

时间:2020-08-04 09:36:01



勤劳的小红母鸡The hard warking little red hen

once upon a time there was a little red hen. She lived with a pig, a duck and a cat.很久很久以前有一只小红母鸡,她与一只猪,一只鸭子和一只猫生活在一起。

They all lived in a pretty little house which the little red hen liked to keep clean and tidy. The little red hen worked hard at her jobs all day.www.xiaogushi8.com他们住在一个漂亮的小房子里,小红母鸡喜欢保持清洁整齐。她每天辛勤地劳动。

The others never helped. Although they said they meant to, they were all far too lazy. The pig liked to grunt in the mud outside, the duck used to swim in the pond all day, and the cat enjoyed lying in the sun, purring.别人都不肯帮忙。尽管他们说他们想要这样做,但是他们太懒了。小猪喜欢在泥里打滚,鸭子常常整日在池塘上戏水,而小猫喜欢晒着太阳酣睡。

One day the little red hen was working in the garden when she found a grain of corn。一天小红母鸡在花园里劳动,她发现了一粒玉米种子。 Who will plant this grain of corn? she asked.www.xiaogushi8.com“谁来种这粒玉米种子?”她问道 。

Not I, grunted the pig from his muddy patch in the garden.“不是我,”小猪咕噜噜地说道。 Not I, quacked the duck from her pond.“不是我,”鸭子在池塘上呱呱地回答到。 Not I, purred the cat from his place in the sun.“也不是我,”晒着太阳的小猫呼噜噜地说道。

So the little red hen went to look for a nice bit of earth, scratched it with her feet and planted the grain of corn.所以小红母鸡出去找了一块好的土地,她用脚刨了刨地,种好了玉米种子。

During the summer the grain of corn grew. First it grew into a tall green stalk, then it ripened in the sun until it had turned a lovely golden colour. The little red hen saw that the corn was ready for cutting.夏天玉米长高了。它先是长出又高又绿的一株杆子,然后在太阳下变得成熟,直至变成可爱的金黄色。小红母鸡看到该是收割的时候了。

Who will help me cut the corn? asked the little red hen.www.xiaogushi8.com“谁来帮我收割玉米?”小红母鸡问道。

Not I, grunted the pig from his muddy patch in the garden.“不是我,”小猪咕噜噜地说道。

Not I, quacked the duck from her pond.“不是我,”鸭子在池塘上呱呱地回答到。 Not I, purred the cat from his place in the sun“也不是我,”晒着太阳的小猫呼噜噜地说道。

Very well then, I will cut it myself, said the little red hen. Carefully she cut the stalk and took out all the grains of corn from the husks.“那好吧,我自己收割,”小红母鸡说道。她小心翼翼地砍下玉米杆子,剥下玉米粒。

Who will take the corn to the mill, so that it can be ground into flour? asked the little red hen.“谁来把玉米送去磨坊,好把它磨成粉?”小红母鸡问道。 Not I, grunted the pig from his muddy patch in the garden.www.xiaogushi8.co“不是我,”小猪咕噜噜地说道。

Not I, quacked the duck from her pond.“不是我,”鸭子在池塘上呱呱地回答到。 Not I, purred the cat from his place in the sun。“也不是我,”晒着太阳的小猫呼噜噜地说道。

So the little red hen took the corn to the mill herself, and asked the miller if he would be so kind as to grind it into flour.于是小红母鸡把玉米送去磨坊,要磨匠把玉米磨成粉。In time the miller sent a little bag of flour down to the house wher the little red hen lived with the pig and the duck and the cat.不久磨匠把一袋玉米粉送到小红母鸡和小猪、小鸭和小猫的家中。

Who will help me to make the flour into bread? asked the little red hen.“谁来帮我把玉米粉做成面包?”小红母鸡问道。

Not I, grunted the pig from his muddy patch in the garden.“不是我,”小猪咕噜噜地说道。 Not I, quacked the duck from her pond.“不是我,”鸭子在池塘上呱呱地回答到。 Not I, purred the cat from his place in the sun.“也不是我,”晒着太阳的小猫呼噜噜地说道。

Very well, said the little red hen. I shall make the bread myself. She went into her neat little kitchen. She mixed the flour into dough. She kneaded the dough and put it into the oven to bake.“好吧,”小红母鸡说道。“我自己做面包,她走进清洁的厨,把面粉和成面团,揉好面,放进烤箱烤面包。

Soon there was a lovely smell of hot fresh bread. It filled all the corners of the house and wafted out into the garden. The pig came into the kitchen from his muddy patch in the garden, the duck came in from the pond and the cat left his place in the sun. When the little red hen opened the oven door the dough had risen up and had turned into the nicest, most delicious looking loaf of bread any of them had seen.很快新做好的面包散发出诱人的香味。香气弥漫了房子的每个角落,花园里也闻得到、小猪从泥潭里出来,走进厨房。小鸭离开池塘,小猫也不再晒太阳。当小红母鸡打开烤箱的门时,看到面团已经被烤成一块他们从未见过的又好看又美味的面包。

Who is going to eat this bread? asked the little red hen.www.xiaogushi8.com“谁来吃面包?”小红母鸡问道。

I will, grunted the pig.“我来,”小猪说道。 I will, quacked the duck.“我来,”小鸭说道。 I will, purred the cat.www.xiaogushi8.com“我来,”小猫说道。

Oh no, you won t, said the little red hen. I planted the seed, I cut the corn, I took it to the mill to be made into flour, and I made the bread, all by myself. I shall now eat the loaf all by myself. “噢,不,你们不能吃。”小红母鸡说道。“玉米是我种的,我收割的,我磨成粉的,我烤成面包的,一切都是我自己做的,现在也应该是我自己吃。”

The pig, the duck and the cat all stood and watched as the little red hen ate the loaf all by herself. It was delicious and she enjoyed it, right to the very last crumb.小猪、小鸭和小猫站在那里,看着小红母鸡自己一个人吃那块面包。面包很好吃,她吃得很香,而且一点儿也不剩。




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