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小学英语寓言故事 寓言往往是一个简短的小故事 它通过精炼的语言锻造成一个富含人生



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One day, Ji Liang went to see the King of Wei and reported: When I was coming here, I saw a man on the road driving a horse carage north in great haste.

I asked him: Where are you going in such haste?

He replied: I am going to the State of Chu.

I said: If you want to go to the State of Chu, you should go south. Why are you going north? You are going the wrong way!

He said: My horse is big and strong. It can run as fast as flying. It doesn t matter to run a little more.

I told him: Though your horse is good, you are going in the wrong direction.

He said: It doesn t matter. I have lots of money.

I told him again: Though you have lots of money, this is not the road to the State of Chu.

He said: It doesn t matter. My driver is good and strong.

Finally I told him: Though your driver is good and strong, this is not the road to the State of Chu.

The King of Wei blurted out: Alas, this man is too obstinate. He doesn t realize that if his direction is wrong, the better he is equipped, the farther he would be away from his destination.


In ancient times, a man surnamed Dong in the State of Wei was interested in nothing but keeping cats.

He kept over 100 cats in his home, which caught and ate all the rats in the house.

Later, as there were no more rats, the cats were so hungry that they meowed all the time. Dong had to buy meat from the market every day to feed them.

Day after day, year after year, the cats multiplied. As they ate meat every day, they even didn t know there were rats in the world which could be caught and eaten. They meowed whenever they were hungry, and whenever they meowed, they were fed with meat. After they ate their fill, they were happy and carefree, lazy and sluggish, and had nothing to do all day.

In the south of the city, one house was plagued with rats. The rats ran amuck in swarms. Once it so happened that a rat fell into a jar. The master of the house hastened to Dong s home to borrow a cat to catch the rat.

The cat from the Dong family saw the rat in the jar stick up its pointed ears, stare with a pair of pitch black eyes, shake its red whiskers and squeak. The cat didn t know what a freak the rat was. It only followed the rat moving around on the mouth of the jar, and dared not get into it.

The master was furious at this and pushed the cat down into the jar. At this moment, the cat was panic stricken and howled loudly at the rat. After a while, the rat eventually found that this cat had no other tricks, so it bit the cat s foot. The Dong s cat was so frightened that it exerted all its strength and made one jump out of the jar and ran away.


One day a man walking on the road met a celestial, who happened to be an old friend of his.

Seeing that his life was hard, the celestial pointed with his finger at a brick on the roadside, which turned into a gold brick at once. And he gave it to the man.

But the man was not satisfied. The celestial pointed again with his finger at a large stone lion at the gate, which at once turned into a gold lion. And he gave it to him too. But the man still complained it was not enough.

The celestial asked him: My friend, how much will be enough for you? What should I do to satisfy you?

The man hummed and hawed and said: I want your finger.

小学英语寓言故事 寓言往往是一个简短的小故事 它通过精炼的语言锻造成一个富含人生哲理与教训的故事 让读者从中受到很大的启发 下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇小学英语寓言故事。

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小学英语寓言故事 寓言往往是一个简短的小故事 它通过精炼的语言锻造成一个富含人生

小学英语寓言故事 寓言往往是一个简短的小故事 它通过精炼的语言锻造成一个富含人生


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小学英语寓言故事 寓言往往是一个简短的小故事 它通过精炼的语言锻造成一个富含人生


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小学英语寓言故事 寓言往往是一个简短的小故事 它通过精炼的语言锻造成一个富含人生


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小学英语寓言故事 寓言往往是一个简短的小故事 它通过精炼的语言锻造成一个富含人生


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