
司马光砸缸故事带翻译英语作文司马光砸缸的故事 英语作文



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司马光砸缸带翻译英语司马光砸缸故事带翻译作文 司马光砸缸英语故事带翻译 Sima Guang Smashed the Vat Sima Guang was a Prime Minister and outstanding historian of the Northern Song Dynasty. 司马光是北宋的宰相,杰出的学家。

He devoted his life to writing the classical chronicle “Historical Events Retold as a Mirror for Government” Zi Zhi Tong Jian. 他倾注大量精力编纂了编年体通史《资治通鉴》。

As a young boy, Sima Guang was a diligent student, showing an outstanding intelligence. 司马光小时勤奋好学,智力超群。

At the age of seven, he once played hide and seek with other children in the garden. 他7岁那年,有一次跟几个小孩在花园里玩捉迷藏的游戏。

One child wanted to hide in a big vat, which was unexpectedly full of water. 有个小孩想藏到一只大缸中,没想到缸中盛满了水。

Barely had he climbed on the edge of the vat when he slipped into it. 当这个小孩费力地爬上大缸的时候,却失足跌进了水缸。

The other children were frightened and broke up in a hubbub, whereas Sima Guang remained there. 其他小孩吓得一哄而散,只有司马光没跑。

He found a rock and broke the vat. The water flushed out. Thus the child in the vat was saved.他找来一块石头,用力砸破水缸。水缸里的水哗哗地流了出来,掉进 水缸里的小孩得救了。

When this story became known extensively, people drew a picture for it, which was spread out in Kaifeng and Luoyang.这件事传开以后,人们将司马光砸缸 救人的故事画成了一幅画,在开封、洛阳一带广为流传。

Till today this story has been known to every household in China. 如今这个故事在中国已家喻户晓。

司马光砸缸英语故事版本1 Once upon a time, four children, three boys and one beautiful giril, played games in the garden. They played the very funny games friendly there. The games was called hide and found. One of them had to find out all the others in any corner of the garden. During the games, one boy wanted to hide in a very secret place in order to be found difficult. He decided to hide in a very big jar. In his memory, the jar was empty. He ran toward to it and climb up onto the edge of the jar. But very unluckily, he fell into it. Beyond his expected, the jar was full of water. At that moment, his feeling was very bad. He could do nothing rather than to cry loudly.All the other friends heard the cry, they ran there for help. When they were there, the boy, who fell in the jar already became quietly. The children guesed how to save their friend. But the question was that all of them were not tall enough to reach the edge of the jar. In the very moment, the boy in the jar certainly dies except some one can take him out of the jar。One of the boy was very smart, he saw a big stone between two tree, he went fast rather then ran to there and picked up the stone. Then he stroked on the bottom of the jar, the water went out. After 5 minutes, the jar was empty, the boy was saved.He maded a great thing, he fell very happy than smiled, he was called Si Maguang. 司马光砸缸英语故事版本2 One day,Si Maguang and a few children were playing in the garden.There was a jar.It was full of water.A boy climbed onto it and played.Unluckily,he fell into the jar.The jar was big and the water was deep.The children saw it.He was soon going to be all in the water.The children was terribly afraid.Then they began to cry and shout:" Help!help!" .They ran off to call for the parrents.At this dangerous moment,Si Maguang had a good idea.He looked and picked up a big stone.He threw hard the stone at the Jar."Banging!" The jar broke and the water come out sudenly and quickly.The little child was saved.The little boy,Si Maguang,was cool headed and quick headed.He was like a parent at an early age.推荐访问:

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