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请以―Talkingabout English Learning‖为题,用英语写一篇 短文,谈谈你对英语学习的看法以及你学习英语成功的经 验,并给学习有困难的同学提几条学好英语的建议。要点如 Whydo you learn English? Howdo you learn English? Yoursuggestion建议。 要求:1.短文应包括所有要点,要点顺序可以自己安排。 词数80 左右。短文开头已给出,不记入总词数。 2.要求语 句通顺连贯,能表达自己的真实思想。 3.所提建议应不少 于两条。 Talkingabout English Learning mostimportant usefullanguage alsoone schools.So havelearn English manyyears. teachercarefully speakEnglish possible尽可能多的. After class, oftengo over lessons,listen Englishtapes, watch English programmes TV,read English newspapers studyhard, so way,here somesuggestions about how learnEnglish well you.First, believe yourself, try speakEnglish loudly. Second, you had better learn English words heart.Third, goodidea useEnglish possible.Finally, why Englishpen friend writeemail messages eachother English?Nothing youput your heart it.世上无难事,只怕有心人 So believeour English 你的美国朋友John 这个寒假要到中国来学习汉语,请 你给他一些建议。告诉他如何能更好地学好汉语。可能会用 到的词语:Chinese class, listen writeemails. 求:语句通顺,书写工整,可用所给词语,也可适当发挥。字数80 100,不含已给出部分。 DearJohn, soglad hearyou mycountry learnChinese winterholiday. DearJohn, soglad hearyou mycountry learnChinese winterholiday. bestway improveyour Chinese. When you get here, you may go Chineselanguage school. Remember speakChinese class.You can read some Chinese newspapers books.You can see some famous Chinese films canimprove your listening. Besides that除此之外), how about writing yourwriting. cangive you some help. See you soon. LinTao DearJohn, hearyou yourlast letter, you asked me someadvice about how learnChinese. thinkyou’d better go Chineseclasses. You can make more friends readsome Chinese newspapers. Why Chinesedictionary? youdon’t know canhelp you./ you can look up canalso help you. thinkChinese sureyou can learn Goodluck! LinTao 我的家乡海盐(人口、气候、特产、人民)My NanbeiLake QiGarden. manyfamous places NanbeiLake QiGarden. manyfamous writers ZhangLeping YuHua. niceall yearround. verycold veryfriendly. youcome myhometown/Haiyan, we giveyou warmwelcome. Winterholiday aboutthree weeks./I three weekholiday. myfamily. wego Wedecided HainanIsland last.Why? weknow, Hainan Island sunnyall year round about17 degrees, so neithertoo hot nor too cold. What’s more, manybeautiful beaches HainanIsland. So we can do many things diving.We can also lie 300yuan night.Although littlehigh, we don’ doesn’tmatter. After all毕竟, pleasanttrip mostimportant us.Oh, amlooking forward ourpleasant trip HainanIsland. believewe wonderfultime Winterholiday three weekholiday. myfamily. wego Wedecided last.Why? weknow, aboutminus degrees,so whiteworld likesnow. What’s more, we can do many things skiing,skating makingsnowmen. musthave fun playing 240yuan neithertoo high nor too low. Oh, amlooking forward ourpleasant trip believewe wonderfultime 615students ourschool. We get differentways. 240 usget mostpopular way school.190 uswalk safestway. 125 ustake buses school,because going veryfast. 30 taxi.Going mostcomfortable way, mostexpensive way. Nobody goes footbecause my home enjoywalking schoolevery day because myhealth. chartshows how 50students Class1,Grade8 use pocketmoney. About half themuse pocketmoney buyfast food. 12 themspend pocketmoney playing computer games. themspend pocketmoney buyingpresents, clothes seeingfilms. Only themspend pocketmoney chart,we find most themspend pocketmoney fastfood computergames. weknow, eating too much fast food ourhealth playingcomputer games waste浪费 time.So students,we’d better spend our pocket money rightway, buyingbooks somethinguseful. DengChao(邓超) DengChao myfavourite actor. He popularactors China.He mainactor manyTV plays movies.He becomingmore morepopular youngpeople now. he works hard bringsmuch happiness us.People like his sweet smile. We hope he brightfuture. BaJin(巴金) BaJin famouswriter hisreally name LiYaotang. He greatestwriters ModernChina. He Chengdu,Sichuan 1927,he went 1928.His first famous work hewrote 1933.Five years later, he wrote Spring. Autumncame out booksmade him famous all over China. He died October17, 2005. Now people Chinastill like his works very much. 你最喜爱的动物,它们是否处于濒危之中?濒危的原因以及保护它们的建议 Myfavourite animal likeclimbing trees verycute, nowpandas’ situation becomingvery difficult. danger.First, pandasdon’t have many babies babypandas often die. Second, pandas eat bamboo, bambooforests gettingsmaller. protectanimals protectourselves. So we should make betterlife pandas.We can set up natures parks bambooso pandascan have enough food goodidea raisemoney ourfriends. veryimportant. wecan’t live worldwithout animals. So we should somepeople cut down lots killsome rare animals makemoney, so some animals dangernow. nature,we should stop people from killing them. ourduty protectanimals. fact,protecting animals protectingourselves./ protectanimals protectourselves. 3.老虎处于濒危之中的原因、为什么要保护老虎、保护老虎的建议 Tigershave lived danger.People cut down lots trees,so livingareas gettingsmaller tigersdon’t have safe places don’thave enough food either.So becomingvery difficult. weknow, tigers ourfriend, so protecting them protectingourselves. We should try our best protectthem. We can set up larger tiger reserves manytigers possible.We should stop people from killing tigers lettigers peoplelive peacetogether. Let’s take actions now! Onceupon littlegirl called Little Red Cap. One day, her grandma ill,so Little Red Cap went visither. wolffirst swallowed her grandma, LittleRed Cap. When Little Red Cap got hejumped up ateher. hunterpassed Hekilled wolf’sstomach. last,Little Red Cap hergrandma were saved. weknow, mobile phones usnow. bringgreat changes ourlives. Now many students have ownmobile phones. canuse them maketelephone calls parents,friends anytime. Mobile phones can tell them timejust like watch.10 What’s more而且/Besides that除此之外, canuse them playgames somestudents spend too much time sending messages, playing games study.Also, using mobile phones longtime mobilephones usuallyhigh studentsmust pay much money phonebills账 Everycoin has two sides. think,we can make good use mobilephones. onehand一方面, we can use them dosomething good otherhand 另一方面, we should control 控制ourselves weshouldn’t lose ourselves playinggames wecan control ourselves, mobile phones makeour life colourful. 地震知识What earthquakemay hit any place anytime. Do you know what earthquake?Let me tell you! /Here someadvice. First,we should keep calm brave.Second, don’t run everywhere safeplace inside,we should hide ourselves under something hard, bed.When 11ground stops shaking, leave buildingquickly. outside,find openplace keepclear waterside.Don’t stand near street lights underpower lines. car,we must stop our car short,we should follow what we learned school.We can wecan also help save others. 火灾知识What Firesoften happen suddenly. What should we do keepsafe fire?Here someadvice. First,we should keep calm brave.Second, call 119 tellother people about burningbuilding lift.Third, smoke,cover our nose wetcloth. ourclothes fire,drop roll滚动.Fina来自:www.zaidian.cOm goback burningbuilding. short,follow what we learnt wecan DearTom, 12 amglad myhometown winterholiday. littlecold myhometown aboutzero degree, so you should bring some warm clothes. Whenyou come here, we SpringFestival. So knowabout our customs. example,you mustn’t do any cleaning firstday Springfestival. you’dbetter haveyour hair cut sayanything unlucky during SpringFestival month.You asked me how learnChinese well. thinkyou can go Chineseclasses. myhome town veryfriendly, so you can make friends canhelp you improve your Chinese. lookingforward yourcoming can’twait seeyou. keepsafe Doyou know ourschool life could carefulenough? example,one day, two students 13 ran after each other hallway.Suddenly, one themfell down hurthis feet because wetfloor. Therefore因此, he had twoweeks. thinkstudents should always walk carefully run/walk carefully instead teachershad better keep students/look after students 照顾 after class stopthem from running. hopeall studentsshould pay attention KeepSafe Doyou know ourschool life could carefulenough? lastschool sports meeting, something bad happened Tomduring competition.He ran so fast hecouldn’t stop hefell down. lasthis arms were broken hehad month.So we should pay more attention oursafety myopinion, we shouldn’t run fast wetplayground. Also, thinkwe should follow teachers’advice when we P.E.class.We should carefulwhen we go downstairs. We had better school.14 Wecan’t have happylife schoolunless如果不) we safe.So let’s take care keepourselves safe 假如你是John,你的英语笔友Jim要来中国参观,向你询问有关中国的天气情况以及来中国的最好时节等。请你给 他写一封电子邮件,介绍一下中国的气候特点。 DearJim, veryglad you’llcome visitChina. You asked me about fourseasons– spring, summer, autumn winter.Summer hottestseason oftenrains. coldest.Sometimes snows,especially youlike snow, you can come besttime visitChina autumnbecause neithertoo hot nor too cold. verypleasant





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