
Catch the Thief 自编英文故事六年级丫丫



The police frowned. “The thief was wanted for arrest now, wesent his photo to the newspaper. I bet we’ll find him out soon. ”He said sternly, “We must keep searching.”“Yes, sir.” The bank clerk went out.A week later――The police officer was walking on the street when suddenly herealized a familiar figure.“The thief! It’s the thief! Catch him!” The officer criedloudly. People began going after the figure. The police ran afterthe thief, too. Everybody was talking, shouting and screaming. Atlast, they arrived at a school. The figure went inside. The policefollowed. But when the police got in, the thief was nowhere to befound.“He must have hidden somewhere.” The officer murmured, “You,search the place.” He commanded a police beside him.“Yes, sir.” The police went off.The officer looked around the place. It was a rest room, witha window and a closet in it. To his surprise, there was a shoelying near the closet. It was a black one.“The thief’s shoe! So he must be in the closet!” The officersaid excitedly. He opened the closet and arrested the thief whichwas curling inside.“Finally.” The officer sighed. He was very delight. He searchout the stolen money and sent the thief into jail.

Catch the Thief 自编英文故事六年级丫丫

Catch the Thief 自编英文故事六年级丫丫

2020-08-15 #故事会

Catch the Thief 自编英文故事六年级丫丫

Catch the Thief 自编英文故事六年级丫丫

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The Young Thief and His Mother年轻的小偷和他的母亲

The Young Thief and His Mother年轻的小偷和他的母亲


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The Young Thief and His Mother年轻的小偷和他的母亲

The Young Thief and His Mother年轻的小偷和他的母亲


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伊索寓言:小偷和他的母亲The young thief and his mother


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100个儿童英语小故事: The Young Thief and His Mother 年轻的小偷和他的母亲打印版


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100个儿童英语小故事: The Young Thief and His Mother 年轻的小偷和他的母亲打印版


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