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Long time ago, Mother sheep and her seven little sheep were living in the small village. One moring Mother sheep wanted to go out for shopping. She said to her little sheep “My dare babies,don’t open the door to the stranger. That’s dangers!” Mother sheep was quiet right . Look the wolf was behind the bush. After mother sheep went far away . The wolf came to the door “Oh,open the door ! My dear babies.” “No!” the little sheep said “You are not mummy! Your voice is too crude. “ The wolf decieded to make his voice softly. So he drank a whole can of honey. The wolf went back “Open the door babies!” He said softly. “No! You are not our mummy! Your claws are too black .” The wolf got angry . He run to the bakery and put his claws in the white wet flour. The wolf went back again . The soft voice and the white claws .”Oh,it is mummy!”the little sheep opened the door . The wolf came into the house quickly. The little sheep hid themselves in the wardrobe,under the table or behind the chair. But the wolf was so sly . He found the little sheep one by one . At last the wolf ate six little sheep and went out of the house. When the wolf went away.The seven sheep was frightened and came out from his hidden place. After a while ,Mother sheep was back. The little sheep feel sad and told the whole thing to her .Mothe sheep and her lottle sheep went to the rover side crazily. They found the wolf was sleeping . Mother sheep opened the wolf stomach bravely and rescued her babies .Then she fillded the stomach with the small stones. Later,the wolf woke up . He got thirty and went the river side to drink water . But his stomach was too heavey. So he fall into the water and drowned.


如图 一个充气的救生圈.虚线所示的大圆 半径是33厘米.实线所示的小圆 半径是9厘

如图 一个充气的救生圈.虚线所示的大圆 半径是33厘米.实线所示的小圆 半径是9厘


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