
拇指姑娘 原文中文版


拇指姑娘 故事 完整

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“嗨!这容易得很!”巫婆说:“你把这颗大麦粒拿去吧。它可不是乡下人的田里长的那种大麦粒,也不是鸡吃的那种大麦粒啦。你把它埋在一个花盆里。不久你就可以看到你所要看的东西了。” “谢谢您,”7a64e59b9ee7ad9431333366303235女人说。









拇指姑娘 原文(英文版:

Once upon a time, there was a woman who wanted to have a small child. But she didnt know where to get it. So she went to consult a witch. She said to the witch, "I really want to have a little child! Can you tell me where I can get one?"

"Hey! Its easy!" said the witch. "Take this barley grain." It is not the kind of barley grown in the fields of a country man, nor the kind of barley grain that chickens eat. You bury it in a flowerpot. You will soon see what you want to see. "

"Thank you," said the woman. She gave the witch three silver coins. So she came home and planted the barley grain. Soon after that, a beautiful red flower came out. It looks like a tulip, but its leaves are wrapped tightly together as if it were still a bud.

"Its a beautiful flower," said the woman, kissing her beautiful yellow and red petals. But when she was kissing, the flowers suddenly cracked and opened. People can see now that this is a real tulip. But in the middle of the flower, above the green pistil, sat a little girl who looked white and lovely. She was not half as long as her thumb, so people called her Thumbelina.

Thumbelinas cradle is a beautiful, shiny walnut shell, her mat is blue violet petals, her quilt is rose petals. This is where she sleeps at night. But during the day she was playing on the table where the woman put a plate and a circle of flowers on it, and the branches of the flowers were submerged. A large tulip petal floated on the water. Thumbelina could sit on the petals and paddle from side to side with two white horse tails.

Thats beautiful! She can sing, and its so soft and sweet that no one has ever heard it before. One night, while she was sleeping in her beautiful bed, an ugly toad jumped out of the window because a piece of glass was broken. This toad is ugly, big and sticky. She jumped onto the table all the time. Thumbelina is sleeping under the rosy rose petal on the table.

"This girl can be the beautiful wife of my son," said the toad. So she grabbed the walnut shell that Thumbelina was sleeping, jumped out of the window with it on her back, and jumped into the garden. There is a wide stream running in the garden. But its banks are low and humid. Toad and her son live here. Oh, he and his mother are a model, and they are also ugly.

"Pavilion! Pavilion! Gua! Gua! Gua! Gua!" When he saw this beautiful little girl in the walnut shell, he could only say such words. "Dont talk so loud, or youll wake her up," said the old toad. "She can still run away from us because shes so light as a swans feather! Well have to put her on a wide leaf of the water lily in the stream. Since she was so petite and light, the leaf could be regarded as an island for her. There was no way she could escape. In the meantime we can fix the good house under the mud you two can live there later.

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拇指姑娘 原文中文版

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