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命运不是一个机遇的问题,而是一个选择问题;它不是我们要等待的东西,而是我们要实现的东西。下面我们为大家带来世界名人英语,仅供参考,希望能够帮到大家。 世界名人英语故事篇一 Once a neighbor stole one of Washington s horse. Washington horse back. But the neighbor refused to give the horse back. He said that it was his horse.

Suddenly Washington had a good idea. He put both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbor, xiaogushi8.com If this is your horse, then you must tell us in which eye the horse is blind.

In the left, said the neighbor. Washington took his hand from the left eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind in the left eye.

Oh , I have made a mistake, said the neighbor. He is blind in the right eye. Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the right eye, either.

I have made another mistake, said the neighbor.

Yes, said the policeman, and you have also proved that the horse isn t yours. You mustreturn it to Mr Washington.


华盛顿灵机一动,计上心来。他用双手遮住了马的双眼,对邻居说: 如果这匹马是你的,那么你应该告诉我们它的哪一只眼睛是瞎的?

左眼是瞎的, 邻居说。华盛顿放开遮在左眼的那只手,给警察看马的左眼并没有瞎掉。

哦,我说错了, 邻居说。 右眼是瞎的。 然后华盛顿展示了右眼同样也没有瞎。

我又说错了。 邻居说。

是的, 警察说, 你已证明这匹马不是你的。你必须把他还给华盛顿先生。

世界名人英语故事篇二 Washington was the first president of the U.S. He was very clever even when he was still a 12 year old boy.

Once a thief stole some money from Uncle Post, Washington s neighbor. The door of the house was not broken, and things in the room were in good order. Washington concluded that the thief must have been committed by one of the villagers.

That evening at the villagers meeting the said, We don t know who stole the money but God does. God sends his wasp to tell good from evil. Every night the wasp flies among us but few people notice it Then, all of a sudden Washington waved his hand and cried out, Look! The wasp has landed on the thief s hat. It is going to sting!

The crowd burst into an uproar. Everybody turned to look for the thief. But soon the noise died down. All eyes were fixed on a man who was trying hard to drive the Wasp off his hat.

Now we know who the money, Washington said with a smile.



晚上在村民大会上,他说: 虽然我们不知道是谁偷了钱,但神知道。神派他的黄蜂分辨善恶,每天晚上黄蜂虽然在我们之间飞,但很少人会察觉。 华盛顿突然挥了挥手喊道: 看黄蜂停在贼的帽子上了,贼要被刺到了。


现在,我们知道了谁偷了钱。 华盛顿微笑着说。

世界名人英语故事篇三 The Magic Pen of J. K. Rowling

Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in England in 1965, and wrote her first story at the age of six. She was in her mid 20s when the idea for the Harry Potter novels came to her, during a long train ride. By the end of that journey, she says, the character of Harry and the school for wizards which he attends were more or less fully formed in her mind.

乔安妮 凯瑟琳 罗琳1965年在英国出生,六岁时写了她的第一篇故事。二十四五岁时,在一次长途火车旅行中,她有了写《哈利波特》这部的想法。她说,旅途结束时,哈利这个角色和他就读的魔法学院或多或少已在她脑海中成形了。

It would be several years, however, before the novel was completed. By that time, Rowling had been through a failed marriage. Living on welfare as a single parent, she wrote about Harry Potter while sitting in an Edinburgh cafe with her daughter asleep beside her. She could not have dreamed of the fame and success which Harry would bring her in the years to come.


Harry Potter is not your average superhero. He is 12 years old, skinny, wears glasses, and tends to worry a lot. Yet, he has captured the imagination of children and adults the world over, and has introduced millions to the joys of reading.


Harry s appeal stems from his role as a very ordinary boy who finds himself in extraordinary situations. Orphaned as a baby, Harry spends the next 10 years being mistreated by the awful relatives with whom he lives. On his 11th birthday, he learns that he possesses magical powers and is admitted for training at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


The adventures of Harry and his friends at the school are superbly narrated by J. K. Rowling. She manages to lead her millions of readers deep into the world of the supernatural, while at the same time dealing with the fears and emotions of the ordinary human world. Many feel that this is the real magic of Harry Potter. .

J. K.罗琳精采地讲述了哈利和他的朋友在学校的冒险。她设法让数百万的读者深入到一个超自然的世界,同时也触及了人间的恐惧和情感。许多人觉得这才是《哈利波特》真正的魔力所在。

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