
写一篇关于小动物的作文 内容主要包括动物的颜色 外形 习性等 要求不少于60个词



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Love should be impartial People always say:" We are human beings because we are intelligent." So intelligence is the mark that set us apart from animals. But we seldom hear:" We are human beings because we have love." That means love is universal, not only do we humans but animals share the blessing of love. We are being hypocritical when we advertise the idea that humans should have love for each other, but at the same time we turn a blind eye to the animalss sufferings and pains. Like us, animals are also creatures on Earth that together with humans make this planet a fasinating place to live in. So they deserve our care and concern.If not, would they be justified if one day far more intelligent beings from other planets come to Earth and treat us like we treat animals? We are also protecting ourselves when we show affection for animals. It goes without saying that to rob the animals of their habitats and food is to destroy the living space for humans. On this matter, science is also on animals side. Besides, in the process of learning to love animals, we also can gain insight into how to love ourseleves, how to love each other. Does anybody still remember that, in the past, when humans rarely considered animals other than food, how did we treat each other? How about those wars and massacres? To sum up, if intelligence does mark us as different from animals, love does not. This difference in intelligence only bestow on us a duty to care for all that walk on this planet.Intelligence is our commitment to impartial love.

写一篇关于小动物的作文 内容主要包括动物的颜色 外形 习性等 要求不少于60个词。英文的作文

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