
故事 story英语短句 例句大全



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故事,story英语短句,例句大全英文短句/例句1.method of story completion故事续成法 故事续成法2.an amusing story, story teller好笑的故事、 讲故事的人3.To tell an entertaining tale or series of tales.讲故事讲有趣的故事或连续的故事4.An accident, especially one involving serious injury or loss of life.事故事故,尤指带有严重伤害或生命损失的事故5.We say, "Now my storys done."我们说:“故事完了!”6.the gospel message, story, etc福音信息、 故事等.7.fantastic dreams, stories荒诞的梦、 故事.8.Death Dance: 25 Stories死之舞:故事25则9.Listen to the story. Choose a word to fill in each blank.听故事,选词填空。10.Something, such as a story, that is comical or whimsical.离奇可笑的事物,如故事11.The facts are at variance with your story.事实和你的故事有出入12.a bedtime story,ie one read to a child at bedtime睡前故事(给孩子临睡前讲的故事).13.Canterbury story [tale]冗长乏味的故事,荒谬不足信的故事14.15 A good tale is none the worse for being twice told.15好故事讲两遍还是好故事。15.6. Read the story and the questions, write down the answers.读故事及问题,并根据故事写答句。16.and told this story and many other stories.并讲述这个故事和其它的许多故事。17.The boy made up a story; it was not true.男孩编了个故事,这故事不是真的。18.Listening to the stories reminds the audience of their own stories.听故事时,人们会联想起自己的故事。相关短句/例句Stories[英][st?:ri][美][stor?]故事1.As a result,the mechanism of this study is constructing common narratives by stories.于是,该学习过程的根本机制是:以"故事"为载体,进行共同叙述的构建。2.The stories in " A Sutra of 100 Stories", a Buddhist text, have much in common with Volume X Fool s Stories of " The Sea of Folk Tales", a collection of ancient Indian folk tales.佛教典籍之一的《百喻经》中故事,多与印度古代民间故事集《故事海》第十卷中"傻瓜的故事"相同,但同中又有异,异中又有同,比较阅读,可以了解佛教是如何利用民间故事作宗教义理宣传的;传入华土后,又影响了我国哪些民间故事的创作。3accident[英][?ks?d?nt][美][?ks?d?nt]事故1.Research on understanding and improvement of accident possible prevention for coal mine enterprises;煤矿企业事故可预防性的认识及改善研究2.Application Study of Abrupt Change Theory in Accident Prevention Management;突变理论在事故预防管理中的应用研究3.The protective measures against radiation injury for the servicemen and residents after the Chernobyl accident;切尔诺贝利核电站事故发生后军队和居民采取的辐射防护措施4accidents[英][?ksid?nt][美][?ks?d?nt]事故1.Probe into Transport Shipping Accidents in Inland Water of the Yangtse River;长江内河运输船舶事故的探讨2.Analysis on statistic of accidents of gas stations and preventive measures;加油站事故统计分析及预防事故的重点3.Common factors leading to accidents and behavior type research based on prevention;事故的共性原因及其行为科学预防策略5fault[英][f?:lt][美][f?lt]事故1.Analysis of Lightning Overvoltage Fault in Power Transformer;一起电力变压器雷电过电压事故分析2.Analysis and Preventive Measure of Interturn Short Circuit Fault in 35kV Main Transformer;35kV主变匝间短路事故分析及反事故措施3.Judgement, Treatment and Prevention for Short Circuit Damage Fault near Transformer Outlet;变压器近距离出口短路损坏事故的判别、处理和预防6failure[英][fe?lj?r][美][felj?]事故1.Analysis of Unit 1 generator failure in Tianshengqiao ⅠHydropower Station;天生桥一级水电站1号发电机事故分析2.Brief introduction to several dam failure s in Russia;俄罗斯几座大坝事故情况简介3.Analysis of an evaporator frost crack failure in a lithium bromide chiller;一起溴化锂机组蒸发器传热管冻裂事故分析延伸阅读故事旧日的行事制度;例行的事:虚应~丨奉行~(按照老规矩敷衍塞责)。

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故事 story英语短句 例句大全

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