



responsefrom Wangsoon expanded battalions.Has developed more than 40 party members partyorganization localpeople. Only political training Department ZhuangXueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department deeplydisturbed activitiessuffered seems scary samemonth, ShenLiqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies South,head Bureautook appointWang Yi titles thirdmission South.Party organizations Wangsactions discourageinvalid. End year,Wang Hesong first battalion regimentalheadquarters soon,Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, entireforce controlled Jiangsunational security headquarters. Presence secondbattalion, according nexthigher party organization instructions,led ZhengCommunist party organizations organizepeople, arousing massesagainst Japan, organizations"Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, currentsituation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. readingbooks issue, Shao working through relationship, from Shanghaiunderground secrets back somebanned books, including protractedwar popularphilosophy newdemocracy, manymagazines, womancrafts setup underground300 people, 13 employees school.1938 three lunar new year earlyJune Gregorian calendar, June 30, Japanese"sweeps" YanZhen, South Street elementary school Japaneseburned, robbed more than things, fire.Bei Jie, formergirls schoolwere Japanese invaders burned down. nextday, Japaneseeducation center gymnasiumbuilt stadiumnow tongluosecondary 一群伟大的科学家死后在天堂里玩藏猫猫,轮到爱因斯坦抓人,他数到100睁开眼睛,看 到所有人都藏起来了,只有牛顿还站在那里。 爱因斯坦走过去说:“牛顿,我抓住你了。” 牛顿:“不,你没有抓到牛顿。” 爱因斯坦:“你不是牛顿你是谁?” 牛顿:“你看我脚下是什么?” 爱因斯坦低头看到牛顿站在一块长宽都是一米的正方形的地板砖上,不解。 牛顿:“我脚下这是一平方米的方块,我站在上面就是牛顿/平方米,所以你抓住的不是牛顿, 你抓住的是帕斯卡。” 两颗番茄去逛街。第一颗番茄突然走的很快,第二颗番茄就问:我们要去哪里阿?? 第一颗番茄没回答,所以第二颗番茄又问了一次。 第一颗又番茄没回答,所以第二颗番茄又再问了一次。 第一颗番茄终于慢慢转头说: 我们不是番茄吗,我们会讲话吗?! 3.一天,袋鼠开着车在乡村小路上转悠,突然看到小白兔在路中央,耳朵及身体几乎完全趴 在地上似乎在听什么... 于是..袋鼠停下车很好奇地问:“小白兔,请问一下你在听什么?” “半小时前这里有一辆大货车经过...” “哇靠..这么神!..你是怎么知道的?” “我的脖子和腿就是这么断的..” 4.有一辆自行车,有一天,他骑上自己跑了... 耶稣和释迦牟尼猜拳,输了就让对方弹一下脑袋,结果耶稣总是赢,释迦牟尼就被弹得满头 结果耶稣就再也没回来,所以几千年来,释迦牟尼的一只手就一直保持着那个准备弹耶稣脑袋的姿势...... 5.有ABCD....26 个字母,ET 走后剩多少个? 答:21 个,ET 要开走UFO.... 6.一位老太太拨通了兽医的电话:“我的孩子好吗?” “对不起,这里是宠物医院。”兽医说。 bridge, responsefrom Wangsoon expanded battalions.Has developed more than 40 party members partyorganization localpeople. Only political training Department ZhuangXueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department deeplydisturbed activitiessuffered seems scary samemonth, ShenLiqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies South,head Bureautook appointWang Yi titles thirdmission South.Party organizations Wangsactions discourageinvalid. End year,Wang Hesong first battalion regimentalheadquarters soon,Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, entireforce controlled Jiangsunational security headquarters. Presence secondbattalion, according nexthigher party organization instructions,led ZhengCommunist party organizations organizepeople, arousing massesagainst Japan, organizations"Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, currentsituation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. readingbooks issue, Shao working through relationship, from Shanghaiunderground secrets back somebanned books, including protractedwar popularphilosophy newdemocracy, manymagazines, womancrafts setup underground300 people, 13 employees school.1938 three lunar new year earlyJune Gregorian calendar, June 30, Japanese"sweeps" YanZhen, South Street elementary school Japaneseburned, robbed more than things, fire.Bei Jie, formergirls schoolwere Japanese invaders burned down. nextday, Japaneseeducation center gymnasiumbuilt stadiumnow tongluosecondary “你以为我不知道?” “那么,夫人,请问,是猫还是狗?” “我是你的妈妈!!!!” 麒麟飞到北极变什么?冰淇淋 蛋糕.鸡蛋.花生,小狗会吃那一样? 鸡蛋,因为鸡蛋里挑骨头 吃饱饭了谁会帮你添饭? 飞龙嘛,因为飞龙在添 水手的任务是什么? 随手关门 江家三姐妹,大姐,二姐.三姐.谁的身材最辣? 大姐.因为 姜是老的辣 什么动物最容易被贴在墙壁上? 胖子从12楼掉下来会变什么? 死胖子 小白加小白等于什么? 小白兔TWO 什么卡通人物最喜欢帮助别人? 小叮当因为小叮当最喜欢伸出援手圆手 有一个精神病人老是打着一把黑色的雨伞蹲在角落.精神病院长说:不行,我们要接近他.于是 也打着一把黑色的雨伞和他蹲在一起.那个精神病很高兴,说:原来你也是香姑哦. 1 100 里面什么数字比熊的大便大? 40 因为40 胜于雄辩熊便 一做桥前有狼后有虎 要怎么过去? 晕过去 一个典狱长对一个即将被执行死刑的人说:你有什么要求他说:我要吃荔枝。典狱长说:这 个季节没有拉 他说:我可以等 什么动物最厉害? 因为猪珠算高手上帝要和动物联络会找什么动物? 狮子 因为狮失去联络 广东版冷谜! 隆胸两边隆哂要一万,但隆一边只需三千。估一四字成语。Ans:一波三折 2.如何用三盏灯同一张凳营造一个紧张气氛? Ans:灯灯灯凳 bridge, responsefrom Wangsoon expanded battalions.Has developed more than 40 party members partyorganization localpeople. Only political training Department ZhuangXueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department deeplydisturbed activitiessuffered seems scary samemonth, ShenLiqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies South,head Bureautook appointWang Yi titles thirdmission South.Party organizations Wangsactions discourageinvalid. End year,Wang Hesong first battalion regimentalheadquarters soon,Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, entireforce controlled Jiangsunational security headquarters. Presence secondbattalion, according nexthigher party organization instructions,led ZhengCommunist party organizations organizepeople, arousing massesagainst Japan, organizations"Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, currentsituation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. readingbooks issue, Shao working through relationship, from Shanghaiunderground secrets back somebanned books, including protractedwar popularphilosophy newdemocracy, manymagazines, womancrafts setup underground300 people, 13 employees school.1938 three lunar new year earlyJune Gregorian calendar, June 30, Japanese"sweeps" YanZhen, South Street elementary school Japaneseburned, robbed more than things, fire.Bei Jie, formergirls schoolwere Japanese invaders burned down. nextday, Japaneseeducation center gymnasiumbuilt stadiumnow tongluosecondary 小明自己做暑期作业,第二日,佢死左,点解?Ans:因为自作业,不可活 4.点解呢个世界上有东京、南京、北京但无西京?Ans:因为西经比唐三藏取左。 5.恭喜发财,估一国家名。 Ans:比利时(俾利是) 大口仔搽红唇膏,估一英文生字。Ans:Direction(大red 拉乜野可以学到野?Ans:Library 走左之后,会剩低几多个英文字母?Ans:21 个,因为ET 搭UFO Ans:抵死10. 咩毛最普通? Ans:Normal 11.阿明同阿珊去打劫银行,事败逃亡,但D 警员追捕果时唔追阿明,净系死追阿珊, 点解呢? 估一山脉名。 Ans:因为喜玛拉雅山 (起码拉阿珊) 有个神经病 次做飞机,去宁波一上飞机 就把自己的行李扔了下去... 为什么呢? 因为他是个神经病!有一个人过独木桥 发现前面有个狮子 后面有只老虎 bridge, responsefrom Wangsoon expanded battalions.Has developed more than 40 party members partyorganization localpeople. Only political training Department ZhuangXueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department deeplydisturbed activitiessuffered seems scary samemonth, ShenLiqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies South,head Bureautook appointWang Yi titles thirdmission South.Party organizations Wangsactions discourageinvalid. End year,Wang Hesong first battalion regimentalheadquarters soon,Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, entireforce controlled Jiangsunational security headquarters. Presence secondbattalion, according nexthigher party organization instructions,led ZhengCommunist party organizations organizepeople, arousing massesagainst Japan, organizations"Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, currentsituation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. readingbooks issue, Shao working through relationship, from Shanghaiunderground secrets back somebanned books, including protractedwar popularphilosophy newdemocracy, manymagazines, womancrafts setup underground300 people, 13 employees school.1938 three lunar new year earlyJune Gregorian calendar, June 30, Japanese"sweeps" YanZhen, South Street elementary school Japaneseburned, robbed more than things, fire.Bei Jie, formergirls schoolwere Japanese invaders burned down. nextday, Japaneseeducation center gymnasiumbuilt stadiumnow tongluosecondary 但是他还是过去了. 这是为什么呢? 因为他昏过去了.当他坚强的爬起来, 发现前面没有狮子 后面也没有老虎 正准备昂首挺胸走过去时 他又昏过去了. 这是为什么呢? 因为他被那个神经病人丢下来的包裹砸昏了.当他再一次坚强的爬起来时 发现那个包裹是他好朋友的. 他便拿出手机跟那个神经病好朋友打电话. 却传出一阵轻柔的女声. 这又是为什么呢?电话里说:"您拨宁波的电话暂时无法接通,请守侯再拨,SORRY..." 广东话 有咩再俾第一题o既野更高? 点解NDS会劲过PSP? 因为NDS可以屈机 点解PSP可以再劲过NDS? 因为PSP可以屈爆机 "ABBABAABAABBBBBAABBABBA"从句子中猜一句问候语 longtime 点解佢行过狗屎得4只脚印? 只手要叉住个鼻10 USA 个细佬系边个? USBbridge, responsefrom Wangsoon expanded battalions.Has developed more than 40 party members partyorganization localpeople. Only political training Department ZhuangXueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department deeplydisturbed activitiessuffered seems scary samemonth, ShenLiqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies South,head Bureautook appointWang Yi titles thirdmission South.Party organizations Wangsactions discourageinvalid. End year,Wang Hesong first battalion regimentalheadquarters soon,Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, entireforce controlled Jiangsunational security headquarters. Presence secondbattalion, according nexthigher party organization instructions,led ZhengCommunist party organizations organizepeople, arousing massesagainst Japan, organizations"Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, currentsituation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. readingbooks issue, Shao working through relationship, from Shanghaiunderground secrets back somebanned books, including protractedwar popularphilosophy newdemocracy, manymagazines, womancrafts setup underground300 people, 13 employees school.1938 three lunar new year earlyJune Gregorian calendar, June 30, Japanese"sweeps" YanZhen, South Street elementary school Japaneseburned, robbed more than things, fire.Bei Jie, formergirls schoolwere Japanese invaders burned down. nextday, Japaneseeducation center gymnasiumbuilt stadiumnow tongluosecondary 11 从前左q 同右q 住埋一齐,后来右q 搬走左,结果点呢?猜四字 12点解白兔牌吻百蜜只兔系男仔? 杨过成日叫"姑姑"14 乔治布殊15 君拎住个熨斗去水务局,B君驾车去公园,C A:玩紧大富翁16 点解小明俾人打,佢阿妈系倾面都唔救佢? 俾人打到阿妈都唔认得17 一只蚁究竟用咩方法唔驶1 分钟就由香港去到美国呢? 地图上面行18 小矮人们偷睇白雪公主冲凉猜一种饮品 七喜19 物理20 人心系咩色架? 黄色人心惶惶"黄黄"21 班伊斯兰教22 23英文字母A 走左,仲净番几多个英文字母呢?A:21 个字母et 会带埋ufo 24大雄因为唔做功课俾阿妈罚跪,叮当究竟拎咩法宝帮佢? A:自动柜员跪完机 25 一个梨,分给五个小孩吃, 要用刀切,平均分给所有小孩, 但要切三刀,怎办? A:张个梨用两刀十字切,之后用最后一刀对死其中一个小孩 26 27高先生住系十三楼,佢出街时可以搭电梯直达地下,但如果返屋企既时候得佢自己一 个搭电梯,佢一定搭到十二楼再上一层楼梯,点解呢? A:因为佢唔够高按十三楼既制,so 要上左12 28有三种动物在奥运会比赛三级跳,它们是猴子,狗和袋鼠,你估谁会赢? A:猴子,因为三级跳一定要单脚起跳,其他两只动物都唔识单脚跳 29 有一天,一只识听小小人话的马骝赢得比赛,有三样礼物比佢选择: 一现金五千元 相机三机票来回亚洲 经过主人说明礼物用途后,马骝选择了相机,点解? A:相机,因为识自动变蕉 30 有一个头戴安全帽,上面绑著一把扇子,左手拿著电风扇,右手拿著水壶,脚穿溜冰 鞋,请问他要去那里? A:青山吧 31 一间牢房中关了两名犯人,其中一个因偷窃,要关一年,另一个是强盗杀人犯,却只 bridge, responsefrom Wangsoon expanded battalions.Has developed more than 40 party members partyorganization localpeople. Only political training Department ZhuangXueying, Xu Jiasheng, Huiqin Xu, Wang Qun, many party members. Wang Department deeplydisturbed activitiessuffered seems scary samemonth, ShenLiqun Wang, demanding administrative office supplies South,head Bureautook appointWang Yi titles thirdmission South.Party organizations Wangsactions discourageinvalid. End year,Wang Hesong first battalion regimentalheadquarters soon,Regiment, battalion, all political leaders have been replaced, military cadres assigned deputies, entireforce controlled Jiangsunational security headquarters. Presence secondbattalion, according nexthigher party organization instructions,led ZhengCommunist party organizations organizepeople, arousing massesagainst Japan, organizations"Book Club" youth reading progress newspaper, currentsituation, stimulate Japanese enthusiasm. readingbooks issue, Shao working through relationship, from Shanghaiunderground secrets back somebanned books, including protractedwar popularphilosophy newdemocracy, manymagazines, womancrafts setup underground300 people, 13 employees school.1938 three lunar new year earlyJune Gregorian calendar, June 30, Japanese"sweeps" YanZhen, South Street elementary school Japaneseburned, robbed more than things, fire.Bei Jie, formergirls schoolwere Japanese invaders burned down. nextday, Japaneseeducation center gymnasiumbuilt stadiumnow tongluosecondary





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2020-07-27 #故事阅读




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2020-07-26 #故事会




2020-07-26 #经典故事