
英语童话故事:Why the sea is Salt 海水为什么是咸的



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the poor man thanked the woodcutters, and walked on. very soon he saw a hut. he went inside, and there sat hiysi, the wood goblin himself.

why have you come here? asked hiysi.

i have brought you a gift, said the poor man. a cows hoof. and he held out the piece of meat to hiysi.

meat! cried hiysi in delight. quick, give it to me! i havent eaten meat for thirty years! hiysi grabbed the hoof and ate it.

now i shall give you a gift in return, said the wood goblin. here, take some silver, he said, pulling out a handful of silver coins.

no, i dont want any silver, said the poor man.

gold, then? offered hiysi, pulling out two handfuls of gold coins.

no. i dont want gold either, said the poor man.

how about some precious stones? asked hiysi. diamonds, rubies, sapphires?

no, thank you, i dont want any of those either, said the poor man.

well, what do you want then? asked hiysi.

i want your millstone, replied the poor man.

my millstone! exclaimed hiysi. no, you cant have that. but i can give you anything else you like.

thats very kind of you, said the poor man, but i only want your millstone.

hiysi did not know what to do. he had eaten the cows hoof, and could not let the poor man go without a gift in return.

oh well, he said at last. i suppose i must let you have my millstone. take it. but do you know how to use it?

no, said the poor man. tell me.

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