do? With one great leap, he grasped that bundle in his mouth and, holding it lightly between his teeth, ran through the door and disappeared like a flash! 这时候它做了件什么事呢?这狗从地上猛地跳得半尺高,咬住那团沾满面粉的东西,用牙轻轻地叼着,就冲出山洞,像闪电似地溜掉了。 The Fisherman, angry at seeing his meal snatched from under his nose, ran after the Dog, but a bad fit of coughing made him stop and turn back. 渔夫一心想吃这条鱼,眼看它打手里给抢走了,气得发疯,就想去追那条狗。可走了几步,忽然咳嗽得没办法,只好回来, Meanwhile, Alidoro, as soon as he had found the road which led to the village, stopped and dropped Pinocchio softly to the ground. 这时候阿利多罗又来到通村子的小道,停下脚步,把它的朋友匹诺曹小心翼翼地放在地上。 How much I do thank you! said the Marionette. 我该怎么谢你呀! 木偶说。 It is not necessary, answered the Dog. You saved me once, and what is given is always returned. We are in this world to help one another. 不用谢, 狗回答说, 你救过我的命,善有善报。要知道,在这个世界上大家应该互相帮助。 But how did you get in that cave? 可你怎么会到这山洞来的? I was lying here on the sand more dead than alive, when an appetizing odor of fried fish came to me. That odor tickled my hunger and I followed it. Oh, if I had come a moment later! 我一直在海边直挺挺地躺着,半死不活的,忽然一阵风打远处吹来了炸鱼的香味。这股香味引起了我的食欲,我就跟着它走。要是来晚一分钟就糟了! Don t speak about it, wailed Pinocchio, still http://www.5068.com/gs/bb/336198.html 2016 05 19


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