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今天环球教育小编为大家带来话题为一次团队合作故事的经历的口语范文,希望对大家2014年雅思口语考试有所帮助!口语范文示例Last class in my preparation we worked in teams. The first question of our teacher was: I need you form teams so, do you want 3 groups of 2 members or on the opposite 2 groups of 3? I immediately propose 3 groups because I thought it would be more dynamic and we will have more competition. All my classmates agreed and the teacher said ok let s do it but you need to fill out this matrix. Here was where we found the disadvantage of a group of less members so it would be more difficult because when you have more partners we can distribute the duties among more people and each person has less to do. So, we wanted change the teams but it was late, the decision had been taken.We worked in pairs and we did the best as we could, but of course it was a little more difficult. Besides we had a limit time. But we needed to learn to organize and to assign activities.In particular I don t like work in teams if the option is teams or individual job I prefer individual because sometimes I don t trust my partners only when I know them very well and I know they are responsible, and they are interested in what we are doing. I know that this is wrong with me because I have to learn to work in teams. And more because I know I will use this technique when I was teacher. So it is better to get accustomed to that. And avoid wanting to do everything. But I think every time that is easier for me.My experience was very good. We could work well and we learnt a lot of this activity. Working in teams is easier because the responsibilities are shared and you are more dynamic, paying attention, developing your skills of collaborative and cooperative. Better than the boring and hard work alone. We must learn to work in teams and destroy all that bad habits we have. The problem is since basic education where our teachers need motivate us a lot and teach us how to work in teams and enjoy that, realizing all the advantage that it has in our process of learning.以上就是环球教育这次为备考雅思口语的同学们准备的2014雅思口语话题题库之一次团队合作故事的经历的雅思口语答案,供考生们学习参考。在此,环球教育告诫大家,口语的提高更多的还是在于平时的多说多练,这样才能提高口语能力和水平,才能在考试的时候不紧张,发挥自己的水平,并且流利自如的表达自己的想法,相信大家经过一定的练习之后口语水平一定会有很大的进步的。


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辅导雅思口语时 我经历的那些奇葩学生


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