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LittleMatch Girl newyear’s Eve. Many people were getting together warmhomes. poorlittle girl stillwalking weresome matches herhand. Matches!Matches!” littlegirl cried lowvoice. oneheard her when werepassing Shedidn’t sell any matches onegave her wind blowingstrongly falling down herlong hair. She felt cold hungry.Lights were shi ning from every wi ndow. littlegirl gohome without selling one box matches,because her father would beat her. burningmatch may warm me up!” she thought. She lit three matches. When matcheswere burning shesaw warmstove, deliciousroast goose beautifulChristmas tree. disappearedwhen flameswent out. shelit fourthmatch. kind old woman standing littlegirl, Takeme you.”Her grandmother held herarms. newyear, lying against wall,dead. Mozart—the Wonderful Boy Do you know Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? greatcomposer, Mozart, started writi ng music when he littleboy. Here’s storyabout Mozart when he child.Father Mozart used give his daughter, Nannerl musiclessons littleWolfgang Mozart Hewatched everynote his sister played Oneday ,when her lesson over,he asked lesson,papa?” “Your toolittle!“said Father Mozart. When Father Mozart Nannerl,left room,little Wolfgang went up keys.He smiled. musicsounded beautiful. Father Mozart heard him seehim. Wolfgang playingwell without any help. Father Mozart decided givehis little boy music lessons. Soon Wolfgang played hisbig sister, Nannerl. He learned so quickly hisfather veryhappy. whenWolfgang started writemusic himself,Father Mozart verysurprised onecould believe littleboy fivecould write beautifulmusic. He amazingchild, bornmusician. Oneday, littlemonkey well.He looks “Oh!My god! moonhas fallen oldermonkeys runs over, takes says,“Goodness me! water!”Another older monkey comes over. He verysurprised criesout,“The moon monkeysrun over moondid fall well!Come Let’sget oldestmonkey hangs treeup side down hisfeet hepulls nextmonkey’s feet hishands. All othermonkeys follow his suit. joineach other one onedown well.Just before oldestmonkey raises his head sky.He yells excitedly “Don’t sofoolish! littlematch girl ChristmasEve heavysnow. littlegirl sellingmatches street."Matches, matches!" onelooked her.She had lost her parents fewdays ago, sellingmatches without coldweather. She didnt even sell one box. sohungry shecouldnt even open her mouth. carriagecame close her.Trying keepaway from carriage,she slipped shelost her shoes. She had snowystreet barefeet. Over window,she saw familygathered under brightlight. seemedso happy. snowbegan fallmore heavily. cold."Her body frozenhard. Even though she feltpain herfeet, she couldnt go back home because she couldnt sell any matches. "Matches, you want some matches?" peoplewalking streetlooked very happy holding each others arms. onebought girlsmatches. "Ho~ ho~!" She tried warmup her hands onlymade her hungrier. socold. Why socold today? skipmy meal today because couldntsell any matches."She lit warmup her body. Even though smalllight, madeher littlewarmer. She felt sittingright next fireplace."Oh, warm!"She kept lighting matches. Suddenly, tablefull deliciousfood came up her."Oh, looksdelicious." shelit another match, Christmastree appeared. "How beautiful!" She lit lastmatch. hergrandmother appeared. "Sweetie, come girlsgrandmother held her tight herarms roseup nextday, she street."Poor girl, Maybe she tried warmherself matches.Tut, tut." People felt pity buriedher Onceupon stream.When he looked up, he saw lambdrinking littlelower down. mysupper," he thought. findsome excuse hecalled out lamb,"How dare you muddle master,"said cannotmuddle your water because runsdown from you me.""Well, wolf."Why did you call me bad names timelast year?" impossible,"said amonly six months old." don’tcare," shouted yourfather." After herushed poorlittle lamb up.狼与小羊 从前,一只狼在溪流喝水,看到一只小羊在下游喝水。“那是我的晚餐,”狼 想,“我要找一个借口吃掉他。”于是,他恶狠狠地对小羊说:“你怎么敢搅 浑浊了我的水?”“我没有,先生,”小羊回答说,“我在下游喝水,怎么能 搅浑浊你喝的水呢?”“那么,”狼见此计不成,又说道,“你去年的今天为 什么说我的坏话?”“不可能,”小羊说,“我现在才只有六个月大。”“我 不管,”狼说,“如果不是你,就是你的爸爸。”说完,他就冲向小山羊,把 他吃掉了。 寓意: 当一个坏人想为自己所做的坏事寻找借口时,他不会在乎这个借口是否 恰当。 1.THE COCK oldcock talltree. foxcomes looksup cock"Hello, Mr. Cock, havesome good news you."Says "Oh?"says cock."What goodfriends now. Let??s friends,too. Please come down me.""Fine!" says veryglad helooks up. "Look! somethingover youlooking fox."Oh, seesome animals over "Yes.Oh, they??re dogs. "What?Dogs?" asks fox."Well mustgo now. Good bye." "Wait, Mr. Fox," says cock."Don??t go. onlydogs. ourfriends now. don??tknow see,"says cock.He smiles sleephigh up Hello,Mr. Hare! you,Mr. Tortoise. What youdoing? Running?Ha ha! You can??t run. Your legs tooshort! Mylegs longerthan yours. canrun faster than you. sosure. let??srun talltree over Let??ssee who gets Allright. Ready?Go! Mr. Tortoise goes very slowly. Mr. Hare runs much faster. minutehe comes smalltree. Where??sMr. Tortoise? Aha! He??sfar behind me. How slow he muchfaster. Mmm, hot!Ahh, here??s tree.Let me have restunder sonice cool.Soon he asleep.Mr. Tortoise comes up. He looks Mr.Hare Hwakingup Ah,what goodsleep! Now, where??s Mr. Tortoise? Where don??tsee him. Runs talltree. Tsitting under talltree: Why, hello, Mr. Hare! How you?You??re very fast, aren??t you? herefirst. Now who faster,you 3.THEARTIST Long, long ago king.He loved horses. One day he asked drawhim beautifulhorse. artistsaid, "All right, youmust wait." So kingwaited. He waited last,after yearhe could waitany longer. He went artisthimself. Quickly artistbrought out paper fiveminutes he finished drawing verybeautiful horse. angry."You can draw goodhorse fiveminutes, yet you kept me waiting year.Why?" "Come me,please." said artist??sworkroom. kingsaw piles everypiece tookme more than beautifulhorse fiveminutes." artistsaid. MOVINGBLACKBOARD" More than one hundred years ago greatFrench scientist nameAmpre. One day, Mr. Ampre went out muchnoise him.He mathproblem. He had him.How could he work out?Just hesaw him.He ran up once.He took out wrotehis problem hestarted blackboardmoved hedid blackboardmoved Mr.Ampre moved blackboardstarted movefaster faster.Mr. Ampre could keepup anylonger. He stopped look.What did he see? Why, carriage!5.A WAY OUT Frenchstudent went hisholiday. He thought: littleEnglish. thinkpeople can understand me." One morning he went ScienceMuseum. noonhe hungry.He went nearestrestaurant satdown table.He wanted someeggs. Soon waitercame up asked,"Can helpyou, sir?" ..."hecould Englishword eggs.He looked around him, eatingeggs. hesaw tablenext itscover. He showed waiter."What??s heasked. cock,sir." answered "Whatdo you call cock??swife?" nextquestion. hen,sir." whatdo you call hen??schildren?" "Chicks, sir." whatdo you call chicks before they??re born?" "Eggs, sir." "Very well," said Frenchstudent. "Bring me two eggs, two eggs tea,please." hesat back hisface. 6.TWO FRIENDS BEAROne day two young men were going through forest.One said other,"We??re good friends. We must help each other. anybeast comes you,I??ll stay helpyou." otherfriend said, helpyou too, anybeast comes greatnoise. bigbear. youngmen ran away quickly. One themgot up climbup. So he threw himself tree.He thought amdead." Soon bearcame near. bearlooked fatyoung man, putits nose down smelledhim. youngman held his breath. bearthought he dead,so wentaway. treecame down. smilehe asked his friend, bearput its mouth so near yourear. What did friendanswered, bearsaid, ??Don??t trust your friend. He ran away from you when you needed his help most. Remember: friendindeed.??" 7.THE STORY LITTLEGAUSS One afternoon some boys made teachergot angry. He kept them classroomafter school. He told them addall numbersfrom 100together. boystook out exercise books.All thembegan numbersdown except one boy. He school.He looked out fewminutes. hewrote hisexercise book putup his hand. "May gohome, sir?" he asked. answernow." otherboys were very surprised. "Bring here,"said boytook right,so teacherhad boygo home. nextmorning, teacherasked boy,"How did you find answerso quickly?" "Well,sir," he said, didn??twant stayhere long. So triedmy best answerquickly. Soon Yousee, youadd 100 youget 101, 101.98 101too, whenyou reach 51 50,you have 101 fifty times. 5050."After teachergave classexercises do,he gave boydifferent exercises. boy??sname Gauss.When he grew up, he became greatscientist. 8.THE MONKEY CROCODILEOne day littlemonkey talltree swimmingslowly near herbaby. She looked around somefood. Suddenly she saw monkey."Aha, mymeal," she hought.She herson, "Do you love me, Son?" "Why, course,Mum!" babycrocodile said. "Well youcatch giveme his heart howcan babycrocodile asked. "Monkeys can??t swim, can??tclimb trees." "You needn??t climb tree,"his mother said. "Use your head, babycrocodile thought hard. hehad idea.He swam near shouted,"Hey, Monkey! Would you like some bananas?" "Bananas! Mm! lovethem," said otherside somebanana trees havelots them.I??ll take you myback." "Good," monkeycame down jumpedonto crocodile??sback. Soon river.Suddenly crocodilewent down under water.When he came up again, allwet. "Don??t do monkeycried. "Don??t do can??tswim, you know." crocodile."My mother wants eatyour heart." littlemonkey clever."Why didn??t you tell me earlier?" He asked. "My heart isn??t here treeover we??llhave goback Motherdoesn??t want you without your heart." crocodileturned swamback bank.Soon monkeyjumped off once,picked up bigstone quicklyclimbed up crocodilewaited comedown again. waiting,he suddenly heard voicefrom above: "Hey, Crocodile!" crocodilelooked up. hangingfrom histail laughing.??Here??s my heart. Come up Don??tkeep your mother waiting…You can??tcome up? Well, catch!?? words,he threw bigstone MISSEVANS Have you ever heard storyabout Miss Evans? truestory. Maybe many people have read about Oneafternoon April1912, newship set off from England itsfirst trip. finestships wereover 2,200 people. peoplewere enjoying themselves. nextday evencolder. People could see icebergs here night.Suddenly watchshouted, "Look out! Iceberg! Iceberg ahead!" toolate. shiphit verybig hole waterbegan comeinside. Slowly shipstarted godown.




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