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Janson’sDream Longlong ago normalvillage Wecan heard children’slaugh everyday everyonefeel happily.Janson creativeboy village.He wanted healways hisclassmates. He helped them pick stealedmoney from his home givethem last,his father catched him when he hebeated Janson Jansonwalked along light.Hesaw kindwoman who Heran herfast. amHernie “Whyam famalecelestial? Can you help me? oftenbully me. afraid.My wond sosore.” “Dearchild sad.You want don’tyou? Become Janson whatshould cangive you three things youmust have suitable accounts takethem away. You goodfriend who can give me some advice. Second canmake me going forward hardwork. Finally storehousewhich canput my invention createthings soundsgood giveyou all.” Jansonthought stronger.He’ ll “HeyJanson carryingmy satchel ”Timflunged his satchel Janson.Janson didn’t catch usual.Tim veryangry neverhelp you carryyour satchel verysurprised Jansonthought famalecelestial’s magic makes him confident strangevoice says “Hurry up Pony.Hernie let me help you,” littleguy stretch himself soamazing meetyou “Doyou want Hurryup Ponysaid Jansonoften talked Pony.His classmates thought hemust can’tsee Pony EverydayJanson worked hisstorehouse hardworking Pony.Can you hear me Jansonlied Pony.“Hey toolate justthink about hero...Ok youcan continue your sleeping. starstwinkled Jansoncouldn’t sleep Jansonheared wasn’tclearly Fire!Fire Jansonran hisstorehouse quickly tookhis invention biggun “Goaway !Go away ”Jansonshouted heraise biggun realhero subsided.All villagers particularlygrateful timelyhelp Heachieved his dream Hesmiled grassyhillside wholevillage “HelloJanson. Dearfamale celestial heronow haha takeback those Youhave doanythings.” “But...butPony mybest friend Please...please don’t take him away “SorryJanson keeptwo important things sametime don’tleave.” “SorryJanson verysad. Tenyears later... Jansonhad harmonyfamily. veryhungry Giveme some food ”Ponystretched himself 张立波51 havebetter friends than me.”Pony Janson’sDream Coco10E Longlong ago normalvillage Wecan heard children’slaugh everyday everyonefeel happily.Janson creativeboy village.He wanted healways hisclassmates. He helped them pick stealedmoney from his home givethem last,his father catched him when he hebeated Janson Jansonwalked along light.Hesaw kindwoman who Heran herfast. amHernie “Whyam famalecelestial? Can you help me? oftenbully me. afraid.My wond sosore.” “Dearchild sad.You want don’tyou? Become Janson whatshould cangive you three things youmust have suitable accounts takethem away. You goodfriend who can give me some advice. Second canmake me going forward hardwork. Finally storehousewhich canput my invention createthings soundsgood giveyou all.” Jansonthought stronger.He’ “HeyJanson carryingmy satchel ”Timflunged his satchel Janson.Janson didn’t catch usual.Tim veryangry neverhelp you carryyour satchel verysurprised Jansonthought famalecelestial’s magic makes him confident strangevoice says “Hurry up Pony.Hernie let me help you,” littleguy stretch himself soamazing meetyou “Doyou want Hurryup Ponysaid Jansonoften talked Pony.His classmates thought hemust can’tsee Pony EverydayJanson worked hisstorehouse hardworking Pony.Can you hear me Jansonlied Pony.“Hey toolate justthink about hero...Ok youcan continue your sleeping. starstwinkled Jansoncouldn’t sleep Jansonheared wasn’tclearly Fire!Fire Jansonran hisstorehouse quickly tookhis invention biggun “Goaway !Go away ”Jansonshouted heraise biggun realhero subsided.All villagers particularlygrateful timelyhelp Heachieved his dream Hesmiled grassyhillside wholevillage “HelloJanson. Dearfamale celestial heronow haha takeback those Youhave greatestabilities doanythings.” “But...butPony mybest friend Please...please don’t take him away “SorryJanson keeptwo important things sametime don’tleave.” “SorryJanson verysad. Tenyears later... Jansonhad harmonyfamily. veryhungry Giveme some food ”Ponystretched himself havebetter friends than me.”Pony 一个英语老师发的一个小故事,值得每位父母和孩子学习。大意如下: 一个小女孩和她的爸爸一起去大商场购物(没有妈妈),其间小女孩不幸和爸爸走失了。就在爸爸焦急地寻找女儿的 时候,商场广播传来了这样的声音:“X 先生(这位爸爸), 请立即到1 楼广播室,您的妻子在等您。” 这位爸爸很迷惑,因为他的妻子并未和他一起来购物。当他到达广播室的时候他吃惊地发现在广播室等他并不是他 的妻子而是他的女儿。女儿一见到他就兴奋地扑到了他的怀 “谢天谢天找到你了!但是,宝贝,你为什么在广播里说我的妻子而不是我的女儿在等我呢?” EasyBeing secondgrade. haveone thing EASYBEING kidmight look like fun,but sometimes playingoutside myfriend. reallygood time. suddenly,mymother said,”Peter,it’s time comeinside now.It’s getting dark.” Whenyou’re adult,noone can tell you what Whenyou’re kid,youhave getup early school.Atschool,you have studymath,English,science,and history. Afterschool,you have doyour homework. Whenyou’re adult,youdo younever have homework. Whenyou’re manythings you can’t watch. LastSaturday,there scarymovie lookedreally exciting. 10 myfather would letme watch.He said, “You’re too young movie,Peter.”When you’re adult,youcan watch anything you want. Whenyou’re kid,theolder kids sometimes pick walkinghome from school Stevebothered me. Stevetook my schoolbag mademe very mad.When you’re adult,noone can pick Whenyou’re 网:英文500字小故事annot go anywhere LastFriday,I wanted birthdaygift myfriend John.But mymom returnhome. gosomewhere,I have ridemy bike askmy mom ride.Whenyou’re adult,you can drive carwherever you want. Whenyou’re kid,you have bedearly. schoolnights,my mom makes me go dohave dadwho love me,which reallygreat.So likebeing kid,even though EASYBEING 篇五:高中英语一生必读的英语经典美文 木匠11 的故事素材 500 新概念一生必读的英语经典美文第33篇:木匠的故事 新概念英语晨读系列之一生必读48篇英文美文,美文不 仅可以开阔视野,拓宽知识面,还可以净化思想,涤荡心灵, 使人生臻33 carpentersstory 木匠的故事 elderlycarpenter retire.he told his hisplans house buildingbusiness moreleisurel life hiswife enjoyhis extended family. he would miss paycheckeach week hewanted couldget 有个老木匠准备退休,他告诉老板,说要离开建造行业,回家与妻子儿女享受天伦之乐。虽然老板给他的工资很高, 可是,他更想享受退休生活。生活总能维持下去。 seehis good worker go hecould build just one more house personalfavor. carpentersaid yes,but over time hisheart unfortunateway dedicatedcareer. 老板很不舍得他的好工人离开,问他是否能帮忙再建一座房子。老木匠答应了。但是大家后来都看得出来,他的心 已不在工作上,他使用的是次料,做工也很粗糙。这真是一 12 种令人遗憾的结束自己全心全意所从事的事业的方式。 carpenterfinished his work ,his employer came hehanded front doorkey yourhouse. mygift you.房子建好的时候,老板前来视察,然后把大门的钥匙递给他, 说道:“这是你的房子?是我送给你的礼物。” shame!ifhe had only known he buildinghis own house,he would have done allso differently. 真是丢脸啊!如果他早知道是在给自己建房子,他一定不会这么应付了事的。 webuild our lives, time,oftenputting less than our best shock;werealize we have housewe have built. wecould do over,wewould do muchdifferently. 我们 又何尝不是这样。我们漫不经心地“建造”自己的生活,不是 积极行动,而是消极应付,凡事不肯精益求精,在关键时刻 不能尽最大努力。等我们惊觉自己的处境,早已深困在自己 建造的“房子”里了。如果能够重新来过,我们一定不会这么 youcannot go back. you carpenter,and13 everyday you hammer wall,someoneonce do it yourselfproject. your attitude choicesyou made today,help build tomorrow.therefore,build wisely! 但是,你永远也无法回到过去。你就是那个木匠,在建造“生活”这所房子,每天敲进去一颗钉,加上去一块板,或 者砌起一面墙。有人曾经说过:“生活就是一项diy 的工程”。 你今天的态度与选择决定了你明天会住在什么样的“房子” 里。因此,用你的智慧去建造你的房子吧!





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