
求英语帝!!!帮忙写个嫦娥奔月的故事 越短越好! 爱问知识人



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After yi dai made by people, fascinating skills around respect and love, many who came over TouShi word。 The plan is not straight, treacherous tricky have also mix in。Before long, after yi has married a beautiful and kind of wife, whose name was fragrance。 After yi except ChuanYi outside all day long and his wife, hunting together, people all envy this to perfect match of loving couple。One day, after yi to relatives and friends, and to meet the kunlun mountains for word from the heavenly queen, and passed to the undead medicine for a pack of。 It is said that, take the drug, can instantly into heaven to become immortal。However, after yi reluctant to leave his wife behind him, and had to leave the undead medicine to the goddess of the collection。 The medicine will hide into the dresser, and, behold, it was in the BaoXia have seen。Three days later, after yi LvZhong ACTS out hunting, the heart of the HuaiGuiTai cloak have pretended to be sick, stayed。After yi LvZhong people go to soon after, with a sword into the backyard, and with NaZhai bullying the undead medicine。 SurrenderThe goddess of the tent to know that we are not be opponent, juncture her body, turn round to open the BaoXia, take out the undead medicine swallowed it down。The goddess of the swallowed the medicine, the body immediately from the ground rushed out of the window, wave to the sky, fly away。 Due to the goddess of the moon, and worried about her husband come from the earth to the moon in the recent a fairy。In the evening, after yi back home, and the maids crying for what had happened。 After yi both surprise and anger, smoke sword to kill evil ACTS, peng have fled。 Early Spirit after yi and his screaming。 The shattered after yi, look to the night sky call for the names of his beloved wife。 At the time he was surprised to find that today the moon is bright and bright, but a dime on the scene resembles fragrance。After yi quickly sent people to love the back garden, place on XiangAn and put on her usual favorite honey fresh fruit, in a food offerings chang e sentimentally attached to their fragrance。The smell of the people know the news of the immortal chang e, are in the next month, a XiangAn to a good goddess of the moon to pray lucky and peace。 From then on, the Mid Autumn festival on customs in worship folk spread。

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求英语帝!!!帮忙写个嫦娥奔月的故事 越短越好! 爱问知识人

求英语帝!!!帮忙写个嫦娥奔月的故事 越短越好! 爱问知识人

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