搜故事 > 小故事 > 正文

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.



It is a story that happened during my childhood. One day, my mother was shopping on the street with me. Suddenly I saw an icecream shop. Icecream! Icecream! I want icecream! Mama! I shouted. However, ...

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

It is a story that happened during my childhood. One day, my mother was shopping on the street with me. Suddenly I saw an icecream shop. Icecream! Icecream! I want icecream! Mama! I shouted. However, ...

2020-05-01 #故事会在线阅读

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

It is a story that happened during my childhood. One day, my mother was shopping on the street with me. Suddenly I saw an icecream shop. Icecream! Icecream! I want icecream! Mama! I shouted. However, ...

2020-05-03 #故事阅读

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

It is a story that happened during my childhood. One day, my mother was shopping on the street with me. Suddenly I saw an icecream shop. Icecream! Icecream! I want icecream! Mama! I shouted. However, ...

2020-07-08 #小故事

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

It is a story that happened during my childhood. One day, my mother was shopping on the street with me. Suddenly I saw an icecream shop. Icecream! Icecream! I want icecream! Mama! I shouted. However, my mother said, My silly child, icecream is cold. You shouldn t eat cold things. If you ate it, you ...

2020-07-20 #故事阅读

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

It is a story that happened during my childhood. One day, my mother was shopping on the street with me. Suddenly I saw an icecream shop. Icecream! Icecream! I want icecream! Mama! I shouted. However, ...

2020-07-23 #短篇故事

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

It is a story that happened during my childhood. One day, my mother was shopping on the street with me. Suddenly I saw an icecream shop. Icecream! Icecream! I want icecream! Mama! I shouted. However, ...

2020-07-23 #小故事

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

写一篇英语作文:在你身边一定发生过一些有趣的故事 请描写一件.

It is a story that happened during my childhood. One day, my mother was shopping on the street with me. Suddenly I saw an icecream shop. Icecream! Icecream! I want icecream! Mama! I shouted. However, ...

2020-07-23 #小故事



中秋节是个家人团聚的日子。 这一天,全家都从远近不同的地方聚到了外婆家。我们一边品尝着香甜美味的月饼和水果,一边欣赏着那镶嵌在黑漆盘里的月亮和星星。 总是这样平静柔和也让人受不了。于是,外婆给我们讲了一...

2020-07-20 #长篇故事